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Forked from skuro/
Last active March 11, 2016 13:31
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Lotsa advocaat
(ns advocaat.core)
(def barrels [50 44 11 49 42 46 18 32 26 40 21 7 18 43 10 47 36 24 22 40])
(def advocaat-amount 150)
;; imagine there are only two barrels: [50 44]
;; with these two barrels the complete list of all possible combinations is:
;; 50*0 + 44*0 => 0
;; 50*0 + 44*1 => 44
;; 50*1 + 44*0 => 50
;; 50*1 + 44*1 => 94
;; the combinations can be derived from these bitmaps:
;; 00 = 0
;; 01 = 1
;; 10 = 2
;; 11 = 3
;; an easy way to generate these bitmaps is: (range 4)
;; (range 4) works for 2 bits
;; the generic expression is (range (bit-shift-left 1 nr-of-bits))
;; we have 20 barrels, so, we need all possible bitmaps with 20 bits
;; we need (range (bit-shift-left 1 20)) => 0 .. 1.048.575
;; exercise 1
(defn select
"(select 2) => (false true false false ..)"
(map #(bit-test n %) (range (count barrels))))
(defn sum-of-barrels
"(sum-of-barrels 5) => 61 => (+ 50 11)"
(let [bits (select n)
b (map vector barrels bits)
f (filter second b)]
(reduce + (map first f))))
(defn permutations
"(permutations) => 654"
(let [i (range (bit-shift-left 1 20))
sum (map sum-of-barrels i)]
(count (filter #(= advocaat-amount %) sum))))
;; exercise 2
(defn barrel-combo
"(barrel-combo 5) => [50 11]"
(->> (select n)
(map vector barrels)
(filter second)
(map first)))
(defn permutations2
"(permutations2) => [4 57]"
(->> (bit-shift-left 1 (count barrels))
(map barrel-combo)
(filter #(= advocaat-amount (apply + %)))
(map count)
(sort-by first <)
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