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Created May 5, 2023 14:34
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# comment
QUERY thing: what the query does
# comment
PARAM dynamicroute
# api base url:
# work in progress
GET { Authorization }: returns user associated with Authorization token
POST { username, password }: returns a token to use in your Authorization header
DELETE { Authorization }: removes the session
PARAM username of a regestered user
GET: returns user object
GET: returns user's name (useless)
PUT { name } { Authorization }: sets user name (must be available)
GET: returns users bio
PUT { bio } { Authorization }: sets user bio
QUERY page: this api only returns 15 posts at a time, this offsets that so you can paginate through them
GET: returns 15 of a users posts, and a bool "last" that says if its the last page of posts.
GET: returns [user]'s avatar
GET: returns [user]'s banner
QUERY page: this api only returns 15 users at a time, this offsets that so you can paginate through them
GET: returns 15 of [user]'s followers, and a bool "last" that says if its the last page of followers.
PARAM follower.username: username of a potential follower
GET: returns either true or false depending on whether [follower] is following [user]
QUERY page: this api only returns 15 users at a time, this offsets that so you can paginate through them
GET: returns 15 of a [user]'s following, and a bool "last" that says if its the last page of following.
QUERY page: this api only returns 15 posts at a time, this offsets that so you can paginate through them
GET: returns 15 of [user]'s following's posts, and a bool "last" that says if its the last page of posts.
PARAM the id of the post, its a MongoDB ObjectId
GET: returns post info
POST { Authorization } { post, repost }: post is the content and repost is the postid of what you are reposting if you are.
DELETE { Authorization }: deletes the post if it belongs to the account the token belongs to
QUERY page: this api only returns 15 comments at a time, this offsets that so you can paginate through them
GET: returns 15 of [post]'s comments, and a bool "last" that says if its the last page of comments.
POST { Authorization }: pins the post to [Authorization.token]'s profile if they own it
POST { Authorization }: unpins the post to [Authorization.token]'s profile if its pinned
POST { Authorization }: toggles if [Authorization.token]'s user has loved the post
PARAM user who may or may have not loved [post]
GET: returns a bool if [lover] has loved [post]
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