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Last active November 3, 2023 04:25
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NibbleArray in Java.
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.StringJoiner;
* This class provides a "nibble" array. A nibble is a number stored on less
* than 8 bits.
* @author Wytrem (4th August 2016)
public class NibbleArray
* Memory buffer containing all the data. This array indexes don't make
* sense for nibbles.
private final byte[] data;
* Amount of bits needed to store a nibble.
private final int depth;
* This array size (amount of nibbles in it).s
private final int size;
* Computed from {@code depth}. The bit mask that keeps only the
* <i>depth</i> lowest bits.
private final byte mask;
* Used for synchronizing common temporary variables.
private final Object lock = new Object();
* Creates a new nibble array of the given size.
* @param nibbleDepth A nibble size (the amount of bits needed to stored the
* greatest nibble)
* @param capacity This array size
public NibbleArray(int nibbleDepth, int capacity)
if (nibbleDepth > 8 || nibbleDepth < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int neededBits = nibbleDepth * capacity;
size = capacity;
depth = nibbleDepth;
data = new byte[(neededBits + neededBits % 8) / 8];
mask = (byte) maskFor(nibbleDepth);
* @return This array size
public int size()
return size;
* Gets the nibble at the given index. This method synchronizes on a lock
* object, because it uses temporary fields to optimise memory use.
* @param index The nibble position in this array
* @return The nibble at the given position
public byte get(int index)
synchronized (lock)
bitIndex = index * depth;
byteIndex = bitIndex >> 3;
bitInByte = bitIndex & 7;
int value = data[byteIndex] >> bitInByte;
if (bitInByte + depth > 8)
value |= data[byteIndex + 1] << bitInByte;
return (byte) (value & mask);
* Gets the nibble at the given index. Async.
* @param index The nibble position in this array
* @return The nibble at the given position
public byte getAsync(int index)
int bitIndex = index * depth;
int byteIndex = bitIndex >> 3;
int bitInByte = bitIndex & 7;
int value = data[byteIndex] >> bitInByte;
if (bitInByte + depth > 8)
value |= data[byteIndex + 1] << bitInByte;
return (byte) (value & mask);
// Temporary fields.
private transient int bitIndex, byteIndex, bitInByte;
* Casts the nibble to byte and puts at the given position.
* @param index The position for the new nibble
* @param nibble The nibble to be put
public void set(int index, int nibble)
set(index, (byte) nibble);
* Puts the nibble at the given position. This method is Thread safe.
* @param index The position for the new nibble
* @param nybble The nibble to be put
public void set(int index, byte nybble)
synchronized (lock)
bitIndex = index * depth;
byteIndex = bitIndex >> 3;
bitInByte = bitIndex & 7;
// "Clears" the nibble (or nibble piece) at this index, and puts the nibble (or nibble piece)
data[byteIndex] = (byte) (((~(data[byteIndex] & (mask << bitInByte)) & data[byteIndex]) | ((nybble & mask) << bitInByte)) & 0xff);
if (bitInByte + depth > 8)
data[byteIndex + 1] = (byte) (((~(data[byteIndex + 1] & MASKS[bitInByte + depth - 8]) & data[byteIndex + 1]) | ((nybble & mask) >> (8 - bitInByte))) & 0xff);
* Computes the binary representation of this array, oredered in
* {@link ByteOrder#BIG_ENDIAN}.
* @return A String of 0 and 1
public String toBitsString()
return toBitsString(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
* Computes the binary representation of this array.
* @return A String of 0 and 1
public String toBitsString(ByteOrder byteOrder)
StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
joiner.add(binaryString(data[i], byteOrder));
return joiner.toString();
* Clears this array (set every nibble to 0).
public void clear()
Arrays.fill(data, (byte) 0);
* Sets this nibble at every position.
* @param nibble The universal nibble
public void setAll(byte nibble)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
set(i, nibble);
* Casts to byte and sets this nibble at every position.
* @param nibble The universal nibble
public void setAll(int nibble)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
set(i, (byte) nibble);
* Computes the bitmask for the given amount of bits.
* @param amountOfBits The amount of bits to be kept by the mask
* @return The bitmask
public static int maskFor(int amountOfBits)
return powerOfTwo(amountOfBits) - 1;
* Computes 2<sup>power</sup>.
* @param power The power
* @return 2<sup>power</sup>
public static int powerOfTwo(int power)
int result = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < power; i++)
result *= 2;
return result;
* Bitmasks for the given amount of bits ({@code MASKS[2] = 0b11 = 3},
* {@code MASKS[3] = 0b11 = 7}).
private static final int[] MASKS = new int[8];
for (int i = 0; i < MASKS.length; i++)
MASKS[i] = maskFor(i);
* Returns the binary String representation from the given byte and the
* given {@link ByteOrder}.
* @param b The byte we want to see as a string
* @return The String representation of the given byte
public static String binaryString(byte b, ByteOrder byteOrder)
String str = String.format("%8s", Integer.toBinaryString(b & 0xff)).replace(' ', '0');
return byteOrder.equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) ? str : reverse(str);
* Reverse the given string (returns it in right to left).
* @param str The String to be reversed
* @return The reversed String
public static String reverse(String str)
return new StringBuilder(str).reverse().toString();
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yeroc commented Dec 28, 2022

I stumbled across your class and tried it out but discovered a bug...

    NibbleArray nibbles = new NibbleArray(3, 24);
    nibbles.set(5, (byte)0b001);
    assertThat(nibbles.get(5), is(equalTo((byte)0b001)));

The value I get back is 7 instead of the expected value of 1. Seems to be an issue when a 3-bit nibble spans bytes.

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