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Created August 19, 2014 16:38
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Boxes: simple Elm app that maintains state
import Graphics.Input (Input, input, button, clickable)
import Graphics.Input.Field (Field, field, Content, noContent, Selection, Forward, defaultStyle)
-- State representation
data State = State Int [Box]
data Event = NewID Int | NewBox Bool | NewContent Content
-- Box type, constructor and accessors
data Box = Box Int String
getId (Box i s) = i
getLabel (Box i s) = s
-- Input representing the active Box
activeElement : Input Int
activeElement = input 1
-- Input representing clicks to the "Add a box" button, i.e., requests for new boxes
newRequest : Input Bool
newRequest = input False
-- Control button to request a new box
newBoxButton : Element
newBoxButton = button newRequest.handle True "Add a box"
-- Input representing labels entered by user
newLabel : Input Content
newLabel = input noContent
-- Field in which user enters labels
labelOfActive : State -> Content
labelOfActive (State activeId bxs) =
isActive (Box id _) = activeId == id
activeBoxes = filter isActive bxs
activeLabel = case activeBoxes of
[] -> noContent
(Box _ lbl)::others -> Content lbl (Selection (String.length lbl) (String.length lbl) Forward)
in activeLabel
activeBoxLabel : Signal Content
activeBoxLabel = lift labelOfActive states
labelField : Signal Element
labelField = field defaultStyle newLabel.handle id "New Label" <~ activeBoxLabel
-- initial list of boxes
box1 = Box 1 "Box 1"
box2 = Box 2 "Box 2"
initialBoxes : [Box]
initialBoxes = [box1, box2]
boxes : Input [Box]
boxes = input initialBoxes
-- add a Box to the end of an existing list, giving it a unique ID
addBox : [Box] -> [Box]
addBox bxs =
let maxId = foldl max 0 (map getId bxs)
newId = maxId + 1
in bxs ++ [Box newId ("Box " ++ show newId)]
-- relabel a selected box within an existing list
relabel : Content -> Box -> Box
relabel content (Box id lb) = Box id content.string
relabelWith : Content -> Int -> [Box] -> [Box]
relabelWith lbl activeId bxs = let
isActive (Box id lbl) = activeId == id
maybeRelabel bx = if isActive bx then relabel lbl bx else bx
newBxs = map maybeRelabel bxs
in newBxs
-- combine the various input signals into a single signal of Events
events : Signal Event
events = merges [ NewID <~ activeElement.signal
, NewBox <~ newRequest.signal
, NewContent <~ newLabel.signal
-- maintain global state, updating on the basis of Events
evolve : Event -> State -> State
evolve ev (State activeId bxs) = let
newId = case ev of (NewID id) -> id
_ -> activeId
newBxs = case ev of
(NewBox True) -> addBox bxs
(NewContent label) -> relabelWith label newId bxs
_ -> bxs
in State newId newBxs
states : Signal State
states = foldp evolve (State 1 initialBoxes) events
-- display a scene representing the list of boxes, highlighting the active one
displayBox : Box -> Element
displayBox (Box id lbl) = plainText lbl
|> container 100 50 middle
|> clickable activeElement.handle id
displayActiveBox : Box -> Element
displayActiveBox = (color red) . displayBox
displayBoxes : Int -> [Box] -> [Element]
displayBoxes activeId bxs = let
isActive (Box id lbl) = activeId == id
disp bx = if isActive bx then displayActiveBox bx else displayBox bx
in map disp bxs
scene : State -> Element -> Element
scene (State activeId bxs) lblField =
[newBoxButton, lblField] ++ displayBoxes activeId bxs |> flow down
main = lift2 scene states labelField
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