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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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simrank use numpy
import numpy as np
# normalize 歸一化 sum(0)為每一點被連接點個數的陣列
def normalize(G):
s = G.sum(0)
return G/s
simrank 公式:
S = C*(W^T ∙ S ∙ W)+(1-C) ∙ I
S 相似度陣列
C 阻尼係數
W normalize後的圖鄰接矩陣
I 單位矩陣
S 相似度陣列的初始值(單位矩陣)
I 單位矩陣,S相似度陣列的初始值(單位矩陣)
G 圖鄰接矩陣
n 陣列 row or column 長度
t 為避免無限遞迴(封閉圖形)之次數
def simrank(G,C,n,t=10):
S = np.identity(n)
I = np.identity(n)
G = normalize(G)
i = 1
for a in range(t):
S = C *,S),G) + (1-C) * I
# S(a,b) 如果a=b S則為1
for j in range(n):
S[j][j] = 1
return S
C = 0.8
""" univ """
n = 5
G = np.zeros((n,n))
G[0][1] = 1
G[0][2] = 1
G[1][3] = 1
G[2][4] = 1
G[3][0] = 1
G[4][2] = 1
S = simrank(G,C,n)
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