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Net Installer
REM Set the value of netfx to install appropriate .NET Framework.
REM ***** To install .NET 4.5.2 set the variable netfx to "NDP452" *****
REM ***** To install .NET 4.6 set the variable netfx to "NDP46" *****
REM ***** To install .NET 4.6.1 set the variable netfx to "NDP461" *****
REM ***** To install .NET 4.6.2 set the variable netfx to "NDP462" *****
REM ***** To install .NET 4.7 set the variable netfx to "NDP47" *****
REM ***** To install .NET 4.7.1 set the variable netfx to "NDP471" *****
REM ***** To install .NET 4.7.2 set the variable netfx to "NDP472" *****
set netfx="NDP472"
REM ***** To install .NET 4.8 set the variable netfx to "NDP48" *****
REM ***** Set script start timestamp *****
set timehour=%time:~0,2%
set timestamp=%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%-%timehour: =0%%time:~3,2%
set "log=install.cmd started %timestamp%."
REM ***** Exit script if running in Emulator *****
if "%ComputeEmulatorRunning%"=="true" goto exit
REM ***** Needed to correctly install .NET 4.6.1, otherwise you may see an out of disk space error *****
set TMP=%PathToNETFXInstall%
set TEMP=%PathToNETFXInstall%
REM ***** Setup .NET filenames and registry keys *****
if %netfx%=="NDP472" goto NDP472
if %netfx%=="NDP471" goto NDP471
if %netfx%=="NDP47" goto NDP47
if %netfx%=="NDP462" goto NDP462
if %netfx%=="NDP461" goto NDP461
if %netfx%=="NDP46" goto NDP46
set "netfxinstallfile=NDP452-KB2901954-Web.exe"
set netfxregkey="0x5cbf5"
goto logtimestamp
set "netfxinstallfile=NDP46-KB3045560-Web.exe"
set netfxregkey="0x6004f"
goto logtimestamp
set "netfxinstallfile=NDP461-KB3102438-Web.exe"
set netfxregkey="0x6040e"
goto logtimestamp
set "netfxinstallfile=NDP462-KB3151802-Web.exe"
set netfxregkey="0x60632"
goto logtimestamp
set "netfxinstallfile=NDP47-KB3186500-Web.exe"
set netfxregkey="0x707FE"
goto logtimestamp
set "netfxinstallfile=NDP471-KB4033344-Web.exe"
set netfxregkey="0x709fc"
goto logtimestamp
set "netfxinstallfile=NDP472-KB4054531-Web.exe"
set netfxregkey="0x70BF6"
goto logtimestamp
REM ***** Setup LogFile with timestamp *****
md "%PathToNETFXInstall%\log"
set startuptasklog="%PathToNETFXInstall%log\startuptasklog-%timestamp%.txt"
set netfxinstallerlog="%PathToNETFXInstall%log\NetFXInstallerLog-%timestamp%"
echo %log% >> %startuptasklog%
echo Logfile generated at: %startuptasklog% >> %startuptasklog%
echo TMP set to: %TMP% >> %startuptasklog%
echo TEMP set to: %TEMP% >> %startuptasklog%
REM ***** Check if .NET is installed *****
echo Checking if .NET (%netfx%) is installed >> %startuptasklog%
set /A netfxregkeydecimal=%netfxregkey%
set foundkey=0
FOR /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=1,2*" %%A in (`reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" /v Release 2^>nul`) do @set /A foundkey=%%C
echo Minimum required key: %netfxregkeydecimal% -- found key: %foundkey% >> %startuptasklog%
if %foundkey% GEQ %netfxregkeydecimal% goto installed
REM ***** Installing .NET *****
echo Installing .NET with commandline: start /wait %~dp0%netfxinstallfile% /q /serialdownload /log %netfxinstallerlog% /chainingpackage "CloudService Startup Task" >> %startuptasklog%
start /wait %~dp0%netfxinstallfile% /q /serialdownload /log %netfxinstallerlog% /chainingpackage "CloudService Startup Task" >> %startuptasklog% 2>>&1
if %ERRORLEVEL%== 0 goto installed
echo .NET installer exited with code %ERRORLEVEL% >> %startuptasklog%
if %ERRORLEVEL%== 3010 goto restart
if %ERRORLEVEL%== 1641 goto restart
echo .NET (%netfx%) install failed with Error Code %ERRORLEVEL%. Further logs can be found in %netfxinstallerlog% >> %startuptasklog%
goto exit
echo Restarting to complete .NET (%netfx%) installation >> %startuptasklog%
shutdown.exe /r /t 5 /c "Installed .NET framework" /f /d p:2:4
echo .NET (%netfx%) is installed >> %startuptasklog%
echo install.cmd completed: %date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%-%timehour: =0%%time:~3,2% >> %startuptasklog%
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