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Last active March 27, 2022 21:22
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# Welcome into Configuration File
# There is all the documentation
# LobbyServerName: Name of the Server when the Player will interact with BED_ITEM (edit it only if you have enabled Give_backtolobby_item)
# Join_message: Broadcast when the Player join the Server
# Quit_message: Broadcast when the Player quit the Server
# Give_backtolobby_item: Enable or not if the Player will receive at join and respawn the item for back to Lobby's Server
# Death_message: Broadcast when a Player kill someone/ Someone who has been killed
# double_exp: Enable or not Double Exp (can be useful if you do events, etc.). It will multiply the coins given to killer per 2
# coins_given_to_killer: Points who will be given to Player when he kills someone
# rankup_message: Message who will be sent to Player when a Player will have a new Level (1, 2...)
# level_chat_format: Format into the Chat when it is showing the level of the Player when a Player send a Message into Chat
# kit_nopermission: Message who will be sent to Player when a Player don't have enough experiences to use kits.
# unlocked_kits_message: Message who will be sent to Player when a Player has unlocked kits by Rank up.
# sb_title: Name of the Scoreboard.
# sb_player: Name of Player
# sb_level: Level of Player
# sb_ip_adress: IP adress who will be show into Scoreboard.
# sb_kills: Number of kills who will be show into Scoreboard.
# sb_deaths: Number of deaths who will be show into Scoreboard.
# sb_ratio: Number of ratio who will be show into Scoreboard.
# welcome_title: Title who will be sent when a Player join the Server.
# welcome_subtitle: SubTitle who will be sent when a Player join the Server.
# exp_title: Title who will be sent when a Player join the Server if a Booster is enabled.
# exp_subtitle: SubTitle who will be sent when a Player join the Server if a Booster is enabled.
# booster_bc: Broadcast who will be sent to players when a Booster has been activated by an administrator.
# warrior_name: Name of the kit for Warrior.
# warrior_level: Level required for use Warrior Kit.
# warrior_level_msg: Text who will be shown for the level is required for use the Kit.
# warrior_desc: Description of Warrior Kit (For moment, it cannot support multiples lines !).
# archer_name: Name of the kit for Archer.
# archer_level: Level required for use Archer Kit.
# archer_level_msg: Text who will be shown for the level is required for use the Kit.
# archer_desc: Description of Archer Kit (For moment, it cannot support multiples lines !).*
# alchimist_name: Name of the kit for Alchimist.
# alchimist_level: Level required for use Alchimist Kit.
# alchimist_level_msg: Text who will be shown for the level is required for use the Kit.
# alchimist_desc: Description of Alchimist Kit (For moment, it cannot support multiples lines !).
# ninja_name: Name of the Kit for Ninja.
# ninja_level: Level required for use Ninja Kit.
# ninja_level_msg: Text who will be shown for the level is required for use this Kit.
# ninja_desc: Description of Ninja Kit (For moment, it cannot support multiples lines !).
# pyroman_name: Name of the Kit for Pyroman.
# pyroman_level: Level required for use Pyroman Kit.
# pyroman_level_msg: Text who will be shown for the level is required for use this Kit.
# pyroman_desc: Description of Pyroman Kit (For moment, it cannot support multiples lines !).
# mastodon_name: Name of the Kit for Mastodon.
# mastodon_level: Level required for use Mastodon Kit.
# mastodon_level_msg: Text who will be shown for the level is required for use this Kit.
# mastodon_desc: Description of Mastodon Kit (For moment, it cannot support multiples lines !).
# knockbacker_name: Name of the Kit for Knockbacker.
# knockbacker_level: Level required for use Knockbacker Kit.
# knockbacker_level_msg: Text who will be shown for the level is required for use this Kit.
# knockbacker_desc: Description of Knockbacker Kit (For moment, it cannot support multiples lines !).
# kits_item_name: Name of the Item for choose a Kit.
# backtolobby_item_name: Name of the Item for Back to Lobby Server (The Server's destination are set on option: LobbyServerName: "name" and Item are given with option Give_backtolobby_item in true).
# Spawn (x, y, z): Coordinates for sending player when a Player dies or join the Server.
# header_tab: Header into the Tablist (Use {player} for get the Name of the Player and \n for get back to the line).
# footer_tab: Footer into the Tablist (Use \n for get Back to the line).
# ping_normal: Get the Ping of Player if he has a good connection (Ping < to 100ms, you can use {ping} for get his ping).
# ping_medium: Get the Ping of Player if he has a good connection (Ping > to 100ms and < to 300ms, you can use {ping} for get his ping).
# ping_high: Get the Ping of Player if he has a good connection (Ping > to 300ms and < to 500ms, you can use {ping} for get his ping).
# ping_very_high: Get the Ping of Player if he has a good connection (Ping > to 500ms, you can use {ping} for get his ping).
# kit_disabled: Message for the Potion kit who has been disabled due to some problems.
# builduhc: Enable or not a mode for your players to use blocks during fights.
# reset_map_announce: Broadcast to announce the time left before reset of blocks (ONLY IF BUILDUHC IS TRUE).
# reset_map_msg: Broadcast when the map has been reset (ONLY IF BUILDUHC IS TRUE).
# blocks_time: Time before reset of blocks (ONLY IF BUILDUHC IS TRUE).
# bossbar_reset_announce: Broadcast of the announcement of the reset in the BossBar (ONLY IF BUILDUHC IS TRUE).
# reset_cmd: Help page for /stats reset command
# confirm: Options for confirm Menu
# redis: Option for Redis support.
# randomlocations: Change coordinates of random teleports after have chosen a Kit.
# kits_slot: Change slot in inventory for Kit item
# backtolobby_slot: Change slot in inventory for Back to Hub item
kits_item_name: "&6Kits"
kits_slot: 0
backtolobby_item_name: "&6Back to Hub"
backtolobby_slot: 8
LobbyServerName: "lobby"
Join_message: "&a{name} &7has joined the server!"
Quit_message: "&c{name} &7has left the server!"
Give_backtolobby_item: false
Death_message: "&4{name} &7has been killed by &a{killer}"
double_exp: false
coins_given_to_killer: 2
rankup_message: "&aYou are now to level {level}"
level_chat_format: "&a[&b{level}&a]"
kit_nopermission: "&cYou don't have enough experiences to use this kit !"
unlocked_kits_message: "&aYou have unlocked new kits! You should try them!"
sb_player: "&b&lAccount: &a{player}"
sb_title: "&e&lPvPBox"
sb_killstreaks: "&7KillStreak: &b{killStreaks}"
sb_level: "&7Level: &b{level}"
sb_ip_adress: "&"
sb_kills: "&7Kills: &b{kills}"
sb_deaths: "&7Deaths: &c{deaths}"
sb_ratio: "&7Ratio: &b{ratio}"
welcome_title: "&6WELCOME!"
welcome_subtitle: "&6&lA PvPBox By x9nico"
exp_title: "&6Experiences are now Boosted by {multiplier} !"
exp_subtitle: "&aLet's Go!"
booster_bc: "&b&lAn administrator has enabled a booster for the gain of experiences are multiplied by {multiplier} during a non-permanent time!"
warrior_name: "&aWarrior"
warrior_level: 0
warrior_level_msg: "&cLevel required: &a{level}"
warrior_desc: "&7Fight you as a Warrior!"
archer_name: "&aArcher"
archer_level: 0
archer_level_msg: "&cLevel required: &a{level}"
archer_desc: "&7Fight with your powerful Bow !!"
alchimist_name: "&aAlchemist"
alchimist_level: 5
alchimist_level_msg: "&cLevel required: &a{level}"
alchimist_desc: "&7Fight you with your potions !!."
ninja_name: "&aNinja"
ninja_level: 5
ninja_level_msg: "&cLevel required: &a{level}"
ninja_desc: "&7Become a Ninja !"
pyroman_name: "&aPyromania"
pyroman_level: 10
pyroman_level_msg: "&cLevel required: &a{level}"
pyroman_desc: "&7FIRE !"
mastodon_name: "&aMastodon"
mastodon_level: 20
mastodon_level_msg: "&cLevel required: &a{level}"
mastodon_desc: "&7Be invincible !"
knockbacker_name: "&aKnockbacker"
knockbacker_level: 25
knockbacker_level_msg: "&cLevel required: &a{level}"
knockbacker_desc: "&7You have a &c&lPOWERFUL &7Stick for give you some advantages !"
x: -296
y: 52
z: -140
header_tab: "&6--------------------v------------------------------------- \n WELCOME &e{player} &6from the PvPBox Server ! \n ---------------------------------------------------------"
footer_tab: "&6--------------------------------------------------------- \n &bYou are playing on \n &6---------------------------------------------------------"
ping_normal: "&eYour ping: &a{ping}&ems"
ping_medium: "&eYour ping: &e{ping}&ems"
ping_high: "&eYour ping: &c{ping}&ems"
ping_very_high: "&eYour ping: &4&l{ping}&ems"
kit_disabled: "&cThis kit has been disabled due to some problems. This kit will be available soon..."
builduhc: true
reset_map_announce: "&cThe map reset in &6{time} &cseconds !"
reset_map_msg: "&aThe map has been reset !"
blocks_time: 300 # in seconds
bossbar_reset_announce: "&cReset of the map in {time}"
reset_cmd: "&e/stats reset &bReset your stats (Kills, Deaths...)"
name: "Are you sure ? It will reset Deaths, Kills, Level..."
true: "&a&lYes"
yes_msg: "&aYour stats have been reset !"
false: "&c&lNo"
no_msg: "&cYour request has been cancelled !"
redis_support: false
ip_adress: ""
port: 6379
password: ""
x: -285.570
y: 45
z: -132.872
x: -303.911
y: 45
z: -134.713
x: -254.589
y: 50
z: -128.714
x: -216.582
y: 45
z: -139.432
x: -296.300
y: 45
z: -162.700
x: -297.300
y: 45
z: -227.700
x: -274.609
y: 38
z: -240.942
x: -250.218
y: 33
z: -241.510
x: -179.267
y: 45
z: -256.700
x: -193.375
y: 45
z: -197.593
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