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Created July 5, 2015 20:30
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Fractal program
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Prelude hiding (writeFile)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
import Data.Array (Array)
import Data.Array.IO (IOArray)
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
import Data.Array.IArray (IArray, bounds, (!))
import Data.Array.ST (STArray, runSTArray, runSTUArray)
import Data.Array.MArray (MArray, newArray, getBounds, freeze, readArray, writeArray)
import Data.Ix (Ix, inRange)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, (<>), mempty, mappend, Sum)
import Data.Fixed (mod')
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Codec.Picture (Pixel, Image, generateImage, Pixel8)
import Codec.Picture.Png (encodePng)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString, writeFile)
data Fractal o = Fractal { output :: o , successors :: [Fractal o] }
data ColorPoint p c = ColorPoint {location :: p, color :: c}
data RGB = RGB {r :: !Double, g :: !Double, b :: !Double}
data Bounds i = Bounds i i
instance Monoid RGB where
mempty = RGB 0 0 0
mappend (RGB ra ga ba) (RGB rb gb bb) = RGB (ra+rb) (ga+gb) (ba+bb)
instance Monoid Double where
mempty = 0
mappend = (+)
data F1State = F1State Double (Int, Int) Double
fractal1gen :: F1State -> Fractal (ColorPoint (Int, Int) Double)
fractal1gen (F1State intensity (x,y) direction) = Fractal current nexts
current = ColorPoint (x,y) intensity
nexts = map fractal1gen newStates
newStates = catMaybes $ map toState deltas
deltas = filter (/=(0,0)) [(dx,dy) | dx <- [-3..3], dy <- [-3..3]]
toState (dx,dy) = if intensity' > 0.001
then Just $ F1State intensity' (x+dx,y+dy) direction'
else Nothing
intensity' = 0.99 * intensity * directionality * falloff
direction' = (direction + 0.1) `mod'` (2 * pi)
directionality = exp (negate ((3 * angleDifference)^2))
angleDifference = angle - direction
angle = atan2 (fromIntegral dy) (fromIntegral dx) `mod'` (2 * pi)
falloff = 1.0 / sqrt ((fromIntegral dx)^2 + (fromIntegral dy)^2)
fractal1 :: Fractal (ColorPoint (Int, Int) Double)
fractal1 = fractal1gen (F1State 1.0 (0,0) 0.0)
nearbyes :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nearbyes (x,y) = filter (/=(x,y)) [(x+dx, y+dy) | dx <- [-3..3], dy <- [-3..3]]
-- `c` is the "Color" type and `i` is the coordinate type.
-- Example color: `Sum Double` (See `Data.Monoid`'s `Sum` type.)
-- Example coordinate: (Int, Int)
render :: (Monoid c, Ix i) => Bounds i -> Fractal (ColorPoint i c) -> Array i c
render (Bounds a b) f = runSTArray $ do
image <- newArray (a,b) mempty
render' 100 image f
return image
renderIO :: forall i c .(Monoid c, Ix i) => Bounds i -> Fractal (ColorPoint i c) -> IO (Array i c)
renderIO (Bounds a b) f = do
image <- newArray (a,b) mempty :: IO (IOArray i c)
render' 100 image f
freeze image
renderUnboxed :: (Ix i) => Bounds i -> Fractal (ColorPoint i Double) -> UArray i Double
renderUnboxed (Bounds a b) f = runSTUArray $ do
image <- newArray (a,b) mempty
render' 100 image f
return image
-- `c` is the "Color" type, `a` is the array type,
-- `m` is the monad we're calculating the mutable array in,
-- and `i` is the coordinate type.
-- Example color: `Sum Double` (See `Data.Monoid`'s `Sum` type.)
-- Example array: STArray, STUArray, IOArray
-- Example monad: ST, IO
-- Example coordinate: (Int, Int)
render' :: (Monoid c, MArray a c m, Ix i) =>
Int -> a i c -> Fractal (ColorPoint i c) -> m ()
render' 0 _ _ = return () -- Depth exceeded
render' n array (Fractal (ColorPoint i c) successors) = do
bounds <- getBounds array
if inRange bounds i
then do
old <- readArray array i
writeArray array i $! (old <> c) -- trace "ayy" (old <> c)
mapM_ (render' (n-1) array) successors
else return ()
arrayToImage :: (IArray a c, Pixel p) => (c -> p) -> a (Int, Int) c -> Image p
arrayToImage f arr = generateImage getPixel dimx dimy
getPixel x y = f $ arr ! (x + minx, y + miny)
((minx, miny), (maxx, maxy)) = bounds arr
(dimx, dimy) = (maxx - minx, maxy - miny)
doubleArrayToPNG :: Array (Int, Int) Double -> ByteString
doubleArrayToPNG arr = encodePng $ arrayToImage toPixel8 arr
where toPixel8 double = round (double * 255) :: Pixel8
--fsum = foldl' (\count val -> if val > 0 then count+1 else count) 0
main = do
let png = doubleArrayToPNG $ render (Bounds (-100, -100) (100, 100)) fractal1
writeFile "out.png" png
--main = do
-- result <- renderIO (Bounds (-100, -100) (100, 100)) fractal1
-- print . fsum $ result
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