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Last active January 19, 2019 07:44
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%%matplotlibmatplot inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
import time
from datetime import timedelta
import math
import os
# Use PrettyTensor to simplify Neural Network construction.
import prettytensor as pt
def plot_conv_weightsplot_con (weights, input_channel=0):
# Assume weights are TensorFlow ops for 4-dim variables
# e.g. weights_conv1 or weights_conv2.
# Retrieve the values of the weight-variables from TensorFlow.
# A feed-dict is not necessary because nothing is calculated.
w =
# Print mean and standard deviation.
print("Mean: {0:.5f}, Stdev: {1:.5f}".format(w.mean(), w.std()))
# Get the lowest and highest values for the weights.
# This is used to correct the colour intensity across
# the images so they can be compared with each other.
w_min = np.min(w)
w_max = np.max(w)
# Number of filters used in the conv. layer.
num_filters = w.shape[3]
# Number of grids to plot.
# Rounded-up, square-root of the number of filters.
num_grids = math.ceil(math.sqrt(num_filters))
# Create figure with a grid of sub-plots.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_grids, num_grids)
# Plot all the filter-weights.
for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
# Only plot the valid filter-weights.
if i<num_filters:
# Get the weights for the i'th filter of the input channel.
# The format of this 4-dim tensor is determined by the
# TensorFlow API. See Tutorial #02 for more details.
img = w[:, :, input_channel, i]
# Plot image.
ax.imshow(img, vmin=w_min, vmax=w_max,
interpolation='nearest', cmap='seismic')
# Remove ticks from the plot.
# Ensure the plot is shown correctly with multiple plots
# in a single Notebook cell.
def get_weights_variable(layer_name):
# Retrieve an existing variable named 'weights' in the scope
# with the given layer_name.
# This is awkward because the TensorFlow function was
# really intended for another purpose.
with tf.variable_scope(layer_name, reuse=True):
variable = tf.get_variable('weights')
return variable
weights_conv1weights_  = get_weights_variable(layer_name='layer_conv1')
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