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Last active May 1, 2017 23:04
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Traveling Salesman
# AgentBase is Free Software, available under GPL v3 or any later version.
# Original AgentScript code @ 2013, 2014 Owen Densmore and RedfishGroup LLC.
# AgentBase (c) 2014, Wybo Wiersma.
# Traveling Salesman demonstrates a Traveling Sales Person solution
# via a Genetic Algorithm showing the rapid conversion of stochastic
# methods.
u = ABM.util
class ABM.TravelingSalesmanModel extends ABM.Model
setup: ->
@agentBreeds ["nodes", "travelers"]
# no optimizations: 44fps
@refreshPatches = false # for static patches
@refreshAgents = false # for static agents
# globals
@nodeCount = 50
@travelersCount = 100
@growPopulation = true
@useInversion = true
@bestTourNodes = []
@bestTourLength = 0
@bestTourTick = 0
@stopTickDifference = 500
@animator.setRate 10, true
# defaults
@patches.setDefault "color", u.color.yellow
@nodes.setDefault "shape", "circle"
@nodes.setDefault "color",
@nodes.setDefault "heading", 0 # override promotion to random angle
@travelers.setDefault "hidden", true
@links.setDefault "color",
@setupNode n for n in @nodes.create @nodeCount
@createTourLinks @nodes #()
@bestTourLength = @links.reduce ((sum,l) -> sum + l.length()), 0
@travelers.create @travelersCount, (a) => @setupTraveler(a)
setupNode: (agent) =>
agent.moveTo @patches.randomPoint()
while @nodes.neighboring(agent, radius: 2).any()
agent.moveTo @patches.randomPoint()
setupTraveler: (agent) =>
agent.tourNodes = @nodes.clone().shuffle() # ()
agent.tourLength = @lengthFromNodes agent.tourNodes
step: ->
console.log @animator.toString() if @animator.ticks % 100 is 0
for agent in @travelers #()
@makeTour agent
if (@animator.ticks - @bestTourTick) is @stopTickDifference
console.log "Stopping at tick #{@animator.ticks} after no change " +
"in #{@stopTickDifference} ticks"
console.log "Best tour: #{@bestTourLength} at tick #{@bestTourTick}"
createTourLinks: (nodeList) ->
@links.create nodeList[0], nodeList.last()
for i in [1...nodeList.length]
@links.create nodeList[i], nodeList[i - 1]
lengthFromNodes: (nodeList) ->
len = nodeList[0].distance(nodeList.last().position)
for i in [1...nodeList.length]
len += nodeList[i].distance(nodeList[i - 1].position)
installBestTour: ->
while @travelers.length > @travelersCount
a = @travelers.min("tourLength")
if a.tourLength < @bestTourLength
@reportNewTour a
@bestTourLength = a.tourLength
@bestTourNodes = a.tourNodes
@bestTourTick = @animator.ticks
@createTourLinks @bestTourNodes
makeTour: (agent) ->
if @useInversion
nlist = @inversionStrategy agent
nlist = @randomStrategy agent
len = @lengthFromNodes nlist
if @growPopulation
agent.hatch 1, @travelers, (agent) =>
agent.tourNodes = nlist
agent.tourLength = len
if len < a.tourLength
a.tourNodes = nlist
a.tourLength = len
randomStrategy: (a) ->
inversionStrategy: (a) ->
ABM.Set.from @newInversion a.tourNodes
newInversion: (nlist) ->
len = nlist.length
i = u.randomInt len - 1
len = 2 + u.randomInt len - i - 2
[].concat (nlist.slice 0, i),
(nlist.slice i, i + len).reverse(),
(nlist.slice i + len)
reportNewTour: (agent) ->
console.log "new best tour at tick #{@animator.ticks}: " +
"#{agent.tourLength} by traveler #{}"
window.model = new ABM.TravelingSalesmanModel {
div: "world",
patchSize: 16,
mapSize: 28
# Uses the AgentBase library (03-02-2017 release)
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