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Created October 6, 2020 11:04
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Unless error macro
(defmacro unless-error->
"Unless expr is a map like {:error xxx}, threads it into the first form (via ->),
and unless that result is a map like {:error xxx}, through the next etc"
[expr & forms]
(let [g (gensym)
steps (map (fn [step] `(if (:error ~g) ~g (~step ~g)))
`(let [~g ~expr
~@(interleave (repeat g) (butlast steps))]
~(if (empty? steps)
(last steps)))))
(defn boo [x]
(println "boo:" x)
{:error "boo"})
(defn foo [x]
(println "foo:" x)
(:name x))
(defn moo [x]
(println "moo:" x)
(str/upper-case x))
(unless-error-> {:name "trump"} foo boo moo)
(unless-error-> {:name "trump"}
(fn [x] x)
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