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Last active December 30, 2017 10:11
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Improved ls and some utilities functions (TESTED on Linux and macOS only)
Red []
#if config/OS <> 'Windows [
colors: [black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white]
color: function [s f /bg b /space][
o: clear {}
s: form s
if space [s: rejoin [{ } s { }]]
if t: find colors f [
append o join {3} (index? t) - 1
; append o join {38;5;} (index? t) - 1
if all [bg t: find colors b] [
append o join {;4} (index? t) - 1
; append o join {;48;5;} (index? t) - 1
unless empty? o [
s: rejoin [{^[[} o {m} s {^[[m}]
join: func [ ;thx Gregg
"Concatenate values"
a "Coerced to string if not a series, map, or object"
b "Single value or block of values; reduced if a is not an object or map"
if all [block? :b not object? :a not map? :a] [b: reduce b]
case [
series? :a [append copy a :b]
map? :a [extend copy a :b]
object? :a [make a :b]
'else [append form :a :b]
; object [ ;TBD: add /deep refinement see
; replace*: :system/words/replace
; set 'replace func [
; "Improved replace with support for /case and /tail. Use native replace for binary!"
; series [series!] "The series to be modified"
; pattern "Specific value or parse rule pattern to match"
; value "New value, replaces pattern in the series"
; /all "Replace all occurrences, not just the first"
; /deep "Replace pattern in all sub-lists as well"
; /case "Case-sensitive replacement"
; /tail "Return target after the last replacement position"
; return: [series!]
; /local rule pos
; ][
; either binary? series [
; if any [case tail] [do make error! {/case and /tail not supported for type binary!}]
; do append copy either all [[replace*/all]][[replace*]] [series pattern value] ;FIXME: hack until dyn-stack
; ][
; rule: [to pattern change pattern value pos:]
; if all [rule: append/only copy [any] rule]
; either case [
; parse/case series rule
; ][
; parse series rule
; ]
; either tail [pos][series]
; ]
; ]
; ]
replace: func [
"Replaces values in a series, in place"
series [series!] "The series to be modified"
pattern "Specific value or parse rule pattern to match"
value "New value, replaces pattern in the series"
/all "Replace all occurrences, not just the first"
/deep "Replace pattern in all sub-lists as well"
/case "Case-sensitive replacement"
/tail "Return series after the last replacement position (only if that is not in a nested series)"
/local p rule s e many? len pos ret depth last-depth
ret: series
if system/words/all [deep any-list? series] [
if tail [do make error! {/tail makes no sense with nested series}]
pattern: to block! either word? p: pattern [to lit-word! pattern] [pattern]
parse series rule: [
some [
s: pattern e: (
s: change/part s value e
unless all [return series]
) :s
| ahead any-list! into rule | skip
return series
; ;allow /tail but disable it if series contains sub-series
; parse series rule: [
; some [
; s: pattern e: opt [any-list! (tail: false)] (
; ret: s: change/part s value e
; unless all [return either tail [ret][series]]
; ) :s
; | ahead any-list! into rule | skip
; ]
; ]
; return either tail [ret][series]
;; allow /tail but return tail only if last replacement occurred at root of series
; depth: 0
; parse series rule: [
; some [
; s: pattern e: (
; ret: s: change/part s value e
; unless all [return either system/words/all [tail 0 = depth] [ret][series]]
; last-depth: depth
; ) :s
; | ahead any-list! (depth: depth + 1) into rule | skip
; ] (depth: depth - 1)
; ]
; return either system/words/all [tail 0 = last-depth] [ret][series]
if system/words/all [char? :pattern any-string? series] [
pattern: form pattern
many?: any [
system/words/all [series? :pattern any-string? series]
binary? series
system/words/all [any-list? series any-list? :pattern]
len: either many? [length? pattern] [1]
either all [
pos: series
either many? [
while [pos: either case [find/case pos pattern][find pos pattern]] [
; remove/part pos len
; pos: insert pos value
ret: pos: change/part pos value len
] [
while [pos: either case [find/case pos :pattern][find pos :pattern]] [
ret: pos: insert remove pos value
] [
if pos: either case [find/case series :pattern][find series :pattern] [
; remove/part pos len
; insert pos value
ret: pos: change/part pos value len
either tail [ret][series]
; print [1 2 3] = replace [1 4 3] 4 2
; print [1 2 3] = replace [4 5 3] [4 5] [1 2]
; print "abc" = replace "axc" "x" "b"
; print "abc" = replace "xyc" "xy" "ab"
; print "abcx" = replace "abxx" "x" "c"
; print "abcc" = replace/all "abxx" "x" "c"
; print [1 9 [2 3 4]] = replace [1 2 [2 3 4]] 2 9
; print [1 9 [2 3 4]] = replace/all [1 2 [2 3 4]] 2 9
; code: [print "Hello"]
; print 'print = first replace code "Hello" "Cheers"
; print "Cheers" = second code
; ; "replace-str"
; print "Xbab" = replace "abab" #"a" #"X"
; print "XbXb" = replace/all "abab" #"a" #"X"
; print "Xab" = replace "abab" "ab" "X"
; print "abab" = replace/all "abab" #"a" #"a"
; ; "replace-bin"
; print #{FF0201} = replace #{010201} #{01} #{FF}
; print #{FF02FF} = replace/all #{010201} #{01} #{FF}
; print #{FF03} = replace #{010203} #{0102} #{FF}
; print #{FFFFFF03} = replace #{010203} #{0102} #{FFFFFF}
; ; "replace-bitset-issue-#3132"
; print "s" = replace/all "test" charset [#"t" #"e"] ""
; ;new
; print "0A" = replace/case {aA} "a" "0"
; print "a0a0a0a0a" = replace/all/case {aAaAaAaAa} "A" "0"
; print "tail" = replace/case/tail {abcDtail} "D" "0"
; print "tail" = replace/all/case/tail {aAaAaAtail} "A" "0"
; print [4 5] = replace/all/tail [1 2 3 2 4 5] 2 0
; print [z [b [z] c]] = replace/all/deep/tail [a [b [a] c]] 'a 'z
; print [z [b [z] c]] = head replace/all/deep/tail [a [b [a] c]] 'a 'z
; print [[b [a] c]] = replace/deep/tail [a [b [a] c]] 'a 'z
; print [z [b [a] c]] = head replace/deep/tail [a [b [a] c]] 'a 'z
; print [[b [a] c]] = replace/tail [a [b [a] c]] 'a 'z
; print [z [b [a] c]] = head replace/tail [a [b [a] c]] 'a 'z
; print [z [b [z] c]] = replace/all/deep [a [b [a] c]] 'a 'z
; print [z [b [z] c]] = head replace/all/deep [a [b [a] c]] 'a 'z
; print [z [b [z] c]] = replace/all/deep/tail [a [b [a] c]] 'a 'z
; print [z [b [z] c]] = head replace/all/deep/tail [a [b [a] c]] 'a 'z
; print [b b] = replace/all/deep/tail [a b a b a b b] 'a 'z
; print [z b z b z b b] == head replace/all/deep/tail [a b a b a b b] 'a 'z
; print [] = replace/deep/tail [b [b [b] c] a] 'a 'z
; replace/deep/tail [a [b [a] c]] 'a 'z
; replace/deep/tail [b [b [b] c] a b] 'a 'z
; replace/deep/tail/all [b [a [a] ] a b] 'a 'z
; replace/deep/tail/all [b [a [a] ] b b] 'a 'z
; replace/deep/tail/all [a b b] 'a 'z
patch: func [
"Replace all occurrences of patches, return an error if no match"
file [file!] "File to operate on"
patches [block!] "Block of patches blocks containing either from/to strings or a parse rule"
/quiet "Don't bother if no match"
/local source patch
source: read file
foreach patch patches [
unless empty? patch [
either block? patch/1 [
all [
not parse/case source patch/1
not quiet
do make error! rejoin [{rule } mold patch/1 { did not match in %} file]
all [
not quiet
not find/case source patch/1
do make error! rejoin [{string "} patch/1 {" not found in file %} file]
replace/all/case source patch/1 patch/2
write file source
undirize: func [
"Return dir or a copy of dir with last slash removed"
dir [file!]
either #"/" = last dir [
head remove back tail copy dir
; maybe: func[value [any-type!] default /type types [block!] pos [block!] /local b t s][
maybe: func [
{Convenience function to allow no value, provide default, optionally provide allowed types
and perform transformations on those. Most useful in console for functions like cd, ls, ecc..}
;becuse you want to write [ls .] and not as an example..
value [any-type!]
default "Default value"
types [block!] "Block of allowed types, each type can be followed by a transformation block"
error [block!] {Block containing calling function name as word! and calling function arg name as word!
Values are used to return a proper error string}
/local b t s
either unset? :value [default][
either type [
either find types t: type?/word value [
either block? b: select types t [
do bind b 'value
; s: find stack 'maybe
; cause-error 'script 'expect-arg [s/(pos/1) t s/(pos/2)]
cause-error 'script 'expect-arg [error/1 t error/2]
maybe-dir: func [
"Convenience function, allow no value for dir, default to current dir, allow specific types"
dir [any-type!]
error [block!] {Block containing calling function name as word! and calling function arg name as word!
Values are used to return a proper error string}
maybe/type :dir %./ either system/state/interpreted? [
[file! string! integer! word! path!]
[file! word! [get value] path! [get value]] ;if compiled, word! and path! types gets evaluated, Good or not Good?
] error
ls-ctx: object [
default-rule: [to end]
rules: [
dot [[dot] "dot files"]
dot-folder [[[dot if (dir? item)]] "dot folders"]
dot-file [[[dot if (not dir? item)]] "dot files"]
folder [[if (dir? item)] "folders"]
file [[if (not dir? item)] "files"]
list-rules: func [/local name description][
print "Available rules:"
foreach [name description] rules [
print [pad insert form name space 12 "->" description/1/2]
nice: func [item][
; either find [macOS Linux] system/platform [
; color undirize item pick [green red] dir? item
; ][
; dirize item
; ]
#either config/OS = 'Windows [
dirize item
color undirize item pick [green red] dir? item
set 'ls func [
"Improved directory listing"
'dir [any-type!] "Directory to operate on. If no value use current one"
/deep "Descend all subfolders"
/level "Descend only x levels"
level* [integer! none!] "Number of levels to descend"
/do "Apply a function to matched items"
fun [function!] "Function to apply, spec block can call item and depth" ;see examples..
'rule [word! block! none!]
/skip "Skip value matching parse rule"
'not-rule [word! block! none!] "parse rule (with optional [to end]) or dot (convenience to skip dot files)"
/help "Show available rules and exit"
/pass "Internal arg to pass data for recursion. Don't use!"
depth? [logic!]
depth [block!]
path [file!]
strict* [logic!]
/local item list last match? r
either pass [
append depth off
if strict* [strict: on]
if help [list-rules exit]
dir: to-file maybe-dir :dir [ls dir]
unless dir? dir [dir: join dir #"/"]
all [
system/words/do make error! "Only use one of /only or /skip not both"
if not-rule [rule: not-rule]
switch type?/word rule [
none! [rule: default-rule]
word! [
r: select rules rule
unless r [
system/words/do make error! {Invalid rule! Type "ls/help" to see available rules}
rule: clear []
append rule first r
append rule [to end]
if not-rule [insert rule 'not]
unless :fun [
fun: func [item][print ls-ctx/nice item]
path: dir
depth?: parse spec-of :fun [
2 word! to end
] ;check if depth is used in passed function
depth: append clear [] off
strict: to-logic strict
list: sort read dir ;macOS sorts, Linux doesn't, Windows?
if empty? list [exit]
if depth? [ ;look ahead for last match only if depth is used
list: tail list
until [
list: back list
item: first list
any [
parse item rule
1 = index? list
last: index? list
list: head list
forall list [
item: first list
match?: parse item bind rule 'item
if any [
not strict
all [
last = index? list
change back tail depth on
item: join dir item
if match? [
system/words/do [fun find/tail item path depth]
] ;move index of item past path
all [
dir? item
either level* [level* > length? depth][deep]
ls/deep/level/do/only/pass :item level* :fun :rule depth? depth path strict
remove back tail depth
set 'tree func [
'dir [any-type!]
level* [integer! none!]
'rule [word! block! none!]
'not-rule [word! block! none!]
/help "Show available rules and exit"
/local cache
if help [list-rules exit]
cache: clear make hash! 100
dir: to-file maybe-dir :dir [tree dir]
print nice dirize to-file dir
ls/deep/strict/level/do/only/skip :dir level* func[item depth /local c][
prin any [
select/only cache depth
append cache reduce [copy depth c: copy ""]
forall depth [
append c pick either tail? next depth [
[{└─ } {├─ }]
[{ } {│ }]
] first depth
print ls-ctx/nice last split-path item ;why do I have to do this otherwise nice returns itself as a function ??????
] :rule :not-rule
] ;end object
;### tests helper functions
object [
; system/state/trace?: off
n: newline
sep: pad/with ";" 80 #"#"
fill: func [value][pad/with rejoin [";## " value space] 80 #"#"]
set 'section func [title][
print [n sep n sep n fill uppercase title n sep n sep n]
set 'exec func [block /def /local result][
if string? block/1 [
print [n sep n fill block/1 n sep n]
block: next block
print join ">> " trim/head/tail next head clear back tail mold block
set/any 'result try block
if value? 'result [
all [
not error? :result
not empty? result: form :result
result: head insert result "== "
unless def [prin result]
prin n
prin n
set 'make-test-folder func [][
if exists? %folder/.0.txt [call/wait {rm -r folder}]
make-dir f: %folder
write f/.0.txt ""
write f/(%1.txt) ""
write f/(%2.txt) "pattern to be modified"
make-dir f: %folder/emptyfolder
make-dir f: %folder/.subfolder0
write f/.0.txt ""
write f/(%1.txt) ""
write f/(%2.txt) "pattern to be modified"
make-dir f: %folder/subfolder1
write f/.0.txt ""
write f/(%1.txt) ""
write f/(%2.txt) "pattern to be modified"
make-dir f: %folder/subfolder2
write f/.0.txt ""
write f/(%1.txt) ""
write f/(%2.txt) "pattern to be modified"
] ;end object
;### run tests
section {patch tests}
exec [
"patch %folder/2.txt with patches, error if no match"
patch %folder/2.txt [
[{to be } {}]
[{ modified} { reverted}]
[[any [to {pattern} change {pattern} {value}] to end]]
exec [
"patch %folder/2.txt with patches, error if no match"
patch %folder/2.txt [
[{not-found..} {return an error}]
exec [
"patch %folder/2.txt with patches, no error if no match"
patch/quiet %folder/2.txt [
[{not-found..} {don't complain}]
section {maybe tests}
exec/def [
"allow any value type, default to logic! off if no value"
test: func ['value [any-type!]][maybe :value off]
exec [test]
exec [test off]
exec/def [
"allow values of types word! and none!, default to logic! off if no value"
test: func ['value [any-type!]][maybe/type :value off [word! none!] [test value]]
exec [test #123]
exec [test word]
exec/def [
"allow values of types word! logic! and none!, type word! value are evaluated, default to logic! off if no value"
test: func ['value [any-type!]][
maybe/type :value off [word! [get value] logic! none!
] [test value]]
exec [test #123]
exec [test on]
exec [test none]
exec [word: 123 test word]
section {ls tests}
exec [
"error .."
ls/only/skip . dot dot
exec [
"list all files and folders in current dir"
exec [
"same, alternative call"
ls .
exec [
"same, alternative call"
ls %.
exec [
"execute provided function for every files and folders in current dir"
ls/do %. func[][print do load {1 + 1}]]
exec [
"list all files and folders in current dir, skip dot files"
ls/skip %. [dot to end]
exec [
"same, alternative call"
ls/skip %. dot
exec [
"list all files, skip folders and dot files in current dir"
ls/do/skip %. func[item][unless dir? item [print item]] dot
exec [
"recursive listing of files and folders in current dir, skipping dot files and printing with padded depth"
ls/deep/do/skip %. func[item depth][
print head insert/dup last split-path item space (length? depth) - 1 * 2
] dot
section {ls + patch test}
exec [
"recursively patch files content and change matched file names in one shot"
ls/deep/do/skip %folder func [item /local f][
item: head item
unless dir? item [
patch/quiet item [
[[any [to {value} change {value} {new value} (
print rejoin [{Found "value" in %} item { and replaced with "new value"}]
)] to end]]
if find item %2.txt [
call/wait form reduce ['mv f: copy item replace/all item %2.txt %3.txt]
print rejoin [{Found %2.txt in file name %} f { and replaced with %} item]
] dot
section {tree tests}
exec [
"directory tree at current path"
exec [
"same, alternative call"
tree %.
exec [
"directory tree at current path, skip dot files"
tree/skip %. dot
exec [
"directory tree for folder %folder, skip dot files"
tree/skip %folder dot
Copy link

x8x commented May 8, 2017

Compile and run return:

;## PATCH TESTS ################################################################ 

;## patch %folder/2.txt with patches, error if no match ######################## 

>> patch %folder/2.txt [
        ["to be " ""] 
        [" modified" " reverted"] 
        [[any [to "pattern" change "pattern" "value"] to end]]

;## patch %folder/2.txt with patches, error if no match ######################## 

>> patch %folder/2.txt [
        ["not-found.." "return an error"]
*** User Error: {string "not-found.." not found in file %folder/2.txt}
*** Where: do

;## patch %folder/2.txt with patches, no error if no match ##################### 

>> patch/quiet %folder/2.txt [
        ["not-found.." "don't complain"]

;## MAYBE TESTS ################################################################ 

;## allow any value type, default to logic! off if no value #################### 

>> test: func ['value [any-type!]] [maybe :value off]

>> test
== false

>> test off
== off

;## allow values of types word! and none!, default to logic! off if no value ### 

>> test: func ['value [any-type!]] [maybe/type :value off [word! none!] [test value]]

>> test #123
*** Script Error: test does not allow issue! for its value argument
*** Where: do

>> test word
== word

;## allow values of types word! logic! and none!, type word! value are evaluated, default to logic! off if no value  

>> test: func ['value [any-type!]] [maybe/type :value off [word! [get value] logic! none!] [test value]]

>> test #123
*** Script Error: test does not allow issue! for its value argument
*** Where: do

>> test on
== true

>> test none
== none

>> word: 123 test word
== 123

;## LS TESTS ################################################################### 

;## list all files and folders in current dir ################################## 

>> ls

;## same, alternative call ##################################################### 

>> ls .

;## same, alternative call ##################################################### 

>> ls %.

;## execute provided function for every files and folders in current dir ####### 

>> ls/do %. func [] [print do load "1 + 1"]

;## list all files and folders in current dir, skip dot files ################## 

>> ls/skip %. [not dot to end]

;## same, alternative call ##################################################### 

>> ls/skip %. dot

;## list all files, skip folders and dot files in current dir ################## 

>> ls/do/skip %. func [item] [unless dir? item [print item]] dot

;## recursive listing of files and folders in current dir, skipping dot files and printing with padded depth  

>> ls/deep/do/skip %. func [item depth] [print head insert/dup last split-path item space (length? depth) - 1 * 2] dot

;## LS + PATCH TEST ############################################################ 

;## recursively patch files content and change matched file names in one shot ## 

>> ls/deep/do/skip %folder func [item /local f] [item: head item 
        unless dir? item [
            patch/quiet item [
                [[any [to "value" change "value" "new value" (
                    print rejoin [{Found "value" in %} item { and replaced with "new value"}]
                )] to end]]
        ] if find item %2.txt [
            call/wait form reduce ['mv f: copy item replace/all item %2.txt %3.txt] print rejoin ["Found %2.txt in file name %" f " and replaced with %" item]
    ] dot
Found %2.txt in file name %folder/.subfolder0/2.txt and replaced with %folder/.subfolder0/3.txt
Found "value" in %folder/2.txt and replaced with "new value"
Found %2.txt in file name %folder/2.txt and replaced with %folder/3.txt
Found %2.txt in file name %folder/subfolder1/2.txt and replaced with %folder/subfolder1/3.txt
Found %2.txt in file name %folder/subfolder2/2.txt and replaced with %folder/subfolder2/3.txt

;## TREE TESTS ################################################################# 

;## directory tree at current path ############################################# 

>> tree
├─ code
├─ folder/
│  ├─ .0.txt
│  ├─ .subfolder0/
│  │  ├─ .0.txt
│  │  ├─ 1.txt
│  │  └─ 3.txt
│  ├─ 1.txt
│  ├─ 3.txt
│  ├─ emptyfolder/
│  ├─ subfolder1/
│  │  ├─ .0.txt
│  │  ├─ 1.txt
│  │  └─ 3.txt
│  └─ subfolder2/
│     ├─ .0.txt
│     ├─ 1.txt
│     └─ 3.txt
├─ libRedRT-defs.r
└─ libRedRT.dylib

;## same, alternative call ##################################################### 

>> tree %.
├─ code
├─ folder/
│  ├─ .0.txt
│  ├─ .subfolder0/
│  │  ├─ .0.txt
│  │  ├─ 1.txt
│  │  └─ 3.txt
│  ├─ 1.txt
│  ├─ 3.txt
│  ├─ emptyfolder/
│  ├─ subfolder1/
│  │  ├─ .0.txt
│  │  ├─ 1.txt
│  │  └─ 3.txt
│  └─ subfolder2/
│     ├─ .0.txt
│     ├─ 1.txt
│     └─ 3.txt
├─ libRedRT-defs.r
└─ libRedRT.dylib

;## directory tree at current path, skip dot files ############################# 

>> tree/skip %. dot
├─ code
├─ folder/
│  ├─ 1.txt
│  ├─ 3.txt
│  ├─ emptyfolder/
│  ├─ subfolder1/
│  │  ├─ 1.txt
│  │  └─ 3.txt
│  └─ subfolder2/
│     ├─ 1.txt
│     └─ 3.txt
├─ libRedRT-defs.r
└─ libRedRT.dylib

;## directory tree for folder %folder, skip dot files ########################## 

>> tree/skip %folder dot
├─ 1.txt
├─ 3.txt
├─ emptyfolder/
├─ subfolder1/
│  ├─ 1.txt
│  └─ 3.txt
└─ subfolder2/
   ├─ 1.txt
   └─ 3.txt

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