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Created September 29, 2017 17:25
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apollo generated code.
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import Apollo
/// The episodes in the Star Wars trilogy
public enum Episode: String {
case newhope = "NEWHOPE" /// Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, released in 1977.
case empire = "EMPIRE" /// Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, released in 1980.
case jedi = "JEDI" /// Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, released in 1983.
extension Episode: Apollo.JSONDecodable, Apollo.JSONEncodable {}
public final class HeroAndFriendsQuery: GraphQLQuery {
public static let operationString =
"query HeroAndFriends($episode: Episode) {" +
" hero(episode: $episode) {" +
" __typename" +
" ...heroDetails" +
" }" +
public static var requestString: String { return operationString.appending(HeroDetails.fragmentString) }
public var episode: Episode?
public init(episode: Episode? = nil) {
self.episode = episode
public var variables: GraphQLMap? {
return ["episode": episode]
public struct Data: GraphQLSelectionSet {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Query"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("hero", arguments: ["episode": Variable("episode")], type: .object(Data.Hero.self)),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public init(hero: Hero? = nil) {
self.init(snapshot: ["__typename": "Query", "hero": hero])
public var hero: Hero? {
get {
return (snapshot["hero"]! as! Snapshot?).flatMap { Hero(snapshot: $0) }
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue?.snapshot, forKey: "hero")
public struct Hero: GraphQLSelectionSet {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Human", "Droid"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("__typename", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("name", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public static func makeHuman(name: String, height: Double? = nil) -> Hero {
return Hero(snapshot: ["__typename": "Human", "name": name, "height": height])
public static func makeDroid(name: String, primaryFunction: String? = nil) -> Hero {
return Hero(snapshot: ["__typename": "Droid", "name": name, "primaryFunction": primaryFunction])
public var __typename: String {
get {
return snapshot["__typename"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "__typename")
/// The name of the character
public var name: String {
get {
return snapshot["name"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "name")
public var asDroid: AsDroid? {
get {
if !AsDroid.possibleTypes.contains(__typename) { return nil }
return AsDroid(snapshot: snapshot)
set {
guard let newValue = newValue else { return }
snapshot = newValue.snapshot
public var asHuman: AsHuman? {
get {
if !AsHuman.possibleTypes.contains(__typename) { return nil }
return AsHuman(snapshot: snapshot)
set {
guard let newValue = newValue else { return }
snapshot = newValue.snapshot
public var fragments: Fragments {
get {
return Fragments(snapshot: snapshot)
set {
snapshot = newValue.snapshot
public struct AsDroid: GraphQLFragment {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Droid"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("__typename", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("name", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("primaryFunction", type: .scalar(String.self)),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public init(name: String, primaryFunction: String? = nil) {
self.init(snapshot: ["__typename": "Droid", "name": name, "primaryFunction": primaryFunction])
public var __typename: String {
get {
return snapshot["__typename"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "__typename")
/// What others call this droid
public var name: String {
get {
return snapshot["name"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "name")
/// This droid's primary function
public var primaryFunction: String? {
get {
return snapshot["primaryFunction"]! as! String?
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "primaryFunction")
public var fragments: Fragments {
get {
return Fragments(snapshot: snapshot)
set {
snapshot = newValue.snapshot
public struct Fragments {
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public var heroDetails: HeroDetails {
get {
return HeroDetails(snapshot: snapshot)
set {
snapshot = newValue.snapshot
public struct AsHuman: GraphQLFragment {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Human"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("__typename", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("name", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("height", type: .scalar(Double.self)),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public init(name: String, height: Double? = nil) {
self.init(snapshot: ["__typename": "Human", "name": name, "height": height])
public var __typename: String {
get {
return snapshot["__typename"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "__typename")
/// What this human calls themselves
public var name: String {
get {
return snapshot["name"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "name")
/// Height in the preferred unit, default is meters
public var height: Double? {
get {
return snapshot["height"]! as! Double?
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "height")
public var fragments: Fragments {
get {
return Fragments(snapshot: snapshot)
set {
snapshot = newValue.snapshot
public struct Fragments {
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public var heroDetails: HeroDetails {
get {
return HeroDetails(snapshot: snapshot)
set {
snapshot = newValue.snapshot
public struct Fragments {
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public var heroDetails: HeroDetails {
get {
return HeroDetails(snapshot: snapshot)
set {
snapshot = newValue.snapshot
public final class HeroAndFriendsNamesQuery: GraphQLQuery {
public static let operationString =
"query HeroAndFriendsNames($episode: Episode) {" +
" hero(episode: $episode) {" +
" __typename" +
" name" +
" friends {" +
" __typename" +
" name" +
" }" +
" }" +
public var episode: Episode?
public init(episode: Episode? = nil) {
self.episode = episode
public var variables: GraphQLMap? {
return ["episode": episode]
public struct Data: GraphQLSelectionSet {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Query"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("hero", arguments: ["episode": Variable("episode")], type: .object(Data.Hero.self)),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public init(hero: Hero? = nil) {
self.init(snapshot: ["__typename": "Query", "hero": hero])
public var hero: Hero? {
get {
return (snapshot["hero"]! as! Snapshot?).flatMap { Hero(snapshot: $0) }
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue?.snapshot, forKey: "hero")
public struct Hero: GraphQLSelectionSet {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Human", "Droid"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("__typename", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("name", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("friends", type: .list(.object(Hero.Friend.self))),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public static func makeHuman(name: String, friends: [Friend?]? = nil) -> Hero {
return Hero(snapshot: ["__typename": "Human", "name": name, "friends": friends])
public static func makeDroid(name: String, friends: [Friend?]? = nil) -> Hero {
return Hero(snapshot: ["__typename": "Droid", "name": name, "friends": friends])
public var __typename: String {
get {
return snapshot["__typename"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "__typename")
/// The name of the character
public var name: String {
get {
return snapshot["name"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "name")
/// The friends of the character, or an empty list if they have none
public var friends: [Friend?]? {
get {
return (snapshot["friends"]! as! [Snapshot?]?).flatMap { $ { $0.flatMap { Friend(snapshot: $0) } } }
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue.flatMap { $ { $0.flatMap { $0.snapshot } } }, forKey: "friends")
public struct Friend: GraphQLSelectionSet {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Human", "Droid"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("__typename", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("name", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public static func makeHuman(name: String) -> Friend {
return Friend(snapshot: ["__typename": "Human", "name": name])
public static func makeDroid(name: String) -> Friend {
return Friend(snapshot: ["__typename": "Droid", "name": name])
public var __typename: String {
get {
return snapshot["__typename"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "__typename")
/// The name of the character
public var name: String {
get {
return snapshot["name"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "name")
public final class HeroAppearsInQuery: GraphQLQuery {
public static let operationString =
"query HeroAppearsIn {" +
" hero {" +
" __typename" +
" name" +
" appearsIn" +
" }" +
public init() {
public struct Data: GraphQLSelectionSet {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Query"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("hero", type: .object(Data.Hero.self)),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public init(hero: Hero? = nil) {
self.init(snapshot: ["__typename": "Query", "hero": hero])
public var hero: Hero? {
get {
return (snapshot["hero"]! as! Snapshot?).flatMap { Hero(snapshot: $0) }
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue?.snapshot, forKey: "hero")
public struct Hero: GraphQLSelectionSet {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Human", "Droid"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("__typename", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("name", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("appearsIn", type: .nonNull(.list(.scalar(Episode.self)))),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public static func makeHuman(name: String, appearsIn: [Episode?]) -> Hero {
return Hero(snapshot: ["__typename": "Human", "name": name, "appearsIn": appearsIn])
public static func makeDroid(name: String, appearsIn: [Episode?]) -> Hero {
return Hero(snapshot: ["__typename": "Droid", "name": name, "appearsIn": appearsIn])
public var __typename: String {
get {
return snapshot["__typename"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "__typename")
/// The name of the character
public var name: String {
get {
return snapshot["name"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "name")
/// The movies this character appears in
public var appearsIn: [Episode?] {
get {
return snapshot["appearsIn"]! as! [Episode?]
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "appearsIn")
public final class HeroNameQuery: GraphQLQuery {
public static let operationString =
"query HeroName {" +
" hero {" +
" __typename" +
" name" +
" }" +
public init() {
public struct Data: GraphQLSelectionSet {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Query"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("hero", type: .object(Data.Hero.self)),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public init(hero: Hero? = nil) {
self.init(snapshot: ["__typename": "Query", "hero": hero])
public var hero: Hero? {
get {
return (snapshot["hero"]! as! Snapshot?).flatMap { Hero(snapshot: $0) }
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue?.snapshot, forKey: "hero")
public struct Hero: GraphQLSelectionSet {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Human", "Droid"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("__typename", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("name", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public static func makeHuman(name: String) -> Hero {
return Hero(snapshot: ["__typename": "Human", "name": name])
public static func makeDroid(name: String) -> Hero {
return Hero(snapshot: ["__typename": "Droid", "name": name])
public var __typename: String {
get {
return snapshot["__typename"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "__typename")
/// The name of the character
public var name: String {
get {
return snapshot["name"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "name")
public final class TwoHeroesQuery: GraphQLQuery {
public static let operationString =
"query TwoHeroes {" +
" r2: hero {" +
" __typename" +
" name" +
" }" +
" luke: hero(episode: EMPIRE) {" +
" __typename" +
" name" +
" }" +
public init() {
public struct Data: GraphQLSelectionSet {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Query"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("hero", alias: "r2", type: .object(Data.R2.self)),
Field("hero", alias: "luke", arguments: ["episode": "EMPIRE"], type: .object(Data.Luke.self)),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public init(r2: R2? = nil, luke: Luke? = nil) {
self.init(snapshot: ["__typename": "Query", "r2": r2, "luke": luke])
public var r2: R2? {
get {
return (snapshot["r2"]! as! Snapshot?).flatMap { R2(snapshot: $0) }
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue?.snapshot, forKey: "r2")
public var luke: Luke? {
get {
return (snapshot["luke"]! as! Snapshot?).flatMap { Luke(snapshot: $0) }
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue?.snapshot, forKey: "luke")
public struct R2: GraphQLSelectionSet {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Human", "Droid"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("__typename", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("name", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public static func makeHuman(name: String) -> R2 {
return R2(snapshot: ["__typename": "Human", "name": name])
public static func makeDroid(name: String) -> R2 {
return R2(snapshot: ["__typename": "Droid", "name": name])
public var __typename: String {
get {
return snapshot["__typename"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "__typename")
/// The name of the character
public var name: String {
get {
return snapshot["name"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "name")
public struct Luke: GraphQLSelectionSet {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Human", "Droid"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("__typename", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("name", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public static func makeHuman(name: String) -> Luke {
return Luke(snapshot: ["__typename": "Human", "name": name])
public static func makeDroid(name: String) -> Luke {
return Luke(snapshot: ["__typename": "Droid", "name": name])
public var __typename: String {
get {
return snapshot["__typename"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "__typename")
/// The name of the character
public var name: String {
get {
return snapshot["name"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "name")
public struct HeroDetails: GraphQLFragment {
public static let fragmentString =
"fragment heroDetails on Character {" +
" __typename" +
" name" +
" ... on Droid {" +
" __typename" +
" primaryFunction" +
" }" +
" ... on Human {" +
" __typename" +
" height" +
" }" +
public static let possibleTypes = ["Human", "Droid"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("__typename", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("name", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public static func makeHuman(name: String, height: Double? = nil) -> HeroDetails {
return HeroDetails(snapshot: ["__typename": "Human", "name": name, "height": height])
public static func makeDroid(name: String, primaryFunction: String? = nil) -> HeroDetails {
return HeroDetails(snapshot: ["__typename": "Droid", "name": name, "primaryFunction": primaryFunction])
public var __typename: String {
get {
return snapshot["__typename"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "__typename")
/// The name of the character
public var name: String {
get {
return snapshot["name"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "name")
public var asDroid: AsDroid? {
get {
if !AsDroid.possibleTypes.contains(__typename) { return nil }
return AsDroid(snapshot: snapshot)
set {
guard let newValue = newValue else { return }
snapshot = newValue.snapshot
public var asHuman: AsHuman? {
get {
if !AsHuman.possibleTypes.contains(__typename) { return nil }
return AsHuman(snapshot: snapshot)
set {
guard let newValue = newValue else { return }
snapshot = newValue.snapshot
public struct AsDroid: GraphQLFragment {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Droid"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("__typename", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("name", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("primaryFunction", type: .scalar(String.self)),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public init(name: String, primaryFunction: String? = nil) {
self.init(snapshot: ["__typename": "Droid", "name": name, "primaryFunction": primaryFunction])
public var __typename: String {
get {
return snapshot["__typename"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "__typename")
/// What others call this droid
public var name: String {
get {
return snapshot["name"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "name")
/// This droid's primary function
public var primaryFunction: String? {
get {
return snapshot["primaryFunction"]! as! String?
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "primaryFunction")
public struct AsHuman: GraphQLFragment {
public static let possibleTypes = ["Human"]
public static let selections: [Selection] = [
Field("__typename", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("name", type: .nonNull(.scalar(String.self))),
Field("height", type: .scalar(Double.self)),
public var snapshot: Snapshot
public init(snapshot: Snapshot) {
self.snapshot = snapshot
public init(name: String, height: Double? = nil) {
self.init(snapshot: ["__typename": "Human", "name": name, "height": height])
public var __typename: String {
get {
return snapshot["__typename"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "__typename")
/// What this human calls themselves
public var name: String {
get {
return snapshot["name"]! as! String
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "name")
/// Height in the preferred unit, default is meters
public var height: Double? {
get {
return snapshot["height"]! as! Double?
set {
snapshot.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "height")
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