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Last active January 4, 2017 14:33
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Haskell Error Handling
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DataKinds, TypeInType, KindSignatures, TypeOperators, TypeApplications, StandaloneDeriving, ApplicativeDo, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import GHC.Types
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
import Control.Monad.Trans
data FieldStatus = Error | Normal
type family Choose (status :: FieldStatus) (a :: Type) (b :: Type) :: Type where
Choose Normal a b = a
Choose Error a b = b
data User status = User { name :: Choose status String [String]
, uid :: Choose status String [String]
deriving instance Show (User Normal)
deriving instance Show (User Error)
instance Monoid (User Error) where
mempty = User [] []
(User a b) `mappend` (User c d) = User (a <> c) (b <> d)
type Value = ()
newtype MyMaybeT m a = MyM { runMyM :: m (Maybe a) } deriving (Functor)
deriving instance Show (m (Maybe a)) => Show (MyMaybeT m a)
myMaybeToMaybe = MaybeT . runMyM
instance MonadTrans MyMaybeT where
lift = MyM . fmap Just
instance Monad m => Applicative (MyMaybeT m) where
pure = lift . return
mf <*> mx = MyM $ do
mb_f <- runMyM mf
case mb_f of
Nothing -> runMyM mx >> return Nothing
Just f -> do
mb_x <- runMyM mx
case mb_x of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just x -> return (Just (f x))
instance Monad m => Monad (MyMaybeT m) where
return = pure
ma >>= mf = MyM $ runMaybeT $ (myMaybeToMaybe ma) >>= (myMaybeToMaybe . mf)
report :: Monoid e => e -> MyMaybeT (Writer e) a
report e = do
lift $ tell e
MyM $ return Nothing
validate :: Value -> MyMaybeT (Writer (User Error)) (User Normal)
validate () = do
name <- report (mempty { name = ["Name cannot be shorter than three letters"] } )
id <- report (mempty { uid = ["ID must be an integer"] } )
pure $ User name id
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