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Created October 15, 2012 04:11
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plane loops
//I wrote this on a plane from LA to NC because I had no internet connection and was bored
//It's not useful
if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
var window = global;
function each(array, fun){
var length = array.length,
i = 0;
for (; i < length; i++){
var current = array[i];, current, i, array);
function map(array, fun){
var newArray = [];
each(array, function(current, i, array){
newArray.push(, current, i, array));
return newArray;
function filter(array, fun){
var newArray = [],
mine = function(current, i, array){
var result =, current, i, array);
if (result) {
each(array, mine);
return newArray;
function reduce(array, fun, memo){
each(array, function(current, i, array){
memo =, current, memo, memo);
return memo;
function defined(thing){
var current = this;
if (typeof thing === 'string'){
if (thing.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
thing = thing.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < thing.length; i++){
if (typeof current[thing[i]] !== 'undefined') {
current = current[thing[i]];
} else {
return false;
return current;
} else {
current = current[thing];
return typeof current === 'undefined' ? false : current;
} else if (typeof thing !== 'undefined'){
return thing;
function createContinuation(){
var recurseMethod =,
args = arguments,
count = 0,
continuation = function(){
recurseMethod.apply(window, args);
}, continuation);
return function(){
return count;
var timeOutCalls = [
['setTimeout', 0],
var timeoutCounts = map(filter(map(timeOutCalls, function(current){
return reduce(current, function(current, prev){
if (prev === false) {
return false;
} else {
current = defined(current);
return current === false ? false : prev;
}, []);
}), function(current){
return current;
}), function(current){
return createContinuation.apply(window, current);
each(timeoutCounts, function(current){
}, 5000);
//var timeoutCount = createContinuation(setTimeout, 0);
//var immediateCount = createContinuation(setImmediate);
// setInterval(function(){
// console.log('timeout: ' + timeoutCount());
// console.log('immediate: ' + immediateCount());
// console.log('delta: ' + (immediateCount() - timeoutCount()));
// console.log('percentage: ' + (timeoutCount()/immediateCount())*100);
// }, 5000);
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