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Last active March 2, 2022 00:58
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# -----------------------------------------------------
# Variables Section
# -----------------------------------------------------
Convert-CSV for
Will import a CSV file from Daedalus and convert it to a csv file. Compatible with
The input CSV file.
The filename and location of the CSV File you want to output.
PS C:\> .\Convert-CSV.ps1 -InputFile "C:\Input.csv" -OutputCSVFile "C:\Output-Fixed.csv"
Does not handle staking rewards because those aren't included in Daedalus CSV
Get staking reward CSV from
Author: Blake Drumm (
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'The input CSV file.')]
[Parameter(HelpMessage = 'The filename and location of the CSV File you want to output.')]
Function Time-Stamp
$TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
return "$TimeStamp - "
Write-Host "$(Time-Stamp)Starting script"
# If -InputFile not detected during execution, look in C:\input.csv
if (!$InputFile)
$InputFile = "C:\input.csv"
$ImportedCSV = Import-Csv -Path $InputFile
# If -OutputCSVFile not detected during execution, export to C:\output-fixed.csv
if (!$OutputCSVFile)
$OutputCSVFile = 'C:\output-fixed.csv'
$OutputCSVFile = "C:\output-fixed.csv"
$ExchangeName = 'Daedalus'
$Comment = 'Daedalus Powershell Import Script'
$TradeGroup = ''
$DateTimeFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
$array = $null
$array = @()
foreach ($line in $ImportedCSV)
Write-Host "$(Time-Stamp)Working on $($line.Id)"
if ($line.Type -eq 'Received')
$array += [PSCustomObject]@{
'Type' = 'Deposit'
'Buy Amount' = "$(($line.'TOTAL (ADA)' | Out-String -Width 4096) -replace "\s", '')"
'Buy Currency' = 'ADA'
'Sell Amount' = ''
'Sell Currency' = ''
'Fee' = ''
'Fee Currency' = ''
'Exchange' = $ExchangeName
'Trade-Group' = $TradeGroup
'Comment' = "$($Comment) - $(Get-Date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt")"
'Date' = "$(($line.'Date & time' | Get-Date -Format $DateTimeFormat))"
'Tx-ID' = $line.Id
$array += [PSCustomObject]@{
'Type' = 'Withdrawal'
'Buy Amount' = ''
'Buy Currency' = ''
'Sell Amount' = $line.'Sent amount (ADA)'
'Sell Currency' = 'ADA'
'Fee' = $line.'Fee (ADA)'
'Fee Currency' = 'ADA'
'Exchange' = $ExchangeName
'Trade-Group' = $TradeGroup
'Comment' = "$($Comment) - $(Get-Date -Format $DateTimeFormat)"
'Date' = "$($line.'Date & time' | Get-Date -Format $DateTimeFormat)"
'Tx-ID' = $line.Id
Write-Host "$(Time-Stamp)Finished processing input CSV"
# Uncomment the below line to see the output in the console window:
#$array | Select-Object 'Type', 'Buy Amount', 'Buy Currency', 'Sell Amount', 'Sell Currency', 'Fee', 'Fee Currency', 'Exchange', 'Trade Group', 'Comment', 'Date', 'Tx-ID' | Format-Table * -AutoSize
# Export to CSV
$array | Select-Object 'Type', 'Buy Amount', 'Buy Currency', 'Sell Amount', 'Sell Currency', 'Fee', 'Fee Currency', 'Exchange', 'Trade Group', 'Comment', 'Date', 'Tx-ID' | Export-Csv -Path $OutputCSVFile -NoTypeInformation
Write-Host "$(Time-Stamp)Exported file to: " -NoNewline
Write-Host $OutputCSVFile -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "$(Time-Stamp)Script Completed!"
# -----------------------------------------------------
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