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Created March 24, 2021 17:56
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// Package librclone exports shims for C library use
// This directory contains code to build rclone as a C library and the
// shims for accessing rclone from C.
// The shims are a thin wrapper over the rclone RPC.
// Build a shared library like this:
// go build --buildmode=c-shared -o
// Build a static library like this:
// go build --buildmode=c-archive -o librclone.a
// Both the above commands will also generate `librclone.h` which should
// be `#include`d in `C` programs wishing to use the library.
// The library will depend on `libdl` and `libpthread`.
package api
import (
_ "" // import all backends
_ "" // import plugins
// RcloneInitialize initializes rclone as a library
//export RcloneInitialize
func RcloneInitialize() {
// TODO: what need to be initialized manually?
// RcloneFinalize finalizes the library
//export RcloneFinalize
func RcloneFinalize() {
// TODO: how to clean up? what happens when rcserver terminates?
// what about unfinished async jobs?
// RcloneRPC does a single RPC call. The inputs are (method, input)
// and the output is (output, status). This is an exported interface
// to the rclone API as described in
// method is a string, eg "operations/list"
// input should be a serialized JSON object
// output will be returned as a serialized JSON object
// status is a HTTP status return (200=OK anything else fail)
// Caller is responsible for freeing the memory for output
// Note that when calling from C output and status are returned in an
// RcloneRPC_return which has two members r0 which is output and r1
// which is status.
//export RcloneRPC
func RcloneRPC(method *C.char, input *C.char) (output *C.char, status { //nolint:golint
res, s := callFunctionJSON(C.GoString(method), C.GoString(input))
return C.CString(res),
// writeError returns a formatted error string and the status passed in
func writeError(path string, in rc.Params, err error, status int) (string, int) {
fs.Errorf(nil, "rc: %q: error: %v", path, err)
var w strings.Builder
// FIXME should factor this
// Adjust the error return for some well known errors
errOrig := errors.Cause(err)
switch {
case errOrig == fs.ErrorDirNotFound || errOrig == fs.ErrorObjectNotFound:
status = http.StatusNotFound
case rc.IsErrParamInvalid(err) || rc.IsErrParamNotFound(err):
status = http.StatusBadRequest
// w.WriteHeader(status)
err = rc.WriteJSON(&w, rc.Params{
"status": status,
"error": err.Error(),
"input": in,
"path": path,
if err != nil {
// can't return the error at this point
return fmt.Sprintf(`{"error": "rc: failed to write JSON output: %v"}`, err), status
return w.String(), status
// operations/uploadfile and core/command are not supported as they need request or response object
// modified from handlePost in rcserver.go
// call a rc function using JSON to input parameters and output the resulted JSON
func callFunctionJSON(method string, input string) (output string, status int) {
// create a buffer to capture the output
in := make(rc.Params)
err := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(input)).Decode(&in)
if err != nil {
// TODO: handle error
return writeError(method, in, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read input JSON"), http.StatusBadRequest)
// Find the call
call := rc.Calls.Get(method)
if call == nil {
return writeError(method, in, errors.Errorf("couldn't find method %q", method), http.StatusNotFound)
// TODO: handle these cases
if call.NeedsRequest {
return writeError(method, in, errors.Errorf("method %q needs request, not supported", method), http.StatusNotFound)
// Add the request to RC
//in["_request"] = r
if call.NeedsResponse {
return writeError(method, in, errors.Errorf("method %q need response, not supported", method), http.StatusNotFound)
//in["_response"] = w
fs.Debugf(nil, "rc: %q: with parameters %+v", method, in)
// TODO: what is r.Context()? use Background() for the moment
_, out, err := jobs.NewJob(context.Background(), call.Fn, in)
if err != nil {
// handle error
return writeError(method, in, err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
if out == nil {
out = make(rc.Params)
fs.Debugf(nil, "rc: %q: reply %+v: %v", method, out, err)
var w strings.Builder
err = rc.WriteJSON(&w, out)
if err != nil {
fs.Errorf(nil, "rc: failed to write JSON output: %v", err)
return writeError(method, in, err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
return w.String(), http.StatusOK
func MobileCallRPC(method string, input string) (output string, status error) {
// create a buffer to capture the output
in := make(rc.Params)
err := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(input)).Decode(&in)
if err != nil {
return mobileError(method, in, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read input JSON"))
// Find the call
call := rc.Calls.Get(method)
if call == nil {
return mobileError(method, in, errors.Errorf("couldn't find method %q", method))
// TODO: handle these cases
if call.NeedsRequest {
//return errors.Errorf("method %q needs request, not supported", method)
return mobileError(method, in, errors.Errorf("method %q needs request, not supported", method))
// Add the request to RC
//in["_request"] = r
if call.NeedsResponse {
//return err
return mobileError(method, in, errors.Errorf("method %q needs request, not supported", method))
//in["_response"] = w
fs.Debugf(nil, "rc: %q: with parameters %+v", method, in)
// TODO: what is r.Context()? use Background() for the moment
_, out, err := jobs.NewJob(context.Background(), call.Fn, in)
if err != nil {
// handle error
return mobileError(method, in, err)
if out == nil {
out = make(rc.Params)
fs.Debugf(nil, "rc: %q: reply %+v: %v", method, out, err)
var w strings.Builder
err = rc.WriteJSON(&w, out)
if err != nil {
fs.Errorf(nil, "rc: failed to write JSON output: %v", err)
return mobileError(method, in, err)
return w.String(), nil
func mobileError(path string, in rc.Params, err error) (string, error) {
fs.Errorf(nil, "rc: %q: error: %v", path, err)
var w strings.Builder
// w.WriteHeader(status)
err = rc.WriteJSON(&w, rc.Params{
"status": "???",
"error": err.Error(),
"input": in,
"path": path,
if err != nil {
// can't return the error at this point
return fmt.Sprintf(`{"error": "rc: failed to write JSON output: %v"}`, err), err
return w.String(), err
// do nothing here - necessary for building into a C library
func main() {}
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