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Created March 29, 2019 02:22
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import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.WeightedQuickUnionUF;
public class Percolation {
private final int n;
private boolean[] blocks;
private boolean[] checkBlocks;
private final WeightedQuickUnionUF weightedQuickUnionUF;
// create n-by-n grid, with all sites blocked
public Percolation(int n) {
if (n <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("n is illegal");
this.n = n;
weightedQuickUnionUF = new WeightedQuickUnionUF(n * n);
blocks = new boolean[n * n];
checkBlocks = new boolean[n * n];
for (int i = 0; i < n * n; i++) {
blocks[i] = false;
checkBlocks[i] = false;
// open site (row, col) if it is not open already
public void open(int row, int col) {
// data structure is the following
// col=1 col=2 col=3 col=4 col=5
// row=1 0 1 2 3 4
// row=2 5 6 7 8 9
// row=3 10 11 12 13 14
// ...
// if row=2 and col=3, blockIndex=7
int blockIndex = (row - 1) * n + (col - 1);
// if(blocks[blockIndex]) {
// return;
// }
// true is open
blocks[blockIndex] = true;
//if blockIndex is 7 and upper 2 is open, union(7,2)
if (row - 2 >= 0 && blocks[(row - 2) * n + (col - 1)]) {
weightedQuickUnionUF.union(blockIndex, (row - 2) * n + (col - 1));
if (row < n && blocks[(row) * n + (col - 1)]) {
weightedQuickUnionUF.union(blockIndex, (row) * n + (col - 1));
if (col - 2 >= 0 && blocks[(row - 1) * n + (col - 2)]) {
weightedQuickUnionUF.union(blockIndex, (row - 1) * n + (col - 2));
if (col < n && blocks[(row - 1) * n + (col)]) {
weightedQuickUnionUF.union(blockIndex, (row - 1) * n + (col));
// is site (row, col) open?
public boolean isOpen(int row, int col) {
return blocks[(row - 1) * n + (col - 1)];
// is site (row, col) full?
public boolean isFull(int row, int col) {
if (row == 1) {
return isOpen(row, col);
if (row >= 2 && weightedQuickUnionUF.connected((row - 1) * n + (col - 1), (row - 2) * n + (col - 1))) {
if (isFull(row - 1, col)) {
return true;
} else {
checkBlocks[(row - 2) * n + (col - 1)] = true;
// if(row < n && weightedQuickUnionUF.connected((row-1)*n + (col-1), (row)*n + (col-1))) {
// if(isFull(row+1, col)) {
// return true;
// }
// }
if (col >= 2 && weightedQuickUnionUF.connected((row - 1) * n + (col - 1), (row - 1) * n + (col - 2))) {
checkBlocks[(row - 1) * n + (col - 2)] = true;
if (isFull(row, col - 1)) {
return true;
if (!checkBlocks[(row - 1) * n + (col - 1)] && col < n && weightedQuickUnionUF.connected((row - 1) * n + (col - 1), (row - 1) * n + (col))) {
if (isFull(row, col + 1)) {
return true;
return false;
// number of open sites
public int numberOfOpenSites() {
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n * n; i++) {
if (blocks[i]) {
return cnt;
// does the system percolate?
public boolean percolates() {
return isFull(n, 1);
// test client (optional)
public static void main(String[] args) {
// no op
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