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Created January 24, 2011 22:46
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NodeJS Socket.IO logic test
var http = require('http'),
should = require('should'),
io = require(''),
decode = require('.npm/').decode,
encode = require('.npm/').encode,
WebSocket = require('.npm/').WebSocket;
exports['Socket.IO mocking'] = function(assert){
var _server = require('http').createServer(function(){});
// A mock client object.
var _client;
// Used as an easy way to know when to shut the server down.
var messages_to_receive = 4;
var port = 5000 // Any number will do
_server.listen(port, function(){
// When this function is called, the server will be started.
// We can now write some mocked-out client code to connect to it.
// This is the equivalent to "new io.Socket(...)" in the browser
// What we send here will be received in the server as if it were sent from a browser
_client = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:' + port + '/', 'borf');
_client.messages = [];
// The encode/decode parts are not obvious - do not forget them :) :)
_client.onmessage = function(ev) {
// These are the messages received at the "client"
if (--messages_to_receive == 0)
// This part is optional
_client.onopen = function(){
_client.send(encode('Test Message'));
// Init the server-side socket as we always do.
// This is the same kind of code as in the chat tutorial.
// In here you can put your actual Socket.IO handler on the server
// (which we will be testing).
var _socket = io.listen(_server);
_socket.on('connection', function(conn){
conn.on('message', function(msg){
msg.should.equal('Test Message');
if (--messages_to_receive == 0)
// This part is optional
conn.send('From server');
// This part is optional
_socket.broadcast("Broadcast message");
var close = function() {
// _client.messages[0] is always the sessionId of the client.
_client.messages[1].should.equal("Broadcast message");
_client.messages[2].should.equal("From server");
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