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Last active July 3, 2019 09:23
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  • Save x-cray/2828324 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save x-cray/2828324 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Jenkins email-ext plugin groovy template. Generates daily Sonar violations report grouped by culprits.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sonar violations report</title>
<style type="text/css">
margin: 0px;
padding: 15px;
body, td, th
font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Helvetica, Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
border-collapse: collapse;
width: 100%
text-align: left;
margin-top: 0px;
line-height: 15pt;
background-color: #EEE;
border: 1px solid #DDD;
table.source-incut td
white-space: pre;
padding: 3px;
font-family: "Lucida Console", "Courier New";
font-size: 9pt;
color: #A22;
color: #A42;
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color: #2A2;
color: #777;
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color: #363;
color: #336;
background-color: #FCC;
apiSonarRoot = "http://localhost:9000"
webSonarRoot = "http://gateway:9000"
def getSonarXml(path) {
format = (path.contains("?") ? "&" : "?") + "format=xml"
sonarUrl = "${apiSonarRoot}${path}${format}"
//println "Reading URL ${sonarUrl} contents"
def getParsedResponse(responseXml) {
new XmlSlurper().parseText(responseXml)
def getNewViolatedResources(resKey, qualifier) {
violatedResources = []
resParam = resKey ? "&resource=${resKey}" : ""
allResources = getParsedResponse(getSonarXml("/api/resources?depth=-1&qualifiers=${qualifier}&metrics=new_violations&includetrends=true${resParam}"))
allResources.resource.each { res ->
if (res.msr.var2.toFloat() > 0) {
//println "Adding violated resource ${} [${res.key}] for qualifier ${qualifier}"
violatedResources << res.key.text()
def parseLineMetrics(resources, parser) {
result = [:]
if (resources?.resource?.size() == 1) {
resources.resource[0]";").each { line ->
(lineNum, data) = line.split("=")
result.put(lineNum.toInteger(), parser(data))
def getAuthorsByLine(resKey) {
authorsResource = getParsedResponse(getSonarXml("/api/resources?resource=${resKey}&metrics=authors_by_line"))
parseLineMetrics(authorsResource, { data -> data })
def getDatesByLine(resKey) {
datesResource = getParsedResponse(getSonarXml("/api/resources?resource=${resKey}&metrics=last_commit_datetimes_by_line"))
parseLineMetrics(datesResource, { data -> getDateFromString(data) })
def getResource(resKey) {
lines = []
contents = getParsedResponse(getSonarXml("/api/sources?resource=${resKey}"))
if (contents?.line?.size() > 0) {
contents.line.each { line ->
lines << line.val.text()
def getDateFromString(input) {
new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ", input).clearTime()
def getResourceViolations(resKey) {
violations = []
today = new Date().clearTime()
contents = getParsedResponse(getSonarXml("/api/violations?resource=${resKey}"))
contents.violation.each { violation ->
createdAt = getDateFromString(violation.createdAt.text())
if (createdAt == today) {
authorsByLine = getAuthorsByLine(resKey)
datesByLine = getDatesByLine(resKey)
linesModifiedToday = datesByLine.findAll { entry -> entry.value == today }.collect { entry -> entry.key }
lineNumText = violation.line.text()
lineNumInt = lineNumText ? lineNumText.toInteger() : -1
if (linesModifiedToday.size() > 0) {
culprits = linesModifiedToday.collect { line -> authorsByLine[line] }.unique()
} else {
culprits = []
if (lineNumInt > -1)
culprits << authorsByLine[lineNumInt]
culpritsText = culprits.size() > 0 ? culprits.join(" or ") : "Someone"
violations << [
message: violation.message.text(),
priority: violation.priority.text(),
lineNum: lineNumInt,
authors: culpritsText
def getUserMappedViolations() {
violatedModules = []
violatedFiles = []
// Get violated projects.
// Step 1. Read violated projects.
projectKeyParam = System.getenv("SONAR_PROJECT_KEY")
violatedProjects = projectKeyParam ? [projectKeyParam] : getNewViolatedResources(null, "TRK")
// Get violated modules.
// Step 2. Read violated modules for projects.
violatedProjects.each { project ->
violatedModules.addAll(getNewViolatedResources(project, "BRC"))
// Get violated files.
// Step 3. Read violated files for modules.
violatedModules.each { module ->
violatedFiles.addAll(getNewViolatedResources(module, "FIL"))
// Step 4. Group received data per authors.
allViolations = []
violatedFiles.each { file ->
fileViolations = getResourceViolations(file)
fileContents = getResource(file)
fileViolations.each { violation ->
sourceFragment = null
if (violation.lineNum > -1) {
sourceFragment = [:]
for (ln in violation.lineNum - 3..violation.lineNum + 3) {
sourceFragment.put(ln, fileContents[ln - 1])
allViolations << [violation: violation, resKey: file, source: sourceFragment]
[allViolations.size(), violatedFiles.size(), allViolations.groupBy { it.violation.authors }]
<h1>Sonar violations report</h1>
if (build.result == hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS) {
(violationsCount, filesCount, userMappedViolations) = getUserMappedViolations()
if (violationsCount > 0) { %>
<p>Found ${violationsCount} new violations in ${filesCount} files.</p>
<% userMappedViolations.each { authors, mappedViolations -> %>
<h2>Violations by ${authors}</h2>
<% mappedViolations.each { mappedViolation -> %>
<p>[<b><span class="priority-${mappedViolation.violation.priority.toLowerCase()}">${mappedViolation.violation.priority}</span></b>] <b>${mappedViolation.violation.rule}</b>. ${mappedViolation.violation.message}<br />
in resource <span class="res-name">${mappedViolation.resKey}</span> at line ${mappedViolation.violation.lineNum}
(<a href="${webSonarRoot}/drilldown/measures/${mappedViolation.resKey}?metric=new_violations#L${mappedViolation.violation.lineNum}">view in Sonar</a>):</p>
<% if (mappedViolation.source) { %>
<table class="source-incut">
<% mappedViolation.source.each { lineNum, line -> %>
<tr<% if (lineNum == mappedViolation.violation.lineNum) { %> class="error"<% } %>>
<td class="line-number">${lineNum}</td><td class="source">${line.replaceAll('\t', ' ')}</td>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% } else { %>
<p>No new violations! Woot!!!</p>
<% } %>
<% } else { %>
<p>Build was not successful. Therefore, no report is generated.</p>
<% } %>
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ghost commented May 1, 2018

Hi :) i seem to be getting an exception error, is there any way around it , for the template to work? ive attached the error log. i checked the root and set the localhost to my local sonar server, i must be missing something.
error capture

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