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  • Save wvpv/3fea67118700e5d3c37d0d481c43c1a6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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set @l = 0
set @s = buildrowsetfromstring("Baby shark|Mommy shark|Daddy shark|Grandma shark|Grandpa shark|Let's go hunt|Run away|Safe at last|It's the end","|")
for @v=1 to 36 do
set @m=mod(@v,4)
set @l=add(@l,iif(@m==1,1,0))
set @r = row(@s,@l)
set @f = field(@r,1)
outputline(v(@f),iif(@m>0,", doo doo doo doo doo doo","!"))
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