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Created May 16, 2016 18:26
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-- Reaktor orbital challenge solution
-- Will Yager
import Data.Map (Map, keys, (!), fromList)
import Data.Set (Set, empty, notMember, insert)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
data Cartesian = Cartesian Double Double Double deriving (Eq, Show)
data Polar = Polar {lat :: Double, lon :: Double, alt :: Double} deriving (Show)
data Line = Line {a :: Cartesian, b :: Cartesian}
data ID = Start | ID Int | End deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Tree = Tree ID [Tree] deriving (Show)
data Path = Path [ID] deriving (Show)
-- Finds a shortest path (number of hops) to id, if it exists.
shortestPathTo :: ID -> Tree -> Maybe Path
shortestPathTo id tree = find (endsWith id) (pathsFrom tree)
endsWith id (Path (sat:_)) | sat == id = True
endsWith id _ = False
-- Does a breadth-first traversal of all paths
pathsFrom :: Tree -> [Path]
pathsFrom tree = map snd . concat . takeWhile (not . null) $ allPaths
where allPaths = iterate expand [([tree],Path [])]
-- Calculate the next layer of paths in the path tree
expand :: [([Tree], Path)] -> [([Tree], Path)]
expand paths = do
(trees, Path steps) <- paths
Tree new trees' <- trees
return (trees', Path (new : steps))
-- Generate a map from satellite to its visible neighbors
visibleFrom :: Map ID Cartesian -> Map ID [ID]
visibleFrom satellites = fmap visible satellites
visible origin = filter (not . earthIntersects . Line origin . toSatellite) sats
sats = keys satellites
toSatellite sat = satellites ! sat
-- Generate a tree of all paths
treeFrom :: Map ID [ID] -> ID -> Tree
treeFrom = treeFrom' empty
-- Helper function for treeFrom. Prevents cycles in the graph.
treeFrom' :: Set ID -> Map ID [ID] -> ID -> Tree
treeFrom' visited visible start = Tree start branches
visited' = insert start visited
new = filter (`notMember` visited') (visible ! start)
branches = map (treeFrom' visited' visible) new
p2c :: Polar -> Cartesian
p2c (Polar lat lon r) = Cartesian x y z
where θ = lat * pi / 180
ϕ = lon * pi / 180
x = r * cos θ * cos ϕ
y = r * cos θ * sin ϕ
z = r * sin θ
(Cartesian a b c) • (Cartesian x y z) = a*x + b*y + c*z
(Cartesian a b c) `sub` (Cartesian x y z) = Cartesian (a-x) (b-y) (c-z)
(Cartesian a b c) `plus` (Cartesian x y z) = Cartesian (a+x) (b+y) (c+z)
scale v (Cartesian a b c) = Cartesian (a*v) (b*v) (c*v)
origin :: Cartesian
origin = Cartesian 0 0 0
closestToOrigin :: Line -> Double
closestToOrigin (Line a b)
| c1 <= 0 = norm origin a
| c2 <= c1 = norm origin b
| otherwise = norm origin p
v = b `sub` a
w = origin `sub` a
c1 = w • v
c2 = v • v
norm a b = sqrt (square (a `sub` b))
square v = v • v
bs = c1 / c2
p = a `plus` (scale bs v)
-- Assumes sphere origin is at (0,0,0) with radius of 6371
earthIntersects :: Line -> Bool
earthIntersects line = closestToOrigin line < 6371
parseSat :: [String] -> (ID, Cartesian)
parseSat ['S':'A':'T':id,lat,lon,alt] = (ID (read id), p2c polar)
where polar = Polar (read lat) (read lon) (read alt + 6371)
parseEnd :: [String] -> (Cartesian, Cartesian)
parseEnd ["ROUTE", lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2] = (p2c polar1, p2c polar2)
where polar1 = Polar (read lat1) (read lon1) 6371.01 -- Assume 10 meters agl
polar2 = Polar (read lat2) (read lon2) 6371.01 -- Assume 10 meters agl
main = do
let process = tail . map (splitOn ",") . lines
input <- process <$> readFile "data.csv"
let sats = map parseSat $ init input
let (start, end) = parseEnd $ last input
let locs = fromList $ (Start,start):(End,end):sats
let visibility = visibleFrom locs
let startTree = treeFrom visibility Start
let shortest = shortestPathTo End startTree
case shortest of
Nothing -> print "There is no path."
Just (Path steps) -> do
let format (ID id) = "SAT" ++ show id ++ ","
putStrLn . init . concatMap format . tail . reverse . tail $ steps
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