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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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C++ version of
fsckrelprime.cpp - A simulator for fsck frequency on ext[234] sytems
which shows that using relatively-prime max-mount-count values
gives a lower chance of multi-volume checks on reboot. See the
usage message for more details.
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
//// usage ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Tells how to run the program, then exits.
usage(const char* appname)
cerr << "usage: " << appname << " [-v] <numbers>\n"
" Multiplies all passed numbers together, then iterates from 1 to\n"
" their product looking for values that have two or more values in\n"
" the passed set that are evenly divisible by two or more of those\n"
" same values.\n"
" You will find that if you pass purely random numbers that you will\n"
" get a higher collision rate than if you pass prime numbers or\n"
" /relatively/ prime numbers:\n"
" The application is ext[234] fsck frequency on a system with multiple\n"
" volumes that are set to be checked periodically. With the same\n"
" value, they all have to be checked when any has to be checked, as\n"
" long as the mount/check frequency is the same for all. With random\n"
" values, you can get into cases where two or more volumes have to be\n"
" checked at the same time uncomfortably often. With relatively prime\n"
" values, you minimize the chance of two or more volumes needing to be\n"
" checked at the same time.\n"
" You must pass at least two positive integers.\n"
//// count_divs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Returns the number of elements in vals that divide evenly into n.
// In Perl, this is just: my $divs = grep { $i % $_ == 0 } @vals;
static inline size_t
count_divs(uint64_t n, const vector<int>& vals)
size_t divs = 0;
for (auto it = vals.begin(); it != vals.end(); ++it) {
if (n % *it == 0) ++divs;
return divs;
//// main //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Does caller want a verbose visual version of the simulation?
bool verbose = argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0;
// Parse the value set from the command line
uint64_t max = 1;
size_t nvals = argc - 1 - verbose;
vector<int> vals(nvals);
for (int i = 0; i < nvals; ++i) {
int n = vals[i] = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if (n <= 2) usage(argv[0]);
max *= n;
// The simulator core
vector<int> buckets(nvals - 1, 0);
size_t prevpctreport = 0;
time_t start = time(0);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
// Count the number of times i divides evenly into vals, and
// keep track of how many times each multi-volume event occurs.
size_t divs = count_divs(i, vals);
if (divs >= 2) ++buckets[divs - 2];
// Report the percentage done if this will take a long time. Do
// every 1% for billions of iterations, 10% for millions.
if (max > 1e6) {
size_t pctdone = float(i) / max * 100.0;
if ((pctdone != prevpctreport) &&
((pctdone % 10 == 0) || (max > 1e9))) {
time_t now = time(0);
int eta = float(now - start) / i * (max - i);
cout << pctdone << "% done, finished in ~" << eta <<
" seconds.\n";
prevpctreport = pctdone;
// Emit a visual analog of the simulation. Primarily useful for
// debugging and small numbers of disks.
if (verbose) {
if (divs == 0) cout << '.'; // no fsck this time
else if (divs == 1) cout << '*'; // one volume fscks this time
else cout << '[' << divs << ']'; // multi-volume fsck!
if (verbose) cout << "\n\n";
char pctstr[10];
double total = 0;
cout << "Results:\n\n";
cout << " period: " << fixed << max << "\n";
for (size_t i = 2; i <= nvals; ++i) {
double pct = double(buckets[i - 2]) / max * 100.0;
snprintf(pctstr, sizeof(pctstr), "%3.1f", pct);
cout << " " << i << "-volume: " << pctstr << "%\n";
total += pct;
snprintf(pctstr, sizeof(pctstr), "%.1f", total);
cout << " total: " << pctstr << "%\n\n";
return 0;
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