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Created September 6, 2022 15:27
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evaluate-commands %sh{
mkdir -p "$plugins"
[ ! -e "$plugins/plug.kak" ] && \
git clone -q "$plugins/plug.kak"
printf "%s\n" "source '$plugins/plug.kak/rc/plug.kak'"
plug "andreyorst/plug.kak" noload
plug "andreyorst/fzf.kak" config %{
map -docstring 'fzf mode' global normal '<c-p>' ': fzf-mode<ret>'
} demand fzf %{
set-option global fzf_file_command 'rg' # 'ag', 'fd', or 'find'
plug "andreyorst/powerline.kak" defer powerline_gruvbox %{
powerline-theme gruvbox
} config %{
# connect kak-lsp to the kakoune session
eval %sh{kak-lsp --kakoune -s $kak_session}
# enable line numbers
# only for normal buffers
#hook global WinCreate ^[^*]+$ %{ add-highlighter window number-lines }
add-highlighter global/ number-lines -relative -hlcursor -cursor-separator '>'
add-highlighter global/ wrap -word -indent
# enable for all languages that we want to use the LSP, here we're enabling C++ and Zig.
hook global WinSetOption filetype=(cpp|zig) %{
# the options below are optional (and self-explanatory)
# configure zls: we enable zig fmt, reference and semantic highlighting
hook global WinSetOption filetype=zig %{
set-option buffer formatcmd 'zig fmt --stdin'
set-option window lsp_auto_highlight_references true
set-option global lsp_server_configuration zls.zig_lib_path="/usr/lib/zig"
set-option -add global lsp_server_configuration zls.warn_style=true
set-option -add global lsp_server_configuration zls.enable_semantic_tokens=true
hook window -group semantic-tokens BufReload .* lsp-semantic-tokens
hook window -group semantic-tokens NormalIdle .* lsp-semantic-tokens
hook window -group semantic-tokens InsertIdle .* lsp-semantic-tokens
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{
remove-hooks window semantic-tokens
hook global BufSetOption filetype=zig %{
set-option buffer lintcmd 'zig fmt --color off --ast-check 2>&1'
# To enable auto linting on buffer write
#hook -group zig-auto-lint buffer BufWritePre .* lint-buffer
hook -group zig-auto-lint buffer BufWritePre .* lsp-formatting-sync
map global user l %{:enter-user-mode lsp<ret>} -docstring "LSP mode"
map global insert <tab> '<a-;>:try lsp-snippets-select-next-placeholders catch %{ execute-keys -with-hooks <lt>tab> }<ret>' -docstring 'Select next snippet placeholder'
map global object a '<a-semicolon>lsp-object<ret>' -docstring 'LSP any symbol'
map global object <a-a> '<a-semicolon>lsp-object<ret>' -docstring 'LSP any symbol'
map global object e '<a-semicolon>lsp-object Function Method<ret>' -docstring 'LSP function or method'
map global object k '<a-semicolon>lsp-object Class Interface Struct<ret>' -docstring 'LSP class interface or struct'
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