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Last active January 1, 2023 20:51
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// As I was considering how to solve the problem, I saw two main paths forward. Either a recursive solution,
// or an iterative solution. The recursive solution was more obvious to me, so that's where I stared. Looking
// at the pyramid, what I saw was that the "longest slide down" from any point was going to be sum of that
// element, plus the "longest slide down" from the max of the left or right options. Visually:
// The pyramid:
4 8
6 9 3
5 1 4 9
// Has a capstone of 7 (the top), and two sub-pyramids
4 8
6 9 and 9 3
5 1 4 1 4 9
// This led to my roughly pseudocoded function with a base case and recursive case:
// function longestSlideDown takes pyramid
// base case
// if pyramid is only 1 row high
// return the capstone
// recursive case
// define the left pyramid
// define the right pyramid
// recurisvely call longestSlideDown on each pyramid
// return the value of the capstone plus the larger of the two slides
// That led to the following:
const { max } = require('ramda')
const longestSlideDown = (pyramid) => {
const height = pyramid.length
const capstone = pyramid[0][0]
const underCapstone = pyramid.slice(1)
if(height == 1) {
return capstone
} else {
const subPyramidLeft = => row.slice(0, row.length - 1))
const subPyramidRight = => row.slice(1))
const longestSlideLeft = capstone + longestSlideDown(subPyramidLeft)
const longestSlideRight = capstone + longestSlideDown(subPyramidRight)
return max(longestSlideLeft, longestSlideRight)
// This works great, if the pyramid is small, however as they pyramid grows this function becomes really
// inefficient. The problem is when the function runs, it ends up caclulating the same slides many times over.
// If you look at the example above, you can see the small sub pyramid of
1 4
// which ends up getting checked more than once. The value isn't changing, the longest slide from 9 is always
// 9 + 4 = 13, which means memoizing it somehow would be helpful. But how to do that in a recursive function?
// Part of the challenge here is that when the function is called recursively, it does so as if it is the top
// of the pyramid. That's by design, but I needed a way for each call to have a sense of where it was in the
// larger pyramid. The only way I could think to do this is with a passed location object, comprised of the row
// of the pyramid, and the index of that row. This changed my code like so:
const { max } = require('ramda')
const longestSlideDown = (pyramid, location = {}) => {
const height = pyramid.length
const capstone = pyramid[0][0]
const underCapstone = pyramid.slice(1)
const row = location.row || 0
const index = location.index || 0
if(height == 1) {
return capstone
} else {
const subPyramidLeft = => row.slice(0, row.length - 1))
const subPyramidRight = => row.slice(1))
const leftLocation = {row: row + 1, index}
const rightLocation = {row: row + 1, index: index + 1}
const longestSlideLeft = capstone + longestSlideDown(subPyramidLeft, leftLocation)
const longestSlideRight = capstone + longestSlideDown(subPyramidRight, rightLocation)
return max(longestSlideLeft, longestSlideRight)
// This solved the problem of not knowing where I was in the pyramid, but that info is only useful if I'm
// memoizing the values that I find at each step. This created an additional problem, because memoized values
// will need to be passed somehow. The way that I thought to do this was with another parameter, memo, that
// pushes in values as max slide are found. I then added the code to check the memo to see if a found max slide
// has been caculated at my current location. This was enough for me to successfully traverse the epic pyramid:
const { max } = require('ramda')
const longestSlideDown = (pyramid, location = {}, memo = []) => {
const height = pyramid.length
const capstone = pyramid[0][0]
const underCapstone = pyramid.slice(1)
const row = location.row || 0
const index = location.index || 0
const foundMax = memo.find(item => (item.row == row && item.index == index))
if(foundMax) {
return foundMax.maxSlide
} else if(height == 1) {
memo.push({row, index, maxSlide: capstone})
return capstone
} else {
const subPyramidLeft = => row.slice(0, row.length - 1))
const subPyramidRight = => row.slice(1))
const leftLocation = {row: row + 1, index}
const rightLocation = {row: row + 1, index: index + 1}
const longestSlideLeft = capstone + longestSlideDown(subPyramidLeft, leftLocation, memo)
const longestSlideRight = capstone + longestSlideDown(subPyramidRight, rightLocation, memo)
const maxSlide = max(longestSlideLeft, longestSlideRight)
memo.push({row, index, maxSlide})
return maxSlide
// There's a functional trade-off happening in this step. I'm modifying the existing parameter of memo in
// place with .push, however, given that I would never actually call the function with that parameter, I decided
// I could live with that. The other way I thought to deal with this necessary impurity was with a wrapper
// function, which looks very similar:
const { max } = require('ramda')
const longestSlideDown = (pyramid) => {
const memo = []
const recursiveLongestSlideDown = (pyramid, location = {}) => {
const height = pyramid.length
const capstone = pyramid[0][0]
const underCapstone = pyramid.slice(1)
const row = location.row || 0
const index = location.index || 0
const foundMax = memo.find(item => (item.row == row && item.index == index))
if(foundMax) {
return foundMax.maxSlide
} else if(height == 1) {
memo.push({row, index, maxSlide: capstone})
return capstone
} else {
const subPyramidLeft = => row.slice(0, row.length - 1))
const subPyramidRight = => row.slice(1))
const leftLocation = {row: row + 1, index}
const rightLocation = {row: row + 1, index: index + 1}
const longestSlideLeft = capstone + recursiveLongestSlideDown(subPyramidLeft, leftLocation, memo)
const longestSlideRight = capstone + recursiveLongestSlideDown(subPyramidRight, rightLocation, memo)
const maxSlide = max(longestSlideLeft, longestSlideRight)
memo.push({row, index, maxSlide})
return maxSlide
return recursiveLongestSlideDown(pyramid)
// After coming up with a recursive solution, my mind turned to the iterative path. While I didn't think
// about it too much at first, this ended up being an easier solution to the problem. I would probably
// also argue that it's the more elegant solution.
// The iterative solution requires thinking about the problem differently. Instead of starting at the top,
// what if we start at the bottom? Consider our same pyramid from before:
4 8
6 9 3
5 1 4 9
// Remember from the recursive solution that we saw each pyramid is just a collection of progressively
// smaller pyramids. In effect, you could think of every element in the bottom row as a 1 row tall pyramid.
// That means that the whole bottom row is a collection of 'longestSlideDown' results already. We can take
// this fact, and combine the last two rows, to get the longestSlideDown from the second to last row.
// Continuing this until we get to the top, will ultimately give us the maxium value:
4 8 7
6 9 3 => 4 8 => 7 =>
5 1 4 9 11 13 12 17 21 28
// To double check: 7 + 8 + 9 + 4 = 28
// So how to code that behavior? Here's the pseudocode:
// function longestSlideDown takes pyramid
// use a rightReduce to start with the last row, a collection greatest possible values from the bottom
// for each iteration of the reduce
// map over the row, and return the maximum slide from that location, using the summarized values from below
// since each row is 1 smaller than the last, we naturally consume the pyramid as we move up
// return the final value from the reduced pyramid
// And here's how that looks coded
const { max } = require('ramda')
const longestSlideDown = (pyramid) => {
return pyramid.reduceRight((greatestSums, row) => {
return, index) => {
const sumLeft = elem + greatestSums[index]
const sumRight = elem + greatestSums[index + 1]
return max(sumLeft, sumRight)
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