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Last active July 3, 2022 18:44
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Example of generating Tor onions using the new ED25519-v3 format
// Example of generating Tor onion using the new ED25519-v3 format
package main
import (
// Hidden service version
const version = byte(0x03)
// Salt used to create checkdigits
const salt = ".onion checksum"
func main() {
pub, pri, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Address:", getServiceID(pub)+".onion")
fmt.Println("Private Key:", expandKey(pri))
// Expand ed25519.PrivateKey to (a || RH) form, return base64
func expandKey(pri ed25519.PrivateKey) string {
h := sha512.Sum512(pri[:32])
// Set bits so that h[:32] is private scalar "a"
h[0] &= 248
h[31] &= 127
h[31] |= 64
// Since h[32:] is RH, h is now (a || RH)
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h[:])
func getCheckdigits(pub ed25519.PublicKey) []byte {
// Calculate checksum sha3(".onion checksum" || publicKey || version)
checkstr := []byte(salt)
checkstr = append(checkstr, pub...)
checkstr = append(checkstr, version)
checksum := sha3.Sum256(checkstr)
return checksum[:2]
func getServiceID(pub ed25519.PublicKey) string {
// Construct onion address base32(publicKey || checkdigits || version)
checkdigits := getCheckdigits(pub)
combined := pub[:]
combined = append(combined, checkdigits...)
combined = append(combined, version)
serviceID := base32.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(combined)
return strings.ToLower(serviceID)
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ageis commented Apr 17, 2021

Does this accept existing public v3 .onion address as $ARGV[1] or something, or do I need to hack it? apologies, haven't written much Go lately.

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stokito commented Jul 3, 2022

@ageis it's just generates an onion domain and it's private key. But the public key is not stored.

You can try my version vanity onion generator (note the branch is optimization )

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