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Last active June 4, 2024 17:33
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Disassembled Pattern of Malicious Code Collection
xor eax, eax
cmp test, test
; Anti Virtual Machine (VMXh)
; Indicator :
; - 564D5868h (Hex) -> VMXh (ASCII)
; - ED
; .text:100061DB ED in eax, dx
; .text:100061DC 81 FB 68 58 4D 56 cmp ebx, 'VMXh'
.text:100061C0 ; __try { // __except at loc_100061EF
.text:100061C0 83 65 FC 00 and [ebp+ms_exc.registration.TryLevel], 0
.text:100061C4 52 push edx
.text:100061C5 51 push ecx
.text:100061C6 53 push ebx
.text:100061C7 B8 68 58 4D 56 mov eax, 564D5868h ; 'VMXh'
.text:100061CC BB 00 00 00 00 mov ebx, 0
.text:100061D1 B9 0A 00 00 00 mov ecx, 0Ah
.text:100061D6 BA 58 56 00 00 mov edx, 5658h
.text:100061DB ED in eax, dx
.text:100061DC 81 FB 68 58 4D 56 cmp ebx, 'VMXh' ; 564D5868h
.text:100061E2 0F 94 45 E4 setz [ebp+var_1C]
.text:100061E6 5B pop ebx
.text:100061E7 59 pop ecx
.text:100061E8 5A pop edx
.text:100061E9 EB 0B jmp short loc_100061F6
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