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wvengen /
Created February 26, 2024 11:06
Adding a custom export command to python-ly's ly.server
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# python-ly server that adds an a custom export command
# tested with python-ly version 0.9.8
import copy
from http.server import HTTPServer
wvengen /
Last active October 24, 2023 07:15
Nutriscore SVGs (for use on light background)

Nutriscore SVGs

Nutriscore logo's for use with light background (SVG), extracted from the Nutriscore's corporate graphic charter (dec 2022). For use on light background.


The author (me) does not claim any copyright, these files can be used freely. The logo's are probably in the public domain, though trademark law may apply. IANAL.

wvengen /
Last active November 21, 2024 08:32
Major upgrade PostgreSQL on cloudnative-pg
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Helper script to do major version upgrades of a cloudnative-pg based
# PostgreSQL cluster.
# Usage: python3 <cluster-name> <new-pg-version>
# Example: python3 my-backend-db 17.0
# Make sure to include major and minor version in the pg version.
wvengen /
Last active August 1, 2022 07:08
Using trickle with Flatpak applications

Trickle is a command-line tool to throttle network bandwidth of other applications. You use it on the command-line to start the application. It uses LD_PRELOAD to override network-related calls. As a result, using it with containerized apps, like Flatpak, does not work out of the box.

To get trickle to function with a Flatpak application, the preloaded library needs to be available in the container. And it needs to be compatible with the software in the container (notably, a glibc version that is compatible).

First try

  1. Install trickle on your (host) system, on Debian/Ubuntu that would be apt install trickle.
  2. Make sure you have the flatpak application installed. I'm using com.slack.Slack as an example here.
  3. Run the flatpak application with trickle
wvengen /
Last active January 23, 2023 11:20
Update Metabase DB credentials from Heroku (for PostgreSQL)
# Update database connections in Metabase from Heroku
# Tailor the following variables to your situation, set credentials in ~/.netrc (with: machine, login, password)
# Requirements:
# - curl
# - jq
# - heroku CLI
wvengen /
Last active October 26, 2023 16:17
Scrapy download handler for HTTP/2 over a HTTP/1 proxy (TLS only).
Download handler for HTTP/2 supporting proxy CONNECT over HTTP/1.
You can use this by configuring it in the spider settings:
'https': 'scrapy_h2_proxy.H2DownloadHandler',
Tested with Scrapy 2.5.0.
wvengen /
Created May 21, 2021 08:43
Alternative for Zotero's "Unlink citations" in Google Docs
wvengen / launchpad_x.ctlr
Created June 17, 2020 13:06
Luppp controller definition for the Novation Launchpad X
"name": "Novation Launchpad X",
"author": "wvengen",
"link": "",
"inputBindings": [
"status": 176,
"data": 89,
"action": "grid:launch_scene",
"scene": 0
wvengen / gather-fish-data-fishbase.rb
Last active March 3, 2020 12:27
Enriching ASFIS with Wikidata or FishBase
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# We start with the list at:
# Then we query FishBase (and SeaLifeBase) for the ID and NL name.
# Before running this script, make sure you have the ASFIS spreadsheet,
# and make sure you've created the CACHEDIR directory (which stores all
# requests, so you can run this again without having to wait for the requests).
wvengen /
Last active November 9, 2020 13:18
Seasonality in foods, international data

Buying fruit and vegetables in-season makes a difference in sustainability. What information is there on this, also internationally? Eventually it would be nice to provide this in a common format, so that you can give your country, and find what food products are in-season.

Below are some seasonal calendars. Most are a calendar with what fruits, vegetables (and sometimes other foods) are in-season, per month or per season. This is often tied to local availability. If greenhouses are used to grow, the local option may not be the most sustainable one, only Milieu Centraal appears to talk about this.