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Last active December 16, 2015 18:58
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Seven Languages in Seven Weeks - Io. Fibonacci number, using recursion and loops; Change built-in behavior so that divide by zero returns 0. Sum values in a two-dimensional list; Implement slot method myAverage on list primitive which returns the average of a list and throws an exception i…
oldDivision := Number getSlot("/")
Number / := method( a,
if( a <= 0, 0, self oldDivision( a ) )
writeln( 1 / 2 ) # prints "0.5"
writeln( 1 / 1 ) # prints "1"
writeln( 1 / 0 ) # prints "0"
# implemented with recursion
fib := method( i,
if(i > 2, fib(i-2) + fib(i-1), 1)
# implemented with loops
fib2 := method( i,
a := 1; b := 1; c := 0; j := 1;
while(j < i,
c = a + b; a = b; b = c; j = j + 1;
fib(6) println # prints "8"
fib2(7) println # prints "13"
List myAverage := method(
self size == 0,
Exception raise("The list is empty!"),
total := 0;
self foreach(i, v,
total = total + v
total / self size
newList := list(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
newList myAverage println
newList2 := list()
newList2 myAverage println
sumMatrix := method( list,
total := 0;
list foreach( i, v,
v foreach( j, w,
w println;
total = total + w
dummy := list(
sumMatrix( dummy ) println
Trix := Object clone
Trix dim := method( x, y,
self thislist := list()
for(i, 1, y,
self thislist append(
subList := list();
for(j, 1, x,
subList append(nil)
Trix set := method( x, y, val,
yList := thislist at(y - 1);
yList atPut(x - 1, val)
Trix get := method( x, y, val,
yList := thislist at(y - 1);
yList at(x - 1)
Trix println := method(
thislist println
trix := Trix clone
trix dim(3,4)
trix println
trix set(2, 1, 7)
trix set(1, 3, 5)
trix println
trix get(1, 3) println
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