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Created April 14, 2019 01:17
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# coding=utf8
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import platform
import re
import time
import os
import docker
import json
mirror_prefix = "--registry-mirror="
mirrors = {
"azure": "",
"tencent": "",
"netease": "",
"ustc": "",
"official": "",
"aliyun": "" # use your own aliyun mirror url instead.
docker_config_map = {
"Ubuntu": {
"config": "/etc/default/docker",
"prefix": "DOCKER_OPTS="
"CentOS Linux": {
"config": "/etc/sysconfig/docker",
"prefix": "OPTIONS="
"Deepin": {
"config": "/etc/default/docker",
"prefix": "DOCKER_OPTS="
docker_ce_config_map = {
"Ubuntu": {
"config": "/etc/docker/daemon.json",
"Deepin": {
"config": "/etc/docker/daemon.json",
"Arch": {
"config": "/etc/docker/daemon.json",
def get_dist():
return platform.linux_distribution()[0]
def get_config(dist):
return docker_config_map[dist]["config"]
def get_config_ce(dist):
return docker_ce_config_map[dist]["config"]
def get_prefix(dist):
return docker_config_map[dist]["prefix"]
def get_new_options(option, mirror):
option = option.strip()
quota = option[len(option) - 1]
if mirror_prefix in option:
r1 = re.compile('[\'\"]')
results1 = r1.split(option)
r2 = re.compile('[\s]')
results2 = r2.split(results1[1].strip())
for i in range(len(results2)):
if results2[i].startswith(mirror_prefix):
results2[i] = mirror_prefix + mirror
new_option = results1[0] + quota + " ".join(results2) + quota
new_option = option[:-1] + " " + mirror_prefix + mirror + quota
new_option += "\n"
return new_option
def execute_sys_cmd(cmd):
result = os.system(cmd)
return result
def set_docker_config(mirror):
dist = get_dist()
docker_config = get_config(dist)
prefix = get_prefix(dist)
new_line = ""
options = ""
with open(docker_config, "r") as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith(prefix):
options = get_new_options(line, mirror)
new_line += line
if options == "":
options = prefix + "\'" + mirror_prefix + mirror + "\'"
with open(docker_config, "w") as f:
def set_docker_config_ce(mirror):
dist = get_dist()
docker_config = get_config_ce(dist)
if os.path.exists(docker_config) != True:
# if file not exist, create it first.
os.mknod(docker_config, 0o644)
with open(docker_config, "r") as f:
config_dict = json.load(f)
config_dict[u'registry-mirrors'] = [mirror]
with open(docker_config, "w") as f:
json.dump(config_dict, f)
def restart_docker_daemon():
execute_sys_cmd("systemctl restart docker")
def get_speed(mirror, mirror_url):
client = docker.from_env()
version = client.version()[u'Version']
if "ce" in version:
# try to delete busybox image in case.
execute_sys_cmd("docker rmi registry:2 -f 1> /dev/null 2>&1")
print("pulling registry:2 from {mirror}".format(mirror=mirror))
begin_time = time.time()
execute_sys_cmd("docker pull registry:2 1> /dev/null 2>&1")
end_time = time.time()
cost_time = end_time - begin_time
print("mirror {mirror} cost time: {cost_time}\n".format(mirror=mirror, cost_time=cost_time))
# delete centos images every time.
execute_sys_cmd("docker rmi registry:2 -f 1> /dev/null 2>&1")
return cost_time
#return 204800 / cost_time
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("restart docker daemon")
max_speed = 0
total_time = 0
restart_count = 0
best_mirror = ""
best_mirror_url = ""
for k, v in mirrors.items():
cost_time = get_speed(k, v)
speed = 204800 / cost_time
if speed > max_speed:
max_speed = speed
best_mirror = k
best_mirror_url = v
restart_count += 1
total_time += cost_time
if restart_count >= 2 and total_time < 60:
#to avoid the error of docker daeom: Start request repeated too quickly
print("oh.. docker daemon restart too quickly, have a rest")
restart_count = 0
total_time = 0
print("best mirror is: {mirror}, set docker config and restart docker daemon now.".format(mirror=best_mirror))
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