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Created July 22, 2019 14:22
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are prefixed
get de-prefixed
does not pull in unnecessary modules until needed
completes imports
completes qualified imports
completes language extensions
completes pragmas
completes pragmas no close
completes options pragma
completes ghc options pragma values
completes with no prefix
strips compiler generated stuff from completions
only provides type suggestions
only provides type suggestions
have implicit foralls on basic polymorphic types
have implicit foralls with multiple type variables
work for argumentless constructors
work for polymorphic types
work for complex types
work for infix functions
work for infix functions in backticks
work for qualified infix functions
work for qualified infix functions in backticks
respects lsp configuration
respects client capabilities
deferred responses
do not affect hover requests
instantly respond to failed modules with no cache
respond to untypecheckable modules with parsed module cache FAILED [1]
returns hints as diagnostics
multi-server setup
doesn't have clashing commands on two servers
multiple main modules
Can load one file at a time, when more than one Main module exists FAILED [2]
goto's symbols
goto's imported modules
goto's exported modules
goto's imported modules that are loaded
goto's imported modules that are loaded, and then closed
diagnostics providers
diagnostics triggers
runs diagnostics on save
typed hole errors
is deferred
Warnings are warnings
Overrides -Werror FAILED [3]
only diagnostics on save
Respects diagnosticsOnChange setting
format document
works with custom tab size
format range
works with custom tab size
formatting provider
respects none
can change on the fly
formats a document with LF endings
formats a document with CRLF endings
formats a range with LF endings
formats a range with CRLF endings
behaviour on malformed projects
deals with cabal file with unsatisfiable dependency FAILED [4]
code actions
hlint suggestions
provides 3.8 code actions
falls back to pre 3.8 code actions
runs diagnostics on save
rename suggestions
doesn't give both documentChanges and changes
import suggestions
formats with brittany
Execute HsImport with formatter brittany
works with 3.8 code action kinds
import-list formats
multiple import-list formats FAILED [5]
respects format config, multiple import-list FAILED [6]
respects format config
import-list respects format config
complex import-list FAILED [7]
complex import-list respects format config FAILED [8]
formats with floskell
Execute HsImport with formatter floskell
works with 3.8 code action kinds
import-list formats
multiple import-list formats FAILED [9]
respects format config, multiple import-list FAILED [10]
respects format config
import-list respects format config
complex import-list FAILED [11]
complex import-list respects format config FAILED [12]
add package suggestions
adds to .cabal files
adds to hpack package.yaml files
redundant import code actions
remove solitary redundant imports FAILED [13]
doesn't touch other imports FAILED [14]
typed hole code actions
works FAILED [15]
shows more suggestions
missing top level signature code actions
Adds top level signature
missing pragma warning code actions
Adds TypeSynonymInstances pragma
unused term code actions
Prefixes with '_' FAILED [16]
respect 'only' parameter
liquid haskell diagnostics
runs diagnostics on save, no liquid
runs diagnostics on save, with liquid haskell FAILED [17]
code actions
lift one level
lift to top level
delete definition
duplicate definition
demote definition
casesplit argument
works FAILED [18]
sends indefinite progress notifications
sends indefinite progress notifications with liquid FAILED [19]
works with definitions
document symbols
3.10 hierarchical document symbols
provides nested data types and constructors
provides nested where functions
provides pattern synonyms
pre 3.10 symbol information
provides nested data types and constructors
provides nested where functions
type definitions
finds local definition of record variable
finds local definition of newtype variable
finds local definition of sum type variable
finds local definition of sum type contructor
can not find non-local definition of type def
find local definition of type def
find type-definition of type def in component
find definition of parameterized data type
1) Deferred, deferred responses, respond to untypecheckable modules with parsed module cache
uncaught exception: SessionException
Received an unexpected message from the server:
Was parsing: Pattern match failure in do expression at test/functional/DeferredSpec.hs:102:9-22
Last message received: RspDocumentSymbols (ResponseMessage {_jsonrpc = "2.0", _id = IdRspInt 1, _result = Just (DSDocumentSymbols (List [])), _error = Nothing})
To rerun use: --match "/Deferred/deferred responses/respond to untypecheckable modules with parsed module cache/"
2) Deferred, multiple main modules, Can load one file at a time, when more than one Main module exists
uncaught exception: SessionException
Language server unexpectedly terminated
To rerun use: --match "/Deferred/multiple main modules/Can load one file at a time, when more than one Main module exists/"
3) Diagnostics, diagnostics providers, Warnings are warnings, Overrides -Werror
uncaught exception: SessionException
Timed out waiting to receive a message from the server.
To rerun use: --match "/Diagnostics/diagnostics providers/Warnings are warnings/Overrides -Werror/"
4) FunctionalBadProject, behaviour on malformed projects, deals with cabal file with unsatisfiable dependency
uncaught exception: SessionException
Timed out waiting to receive a message from the server.
To rerun use: --match "/FunctionalBadProject/behaviour on malformed projects/deals with cabal file with unsatisfiable dependency/"
5) FunctionalCodeActions, code actions, import suggestions, formats with brittany, Execute HsImport with formatter brittany, multiple import-list formats
expected: fromList [" )"," , hPutStrLn"," $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"," $ hPutStrLn stdout"," when True","-- | Main entry point to the program","import Control.Monad ( when )","import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )","import System.IO ( stdout","main :: IO ()","main ="]
but got: fromList [" $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"," $ hPutStrLn stdout"," when True","-- | Main entry point to the program","import Control.Monad ( when )","import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )","import System.IO ( hPutStrLn )","import System.IO ( stdout )","main :: IO ()","main ="]
To rerun use: --match "/FunctionalCodeActions/code actions/import suggestions/formats with brittany/Execute HsImport with formatter brittany/multiple import-list formats/"
6) FunctionalCodeActions, code actions, import suggestions, formats with brittany, Execute HsImport with formatter brittany, respects format config, multiple import-list
expected: fromList [" $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"," $ hPutStrLn stdout"," when True","-- | Main entry point to the program","import Control.Monad (when)","import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)","import System.IO (stdout, hPutStrLn)","main :: IO ()","main ="]
but got: fromList [" $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"," $ hPutStrLn stdout"," when True","-- | Main entry point to the program","import Control.Monad (when)","import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)","import System.IO (hPutStrLn)","import System.IO (stdout)","main :: IO ()","main ="]
To rerun use: --match "/FunctionalCodeActions/code actions/import suggestions/formats with brittany/Execute HsImport with formatter brittany/respects format config, multiple import-list/"
7) FunctionalCodeActions, code actions, import suggestions, formats with brittany, Execute HsImport with formatter brittany, complex import-list
uncaught exception: ErrorCall
No action found to be executed!
Actual actions titles: []
Expected actions titles: ["Import module System.IO (hPutStrLn)","Import module Control.Monad (when)","Import module Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)","Import module Data.Function (($))","Import module Data.Maybe (Maybe (Just))","Import module Prelude (Bool (..))","Import module System.IO (stderr)"]
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at test/functional/FunctionalCodeActionsSpec.hs:729:11 in main:FunctionalCodeActionsSpec
To rerun use: --match "/FunctionalCodeActions/code actions/import suggestions/formats with brittany/Execute HsImport with formatter brittany/complex import-list/"
8) FunctionalCodeActions, code actions, import suggestions, formats with brittany, Execute HsImport with formatter brittany, complex import-list respects format config
uncaught exception: ErrorCall
No action found to be executed!
Actual actions titles: []
Expected actions titles: ["Import module System.IO (hPutStrLn)","Import module Control.Monad (when)","Import module Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)","Import module Data.Function (($))","Import module Data.Maybe (Maybe (Just))","Import module Prelude (Bool (..))","Import module System.IO (stderr)"]
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at test/functional/FunctionalCodeActionsSpec.hs:729:11 in main:FunctionalCodeActionsSpec
To rerun use: --match "/FunctionalCodeActions/code actions/import suggestions/formats with brittany/Execute HsImport with formatter brittany/complex import-list respects format config/"
9) FunctionalCodeActions, code actions, import suggestions, formats with floskell, Execute HsImport with formatter floskell, multiple import-list formats
expected: fromList [" $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"," $ hPutStrLn stdout"," when True","-- | Main entry point to the program","import Control.Monad (when)","import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)","import System.IO (stdout, hPutStrLn)","main :: IO ()","main ="]
but got: fromList [" $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"," $ hPutStrLn stdout"," when True","-- | Main entry point to the program","import Control.Monad (when)","import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)","import System.IO (hPutStrLn)","import System.IO (stdout)","main :: IO ()","main ="]
To rerun use: --match "/FunctionalCodeActions/code actions/import suggestions/formats with floskell/Execute HsImport with formatter floskell/multiple import-list formats/"
10) FunctionalCodeActions, code actions, import suggestions, formats with floskell, Execute HsImport with formatter floskell, respects format config, multiple import-list
expected: fromList [" $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"," $ hPutStrLn stdout"," when True","-- | Main entry point to the program","import Control.Monad (when)","import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)","import System.IO (stdout, hPutStrLn)","main :: IO ()","main ="]
but got: fromList [" $ fromMaybe \"Good night, World!\" (Just \"Hello, World!\")"," $ hPutStrLn stdout"," when True","-- | Main entry point to the program","import Control.Monad (when)","import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)","import System.IO (hPutStrLn)","import System.IO (stdout)","main :: IO ()","main ="]
To rerun use: --match "/FunctionalCodeActions/code actions/import suggestions/formats with floskell/Execute HsImport with formatter floskell/respects format config, multiple import-list/"
11) FunctionalCodeActions, code actions, import suggestions, formats with floskell, Execute HsImport with formatter floskell, complex import-list
uncaught exception: ErrorCall
No action found to be executed!
Actual actions titles: []
Expected actions titles: ["Import module System.IO (hPutStrLn)","Import module Control.Monad (when)","Import module Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)","Import module Data.Function (($))","Import module Data.Maybe (Maybe (Just))","Import module Prelude (Bool (..))","Import module System.IO (stderr)"]
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at test/functional/FunctionalCodeActionsSpec.hs:729:11 in main:FunctionalCodeActionsSpec
To rerun use: --match "/FunctionalCodeActions/code actions/import suggestions/formats with floskell/Execute HsImport with formatter floskell/complex import-list/"
12) FunctionalCodeActions, code actions, import suggestions, formats with floskell, Execute HsImport with formatter floskell, complex import-list respects format config
uncaught exception: ErrorCall
No action found to be executed!
Actual actions titles: []
Expected actions titles: ["Import module System.IO (hPutStrLn)","Import module Control.Monad (when)","Import module Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)","Import module Data.Function (($))","Import module Data.Maybe (Maybe (Just))","Import module Prelude (Bool (..))","Import module System.IO (stderr)"]
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at test/functional/FunctionalCodeActionsSpec.hs:729:11 in main:FunctionalCodeActionsSpec
To rerun use: --match "/FunctionalCodeActions/code actions/import suggestions/formats with floskell/Execute HsImport with formatter floskell/complex import-list respects format config/"
13) FunctionalCodeActions, code actions, redundant import code actions, remove solitary redundant imports
uncaught exception: SessionException
Received an unexpected message from the server:
Was parsing: Pattern match failure in do expression at test/functional/FunctionalCodeActionsSpec.hs:280:9-18
Last message received: NotPublishDiagnostics (NotificationMessage {_jsonrpc = "2.0", _method = TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics, _params = PublishDiagnosticsParams {_uri = Uri {getUri = "file:///home/zubin/haskell-ide-engine/test/testdata/redundantImportTest/src/CodeActionRedundant.hs"}, _diagnostics = List []}})
To rerun use: --match "/FunctionalCodeActions/code actions/redundant import code actions/remove solitary redundant imports/"
14) FunctionalCodeActions, code actions, redundant import code actions, doesn't touch other imports
uncaught exception: SessionException
Received an unexpected message from the server:
Was parsing: Pattern match failure in do expression at test/functional/FunctionalCodeActionsSpec.hs:307:7-24
Last message received: NotPublishDiagnostics (NotificationMessage {_jsonrpc = "2.0", _method = TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics, _params = PublishDiagnosticsParams {_uri = Uri {getUri = "file:///home/zubin/haskell-ide-engine/test/testdata/redundantImportTest/src/MultipleImports.hs"}, _diagnostics = List []}})
To rerun use: --match "/FunctionalCodeActions/code actions/redundant import code actions/doesn't touch other imports/"
15) FunctionalCodeActions, code actions, typed hole code actions, works
Actual list is not a permutation of expected list!
expected list contains: ["Substitute hole (Int) with x ([Int])", "Substitute hole (Int) with foo ([Int] -> Int Valid hole fits include)", "Substitute hole (Int) with maxBound (forall a. Bounded a => a with maxBound @Int)", "Substitute hole (Int) with minBound (forall a. Bounded a => a with minBound @Int)"]
actual list contains: ["Substitute hole (Int) with x ([Int])", "Substitute hole (Int) with foo ([Int] -> Int)", "Substi
tute hole (Int) with maxBound (forall a. Bounded a => a with maxBound @Int)", "Substitute hole (Int) with minBound (forall a. Bounded a => a with minBound @Int)"]
the missing elements are: ["Substitute hole (Int) with foo ([Int] -> Int Valid hole fits include)"]
the extra elements are: ["Substitute hole (Int) with foo ([Int] -> Int)"]
To rerun use: --match "/FunctionalCodeActions/code actions/typed hole code actions/works/"
16) FunctionalCodeActions, code actions, unused term code actions, Prefixes with '_'
expected: "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}\nmodule UnusedTerm () where\n_imUnused :: Int -> Int\n_imUnused 1 = 1\n_imUnused 2 = 2\n_imUnused _ = 3\n"
but got: "\nmodule UnusedTerm () where\n_imUnused :: Int -> Int\n_imUnused 1 = 1\n_imUnused 2 = 2\n_imUnused _ = 3\n"
To rerun use: --match "/FunctionalCodeActions/code actions/unused term code actions/Prefixes with '_'/"
17) FunctionalLiquid, liquid haskell diagnostics, runs diagnostics on save, with liquid haskell
expected: 0
but got: 2
To rerun use: --match "/FunctionalLiquid/liquid haskell diagnostics/runs diagnostics on save, with liquid haskell/"
18) HaRe.HaRe, code actions, casesplit argument, works
uncaught exception: SessionException
Timed out waiting to receive a message from the server.
To rerun use: --match "/HaRe/HaRe/code actions/casesplit argument/works/"
19) Progress.window/progress sends indefinite progress notifications with liquid
uncaught exception: SessionException
Received an unexpected message from the server:
Was parsing: Publish diagnostics notification
Last message received: NotProgressStart (NotificationMessage {_jsonrpc = "2.0", _method = WindowProgressStart, _params = ProgressStartParams {_id = "0", _title = "Initialising Cradle", _cancellable = Just False, _message = Nothing, _percentage = Just 0.0}})
To rerun use: --match "/Progress/window/progress/sends indefinite progress notifications with liquid/"
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