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Last active May 3, 2022 20:30
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public static String ConvertToChinese( Decimal number )
var s = number.ToString( "#L#E#D#C#K#E#D#C#J#E#D#C#I#E#D#C#H#E#D#C#G#E#D#C#F#E#D#C#.0B0A" );
var d = Regex.Replace( s, @"((?<=-|^)[^1-9]*)|((?'z'0)[0A-E]*((?=[1-9])|(?'-z'(?=[F-L\.]|$))))|((?'b'[F-L])(?'z'0)[0A-L]*((?=[1-9])|(?'-z'(?=[\.]|$))))", "${b}${z}" );
var r = Regex.Replace( d, ".", m => "负元空零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖空空空空空空空分角拾佰仟万亿兆京垓秭穰"[m.Value[0] - '-'].ToString() );
return r;
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