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Last active May 1, 2017 23:04
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Preferential Attachment
# AgentBase is Free Software, available under GPL v3 or any later version.
# Original AgentScript code @ 2013, 2014 Owen Densmore and RedfishGroup LLC.
# AgentBase (c) 2014, Wybo Wiersma.
# Preferential Attachment models a dynamic graph where new links
# preferentially attach to the nodes that have the most links. This
# results in a power-law distribution.
u = ABM.util
class ABM.PreferentialAttachmentModel extends ABM.Model
setup: ->
@refreshPatches = false # for static patches
# globals
@circleLayout = true
@histogram = []
@stopTick = 400
# defaults
@agents.setDefault "shape", "circle"
@links.setDefault "thickness", .75 # Easier to see thiner link
@agents.create 1
@makeNode @agents[0]
step: ->
@makeNode @findPartner()
for agent in @agents
agent.size = Math.sqrt agent.linkNeighbors().length
@agents.formCircle @patches.max.x * 0.9
@histogram = @agents.histogram 1, (agent) ->
if @animator.ticks % 25 is 0
console.log "Tick: #{@animator.ticks} Histogram: [#{@histogram}]"
if @animator.ticks is @stopTick
(console.log "Stopping at stopTick: #{@animator.ticks}"; @stop())
makeNode: (toNode) ->
@agents.create 1, (agent) =>
@links.create agent, toNode
agent.moveTo toNode.position
agent.forward 8
findPartner: ->
window.model = new ABM.PreferentialAttachmentModel {
div: "world",
patchSize: 5,
mapSize: 90
# Uses the AgentBase library (03-02-2017 release)
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