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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Save wyager/df1809badc7c6a75cd5f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- A first exploration into ST freeze/thaw fusion.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, MultiParamTypeClasses, BangPatterns #-}
import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as M
import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad, PrimState)
data Matrix a = Matrix {unMatrix :: V.Vector a}
data MMatrix s a = MMatrix (M.MVector s a)
class Freezable f t where
freeze :: PrimMonad m => t (PrimState m) a -> m (f a)
thaw :: PrimMonad m => f a -> m (t (PrimState m) a)
instance Freezable V.Vector M.MVector where
freeze = V.freeze
thaw = V.thaw
instance Freezable Matrix MMatrix where
freeze (MMatrix v) = fmap Matrix (freeze v)
thaw (Matrix v) = fmap MMatrix (thaw v)
runM :: (Freezable f t, PrimMonad m) => (t (PrimState m) a -> m ()) -> f a -> m (f a)
runM op m = do
m' <- thaw m
op m'
freeze m'
"runFusion" forall
(op2 :: (forall s . t s a -> ST s ()))
(op1 :: (forall s . t s a -> ST s ()))
m .
run op2 (run op1 m) = run (\m' -> op1 m' >> op2 m') m
{-# NOINLINE run #-}
run :: (Freezable f t) => (forall s . t s a -> ST s ()) -> f a -> f a
run op m = runST (runM op m)
add1 :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a
add1 = run add1ST
add1ST :: Num a => MMatrix s a -> ST s ()
add1ST (MMatrix v) = add1ST' 0 (M.length v)
add1ST' !n !l
| n == l = return ()
| otherwise = do
!elem <- v n -- Using M.modify is lazy (which is slow here)
!elem' <- return (elem + 1)
M.write v n elem'
add1ST' (n+1) l
main = do
let huge = Matrix (V.replicate (1000*1000*10) 0) :: Matrix Int
print . V.sum . unMatrix $ (add1 . add1 . add1 . add1) huge
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