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Gist showing an issue with Xero API that returns xml instead of Json when there is a validation error
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'xero_gateway'
PATH_TO_YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY = 'privatekey.pem'
url = ""
options = {
:signature_method => 'RSA-SHA1',
:private_key_file => PATH_TO_YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY
client =, YOUR_OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET, options)
headers = {'charset' => 'utf-8'}
headers['Content-Type'] ||= "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
# we are asking for JSON
headers['Accept'] ||= 'application/json'
uri = URI.parse(url)
b =
body = b.Employees {
b.Employee {
b.LastName SecureRandom.uuid
b.FirstName SecureRandom.uuid
b.WorkLocations 'super wrong'
b.Employee {
b.LastName SecureRandom.uuid
b.FirstName SecureRandom.uuid
b.WorkLocations 'super wrong'
response = client.put(uri.request_uri, { :xml => body }, headers)
result = response.plain_body.force_encoding("UTF-8")
p result
# this fail because result is not JSON but xml
# "<Response xmlns:i=\"\"><ErrorNumber>0</ErrorNumber><Type>Error</Type><Message>WorkLocations is not a valid element in Employee</Message></Response>"
# parsed = JSON.parse result
# p parsed
# p parsed["ValidationErrors"]
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