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Created February 11, 2014 07:44
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//#set_loc(1, "examples/rust/atoi.rl");
//#set_loc(5, "examples/rust/");
static _atoi_actions: &'static [i8] = &[
0, 1, 0, 1, 1
static _atoi_key_offsets: &'static [i8] = &[
0, 0, 4, 6, 9
static _atoi_trans_keys: &'static [u8] = &[
43, 45, 48, 57, 48, 57, 10, 48, 57, 0
static _atoi_single_lengths: &'static [i8] = &[
0, 2, 0, 1, 0
static _atoi_range_lengths: &'static [i8] = &[
0, 1, 1, 1, 0
static _atoi_index_offsets: &'static [i8] = &[
0, 0, 4, 6, 9
static _atoi_trans_targs: &'static [i8] = &[
2, 2, 3, 0, 3, 0, 4, 3, 0, 0, 0
static _atoi_trans_actions: &'static [i8] = &[
0, 1, 3, 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0
static atoi_start: int = 1;
static atoi_first_final: int = 3;
static atoi_error: int = 0;
static atoi_en_main: int = 1;
//#set_loc(4, "examples/rust/atoi.rl");
fn atoi(data: &str) -> Option<int> {
let mut cs: int;
let mut p = 0;
let pe = data.len();
let mut neg = false;
let mut res = 0;
//#set_loc(57, "examples/rust/");
cs = atoi_start;
//#set_loc(62, "examples/rust/");
let mut _klen: int;
let mut _trans = 0;
let mut _acts: int;
let mut _nacts: int;
let mut _keys: int;
let mut _goto_targ = 0;
'_goto: loop {
match _goto_targ {
0 => {
if p == pe {
_goto_targ = 4;
continue '_goto;
if cs == 0 {
_goto_targ = 5;
continue '_goto;
_goto_targ = 1;
continue '_goto;
1 => {
'_match: loop {
_keys = _atoi_key_offsets[cs] as int;
_trans = _atoi_index_offsets[cs] as int;
_klen = _atoi_single_lengths[cs] as int;
if _klen > 0 {
let mut _lower: int = _keys;
let mut _mid: int;
let mut _upper: int = _keys + _klen - 1;
loop {
if _upper < _lower { break; }
_mid = _lower + ((_upper-_lower) >> 1);
if data[p] < _atoi_trans_keys[_mid] {
_upper = _mid - 1;
} else if data[p] > _atoi_trans_keys[_mid] {
_lower = _mid + 1;
} else {
_trans += (_mid - _keys);
break '_match;
_keys += _klen;
_trans += _klen;
_klen = _atoi_range_lengths[cs] as int;
if _klen > 0 {
let mut _lower = _keys;
let mut _mid: int;
let mut _upper = _keys + (_klen<<1) - 2;
loop {
if _upper < _lower { break; }
_mid = _lower + (((_upper-_lower) >> 1) & !1);
if data[p] < _atoi_trans_keys[_mid] {
_upper = _mid - 2;
} else if data[p] > _atoi_trans_keys[_mid+1] {
_lower = _mid + 2;
} else {
_trans += ((_mid - _keys)>>1);
break '_match;
_trans += _klen;
cs = _atoi_trans_targs[_trans] as int;
if _atoi_trans_actions[_trans] != 0 {
_acts = _atoi_trans_actions[_trans] as int;
_nacts = _atoi_actions[_acts] as int;
_acts += 1;
while _nacts > 0 {
_nacts -= 1;
let __acts = _acts;
_acts += 1;
match _atoi_actions[__acts] {
0 => {
//#set_loc(15, "examples/rust/atoi.rl");
{ neg = true; }
1 => {
//#set_loc(16, "examples/rust/atoi.rl");
{ res = res * 10 + (data[p] as int - '0' as int); }
//#set_loc(153, "examples/rust/");
_ => fail!(), }
_goto_targ = 2;
2 => {
if cs == 0 {
_goto_targ = 5;
continue '_goto;
p += 1;
if p != pe {
_goto_targ = 1;
continue '_goto;
_goto_targ = 4;
continue '_goto;
4 => { }
5 => { }
_ => fail!(), }
//#set_loc(25, "examples/rust/atoi.rl");
if neg { res = -1 * res; }
if cs < atoi_first_final {
} else {
fn test_atoi() {
assert_eq!(atoi("7"), Some(7));
assert_eq!(atoi("666"), Some(666));
assert_eq!(atoi("-666"), Some(-666));
assert_eq!(atoi("+666"), Some(666));
assert_eq!(atoi("123456789"), Some(123456789));
assert_eq!(atoi("+123456789\n"), Some(123456789));
assert_eq!(atoi("+ 1234567890"), None);
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