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Created January 8, 2019 06:27
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;; We need this to determine the os.
(require 'leiningen.core.eval)
(def os
;; The os we're using.
(def jvm
;; Our JVM options.
{:common []
:macosx ["-XstartOnFirstThread" "-Djava.awt.headless=true"]
:linux []
:windows []})
(def modules
;; All regular modules.
'[[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]])
(def lwjgl
;; Our LWJGL options.
{:ns "org.lwjgl"
:version "3.2.1"
:modules {"lwjgl" :native
"lwjgl-glfw" :native
"lwjgl-opengl" :native}})
(def jvm-opts
"The final JVM options for the current os."
(vec (set (concat (get jvm :common)
(get jvm os)))))
(def lwjgl-modules
"The final LWJGL dependencies for the current os."
(let [ns (:ns lwjgl)
version (:version lwjgl)]
(apply concat
(for [[module native] (:modules lwjgl)]
(let [prefix [(symbol ns module) version]]
(into [prefix]
(if (not= native :native)
[(into prefix
[:classifier (str "natives-" (name os))
(def dependencies
"The final dependencies for the current os."
(into modules lwjgl-modules))
(defproject megachurch "0.0.0"
:description "The source for my experimental game."
:dependencies ~dependencies
:jvm-opts ^:replace ~jvm-opts
:repl-options {:init-ns game.core}
:main game.core)
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