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[Fri Apr 13 11:14:09.029 2012] A4 00070.912.781 errApp: 301 errapp/nfr/cpu (01307) Less than 100000 filehandles left!
[Fri Apr 13 11:14:09.031 2012] A4 00070.918.151 errApp: 301 errapp/nfr/cpu (01244) Process /usr/sbin/udevd (pid: 180) has 12 file handles open.
[Fri Apr 13 11:14:09.033 2012] A4 00070.918.854 errApp: 301 errapp/nfr/cpu (01244) Process /philips/tools/ostracefiforeader (pid: 225) has 21 file handles open.
[Fri Apr 13 11:14:09.035 2012] A4 00070.920.217 errApp: 301 errapp/nfr/cpu (01244) Process /philips/apps/amApp (pid: 276) has 105 file handles open.
[Fri Apr 13 11:14:09.036 2012] A4 00070.931.222 errApp: 301 errapp/nfr/cpu (01289) /proc/trcext: 4 descriptors
[Fri Apr 13 11:14:09.039 2012] A4 00070.931.429 errApp: 301 errapp/nfr/cpu (01289) /mnt/jffs0/boot/am: 4 descriptors
[Fri Apr 13 11:14:09.041 2012] A4 00070.931.581 errApp: 301 errapp/nfr/cpu (01289) /dev: 61 descriptors
[Fri Apr 13 11:14:09.042 2012] A4 00070.931.628 errApp: 301 errapp/nfr/cpu (01289) anon_inode: 6 descriptors
[Fri Apr 13
wvdschel / gist:2250827
Created March 30, 2012 11:09
Trigraph trickery
/* Always change a */
// Do we need to change a??/
foo->a = a;
/* Never change a */
// Do we need to change a??/
if(aChanged) foo->a = a;
wvdschel / gist:2049788
Created March 16, 2012 12:05
memset/memcpy benchmarks
OLD MEMSET: 170963885 loops, 2 bytes/loop, 10 sec, 32 MB/sec
NEW MEMSET: 238815611 loops, 2 bytes/loop, 10 sec, 45 MB/sec
OLD MEMSET: 182202651 loops, 4 bytes/loop, 10 sec, 69 MB/sec
NEW MEMSET: 177544626 loops, 4 bytes/loop, 10 sec, 67 MB/sec
OLD MEMSET: 197814868 loops, 8 bytes/loop, 10 sec, 150 MB/sec
NEW MEMSET: 177487994 loops, 8 bytes/loop, 10 sec, 135 MB/sec
OLD MEMSET: 177510297 loops, 16 bytes/loop, 10 sec, 270 MB/sec
wvdschel / gist:2037681
Created March 14, 2012 16:31
mips memset
### memset2 ###
.macro f_fill64 dst, offset, val, fixup
9: sw \val, (\offset + 0 * 4)(\dst); .section __ex_table,"a"; .word 9b, \fixup; .previous
9: sw \val, (\offset + 1 * 4)(\dst); .section __ex_table,"a"; .word 9b, \fixup; .previous
9: sw \val, (\offset + 2 * 4)(\dst); .section __ex_table,"a"; .word 9b, \fixup; .previous
9: sw \val, (\offset + 3 * 4)(\dst); .section __ex_table,"a"; .word 9b, \fixup; .previous
9: sw \val, (\offset + 4 * 4)(\dst); .section __ex_table,"a"; .word 9b, \fixup; .previous
9: sw \val, (\offset + 5 * 4)(\dst); .section __ex_table,"a"; .word 9b, \fixup; .previous
9: sw \val, (\offset + 6 * 4)(\dst); .section __ex_table,"a"; .word 9b, \fixup; .previous
9: sw \val, (\offset + 7 * 4)(\dst); .section __ex_table,"a"; .word 9b, \fixup; .previous
wvdschel / gist:792977
Created January 24, 2011 08:41
IRC proxy/download throttler combo script
require 'gserver'
require 'timeout'
require 'thread'
class ForwardThread < Thread
MAX_DATA = 1000 * 1024
@@lock =
@@data_sent = 0
wvdschel / gist:743280
Created December 16, 2010 10:53
Duke says "Go ahead, make my day" once news about my scholarship is in.
while(true) do if( curl 2> /dev/null | grep "Dec 2010" ); then amixer sset Master,0 80%,80%; curl > alert.wav; mpg123 alert.wav; break; fi; sleep 2; done
wvdschel / gist:425776
Created June 4, 2010 18:30
An example parentation
(presentation :output "foo.pdf" :width 1024 :height 768
(title "foo")
(image "foo.png" :width 200 :height 200 :caption "A typical foo."))
(title "bar")
"test 1"
"test 2"))