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Created December 20, 2014 21:33
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Simple PID controller simulator
// PV :: process variable. Current measurement
// SP :: Setpoint. Desired measurement.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct {
double previous;
} derivative_context;
typedef struct {
double sum;
} integral_context;
typedef struct {
const double setpoint;
const double proportional_gain; //Kp
const double integral_gain; //Ki
const double derivative_gain; // Kd
integral_context error_integral;
derivative_context error_derivative;
} pid_context;
double integrate(integral_context* context, double error){
context->sum += error;
return context->sum;
double differentiate(derivative_context* context, double error){
double result = error - context->previous;
context->previous = error;
return result;
double u(pid_context* context, double sample){
const double error = context->setpoint - sample;
const double proportional = context->proportional_gain * error;
const double integral = context->integral_gain * integrate(&context->error_integral, error);
const double derivative = context->derivative_gain * differentiate(&context->error_derivative, error);
//printf("pro: %f int: %f der: %f\n", proportional, integral, derivative);
return proportional + integral + derivative;
typedef struct {
double x_pos;
double velocity;
} object;
typedef struct {
double gravity;
object ball;
} physical_system;
void step(physical_system* system, double angle, double dt){
double acceleration = system->gravity * sin(angle);
double dv = acceleration * dt;
double dx = (system->ball.velocity + (dv / 2)) * dt;
system->ball.velocity += dv;
system->ball.x_pos += dx;
double bound(double a, double b, double x){
if(x < a) return a;
if(x > b) return b;
return x;
int main(int argc, char** argv){
const double delta_t = .001; // Time between samples
const double gain = .0001;
pid_context context = {
.setpoint = 85,
.proportional_gain = gain,
.integral_gain = 0, //gain*(.1)*delta_t,
.derivative_gain = gain*(50)/delta_t,
.error_integral = {},
.error_derivative = {}
physical_system environment = {
.gravity = 9.8,
.ball = {
.x_pos = 11.0,
.velocity = 10,
for(long i = 0; i<1000000; i++){
double angle = bound(-1, 1, u(&context, environment.ball.x_pos));
step(&environment, angle, delta_t);
int location = (int) environment.ball.x_pos;
int px = 0;
//printf("Ball pos: %f Ball velocity: %f\n Platform angle: %f\n", environment.ball.x_pos, environment.ball.velocity, angle);
return 0;
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