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Created December 18, 2017 14:05
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Simple Kakuro solver in Prolog
% -*- mode: prolog -*-
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
extract_rows([], [], X, Y) :- maplist(reverse, X, Y).
extract_rows([], Y, X, Z) :-
not(Y = []),
maplist(reverse, [Y | X], Z).
extract_rows([X | Xs], Row, Acc, Rows) :-
X = x ->
extract_rows(Xs, [], [Row | Acc], Rows)
extract_rows(Xs, [X], [Row | Acc], Rows)
extract_rows([X | Xs], Row, Acc, Rows) :-
extract_rows(Xs, [X | Row], Acc, Rows).
normalize_row([], X, Y) :- reverse(X, Y).
normalize_row([X | Xs], Ys, Zs) :-
X = x/Y,
normalize_row(Xs, [Y | Ys], Zs).
normalize_row([X | Xs], Ys, Zs) :-
normalize_row(Xs, [X | Ys], Zs).
normalize_row(X, Y) :- normalize_row(X, [], Y).
flip_hv([], Ys, Zs) :- reverse(Ys, Zs).
flip_hv([X | Xs], Ys, Zs) :-
(var(X), ! ; X = x),
flip_hv(Xs, [X | Ys], Zs).
flip_hv([X | Xs], Ys, Zs) :-
X = N/Y,
flip_hv(Xs, [Y/N | Ys], Zs).
flip_hv(X, Y) :- flip_hv(X, [], Y).
merge([], X, X).
merge([X | Xs], Y, Z) :-
merge(Xs, [X | Y], Z).
normalize([], X, X).
normalize([E | Es], Acc, Res) :-
normalize_row(E, NE) ->
normalize(Es, [NE | Acc], Res)
normalize(Es, Acc, Res)
rows([], X, X).
rows([Row | Rows], Acc, Res) :-
extract_rows(Row, [], [], Extracted),
normalize(Extracted, [], Normalized) ->
merge(Normalized, Acc, MAcc),
rows(Rows, MAcc, Res)
rows(Rows, Acc, Res)
solve_sum([Sum | Summands]) :-
sum(Summands, #=, Sum).
solve_sums([X | Xs]) :- solve_sum(X), solve_sums(Xs).
solve(Board) :-
term_variables(Board, Vars),
Vars ins 1..9,
rows(Board, [], Rows),
transpose(Board, TBoard),
maplist(flip_hv, TBoard, RCols),
rows(RCols, [], Cols),
[x , 23/x, 30/x , x , x , 27/x, 12/x, 16/x],
[x/16, A , B , x , 17/24, C , D , E ],
[x/17, F , G , 15/29, F , H , J , K ],
[x/35, L , M , N , O , P , 12/x, x ],
[x , x/7 , Q , R , 7/8 , S , T , 7/x ],
[x , 11/x, 10/16, U , V , W , X , Y ],
[x/21, Z , A1 , B1 , C1 , x/5 , D1 , E1 ],
[x/6 , F1 , G1 , H1 , x , x/3 , I1 , J1 ]
kakuro :-
format('~w~n', [Board]).
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