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Created November 10, 2017 00:50
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This is a small extension I wrote in the Maple programming language during a summer research project in 2017. Maple is a C-like programming language.
# Last updated: July 31 2017
# Author: Caroline Lin
# Written for Maple 2016, on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS.
# Typical usage
# Comments
# * for approximate case, inequalities must be specified in terms of the approximated functions
# e.g. f(u) <> 3 should be replaced by f(v[0][0]) <> 3
# otherwise rifsimp will error later on.
printCasenum := proc(rifcases)
return rifcases[casecount];
end proc;
# print the output of rifsimp with cases in an easy-to-read manner.
printCases := proc(rifcases, limit := NULL, verbose := true, lowlim := 1)
local i, uplim;
uplim := min(limit, rifcases[casecount]);
for i from lowlim to uplim do
print("=================================== CASE", i, "=========================================");
if verbose = true then
end if;
end do;
end proc;
# print the output of a list of equations.
printEqns := proc(equations)
local i;
for i from 1 to nops(equations) do
end do;
end proc;
# top-level single PDE. system is determining system, rifresults are the result of rifsimp.
symSolve := proc(x, y, eqn, ineqs := [], p := 1, epsilon := NULL, cases := false)
local system, tosolve, rifresults, i;
if epsilon <> false then
printf("CHECK: Approximate case \n");
system, tosolve := op(approximate(x, y, eqn, p, epsilon));
printf("CHECK: Exact case \n");
system, tosolve := eqn, y;
end if;
if epsilon <> false then print("APPROXIMATE: System has been approximated to order ", p); end if;
print("SOLVING FOR:", tosolve);
system := determine(x, tosolve, system);
rifresults := _eliminate([op(x), op(tosolve)], system[2], [op(system[1]), op(ineqs)], cases);
return system, rifresults;
end proc;
# top-level function for systems of PDEs.
systemOverhead := proc()
printf("Function not yet implemented");
end proc;
# replace PDE with power-series approximation in epsilon.
# The unknown functions in list 'y' are replaced with coefficient functions.
approximate := proc(x::list, y::list, eqn, p, epsilon)
local modified, i, pol;
global v; # v is global because I'm paranoid about local values of v interfering with
unassign(v); # the return of this function
modified := eqn;
if not has(eqn, y) and not has(eqn, x) then
WARNING("Supplied equation %1 does not contain the specified variables", eqn);
end if;
# Substitute order-p polynomial approximations into 'modified'.
for i from 1 to nops(y) do
pol[i] := add(v[i - 1][j](op(x)) * epsilon^j, j=0..p); # v is just an arbitrary table of functions.
modified := subs(y[i](op(x)) = pol[i], modified);
end do;
modified := lhs(modified) - rhs(modified); # conv. eqn to expr
modified := taylor(modified, epsilon, p + 1); # Make taylor series in epsilon. Groups terms by power of epsilon.
modified := convert(modified, polynom); # delete the Order term by converting type Series -> Polynomial
return [extractSystem(modified, epsilon), componentFunctions(v, nops(y) - 1, p)];
end proc;
# (hidden) helper method
componentFunctions := proc(v, row, col)
return [seq(seq(v[i][j], i = 0 .. row), j = 0 .. col)];
end proc;
# (hidden) helper method
# The coefficients of a perturbed PDE are also PDEs. Extract the set (system) of PDEs given by the coefficients.
extractSystem := proc(approx_pert, epsilon)
local system;
system := [coeffs(approx_pert, epsilon)];
system := [seq(system[i] = 0, i = 1 .. nops(system))]; # turn exprs into eqns.
return system;
end proc;
# Call DeterminingSystem (linear conditions for symmetries of PDE system).
determine := proc(x, y, system)
local xis, etas, generators;
global xi, eta;
unassign(xi); unassign(eta); # reserve xi and eta.
xis := [seq(xi[i](op(x), op(y)), i = 1 .. nops(x))];
etas := [seq(eta[i](op(x), op(y)), i = 1 .. nops(y))];
generators := [op(xis), op(etas)];
userinfo(2, `GENERATORS:`, generators);
return [DeterminingPDE(system, generators, integrabilityconditions = false), generators];
end proc;
# Call rifsimp. Wrapper deals with multiple cases.
_eliminate := proc(x, y, system, cases := false)
local rifresults;
# syntax: rifsimp( system, dependent varables, options.)
if cases = true then
rifresults := DEtools[rifsimp](system, y, casesplit);
rifresults := table([1 = DEtools[rifsimp](system, y), casecount = 1]);
end if;
return rifresults;
end proc;
# [Not in use] used to be called by _eliminate, but pdsolve errors out too much
simplesolve := proc(x, y, system)
local solutions, degfreedom, _initialdata;
solutions := NULL; degfreedom := NULL;
_initialdata := DEtools[initialdata](system);
solutions := pdsolve(system, y); # syntax: pdsolve(system, y)
print("************* error **************");
print("_ELIMINATE: error occurred while trying to pdsolve");
print("************* end error *************");
end try;
return [solutions, _initialdata];
end proc:
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