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Created December 1, 2021 21:24
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Create a sym copy of OneDrive that don't touch the on-cloud files.
import pathlib
import winerror
import os
import ctypes
from ctypes import windll, wintypes
kernel32 = windll.kernel32
def GetCompressedFileSize (filepath):
hi = wintypes.DWORD ()
lo = kernel32.GetCompressedFileSizeW (filepath, ctypes.byref (hi))
if lo == 0xffffffff and ctypes.GetLastError != winerror.NO_ERROR:
return -1
return lo + (hi.value * 2 << 31)
Empty = 0
OnDisk = 1
OnCloud = 2
def CollectStatus(s: pathlib.Path):
if s.is_file():
sizeOnDisk = GetCompressedFileSize(str(s))
if sizeOnDisk == 0:
status = OnCloud
status = OnDisk
return status, {s: status}
selfStatus = Empty
descendantStatus = {}
for child in s.iterdir():
childStatus, childDescendantStatus = CollectStatus(child)
selfStatus |= childStatus
descendantStatus[s] = selfStatus
return selfStatus, descendantStatus
def MakeSymCopy(s: pathlib.Path, d: pathlib.Path, statusDict: dict):
if statusDict[s] == OnDisk:
if not d.parent.exists():
print(f"Create folder <{str(d.parent)}>.")
d.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False)
print(f"Create link <{str(d)}>.")
os.symlink(s, d, target_is_directory=s.is_dir())
elif statusDict[s] == OnCloud:
for child in s.iterdir():
MakeSymCopy(child, d /, statusDict)
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = pathlib.Path(r"E:\OneDrive\Photos\Archives")
target = pathlib.Path(r"E:\Personal\Photos\Archives")
_, descendantStatus = CollectStatus(root)
MakeSymCopy(root, target, descendantStatus)
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