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Created August 22, 2022 19:59
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.13;
import "./Car.sol";
// The strategy used to reach #5 (1486.41 ELO) in 0xMonaco
// This contract contains bugs and has ineffecient gas usage, do not use it in production
contract BA5ED is Car {
uint256 internal constant PANIC_MODE_MOVES = 5;
uint256 internal constant FINISH_DISTANCE = 1000;
uint256 internal constant INITIAL_ACCELERATION_COST = 12;
constructor(Monaco _monaco) Car(_monaco) {}
function takeYourTurn(Monaco.CarData[] calldata allCars, uint256 ourCarIndex) external override {
Monaco.CarData memory ourCar = allCars[ourCarIndex];
// If this is the first move
if(ourCar.y == 0){
// Check if we are the first car to be allowed a move
if(monaco.getAccelerateCost(1) <= INITIAL_ACCELERATION_COST){
// Price gouge acceleration
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyAcceleration(15));
// Make sure no one else is price gouging
}else if(ourCar.balance / 11 > monaco.getAccelerateCost(8)){
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyAcceleration(8));
// Try a lower amount
}else if(ourCar.balance / 10 > monaco.getAccelerateCost(1)){
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyAcceleration(1));
// Cost to buy acceleration is too high, so check if we can shell someone and incurr them cost
(bool canWeShell, uint256 nearestSpeed, uint256 nearestPosition,) = canShell(ourCar, allCars, ourCarIndex);
uint256 shellCost = monaco.getShellCost(1);
// Is the cost of buying speed higher for them than it is for us to shell them?
if(shellCost < (ourCar.balance / 10) && nearestSpeed > 1 && monaco.getAccelerateCost(nearestSpeed - 1) > shellCost){
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyShell(1));
// We got shelled? Poomp it
if(ourCar.speed == 1){
// If we have plenty left
if(ourCar.balance / 5 > monaco.getAccelerateCost(3)){
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyAcceleration(3));
ourCar.speed += 3;
// Always buy acceleration below floor price
ourCar = scoopFloor(ourCar);
// accelaration is cheap, scoop it
if(monaco.getAccelerateCost(1) < ourCar.balance / (4 * ourCar.speed)){
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyAcceleration(1));
ourCar.speed += 1;
// Check the cost of buying an instant win, if we have enough do it
uint256 distanceUntilWin = FINISH_DISTANCE - ourCar.y;
if(distanceUntilWin < 200 && distanceUntilWin > ourCar.speed && monaco.getAccelerateCost(distanceUntilWin - ourCar.speed) < ourCar.balance){
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyAcceleration(distanceUntilWin - ourCar.speed));
ourCar.speed = uint24(distanceUntilWin);
// Check if we need to enter panic mode or not
(bool inPanicMode,) = panicModeCheck(ourCar, allCars, ourCarIndex);
// Check if we have entered panic mode or not, if we have no further actions are needed
// If we are not in the lead
if(ourCarIndex != 0){
// Can we shell em?
(bool canWeShell, uint256 nearestSpeed, uint256 nearestPosition, uint256 nearestBalance) = canShell(ourCar, allCars, ourCarIndex);
uint256 distanceUntilNearestWins = FINISH_DISTANCE - nearestPosition;
uint256 shellCost = monaco.getShellCost(1);
// Will they win next turn or can they instant buy a win, if so attempt to shell them and gain warpSpeed
// This is a last restort
if(distanceUntilNearestWins < 200 && (distanceUntilNearestWins <= nearestSpeed || monaco.getAccelerateCost(distanceUntilNearestWins - nearestSpeed) < nearestBalance) && canWeShell){
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyShell(1));
// Can we shell? Will we lose if we don't? Will we win if we do?
}else if(canWeShell && !willPass(ourCar.y, ourCar.speed, nearestPosition, nearestSpeed) && willPass(ourCar.y, ourCar.speed, nearestPosition, 1)){
// Check how close we are to the finish, shell if worth it
if(distanceUntilWin < 100){
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyShell(1));
}else if(distanceUntilWin < 400 && shellCost < (ourCar.balance / 2)){
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyShell(1));
}else if(shellCost < (ourCar.balance / 20)){
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyShell(1));
* Can we shell someone, if we can return all the info regarding who we are shelling
function canShell(Monaco.CarData memory ourCar, Monaco.CarData[] calldata allCars, uint256 ourCarIndex) internal returns(bool canWeShell, uint256 speed, uint256 position, uint256 carBalance){
uint256 nOfCars = allCars.length;
if(ourCar.balance < monaco.getShellCost(1)){
return (false, 0, 0, 0);
Car closestCar; // Used to determine who to shell.
uint256 distanceFromClosestCar = type(uint256).max;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if(i == ourCarIndex){
Monaco.CarData memory nextCar = allCars[i];
// If the car is behind or on us, skip it.
if (nextCar.y <= ourCar.y) continue;
// Measure the distance from the car to us.
uint256 distanceFromNextCar = nextCar.y - ourCar.y;
// If this car is closer than all other cars we've
// looked at so far, we'll make it the closest one.
if (distanceFromNextCar < distanceFromClosestCar) {
canWeShell = true;
carBalance = nextCar.balance;
closestCar =;
position = nextCar.y;
speed = nextCar.speed;
* Check if CarA will pas CarB before the end of the game
function willPass(uint256 carAPosition, uint256 carASpeed, uint256 carBPosition, uint256 carBSpeed) internal returns(bool) {
uint256 distanceToClose = carBPosition - carAPosition;
uint256 movesTillTheyFinish = (FINISH_DISTANCE - carBPosition) / carBSpeed;
uint256 movesTillWeFinish = (FINISH_DISTANCE - carAPosition) / carASpeed;
return movesTillTheyFinish > movesTillWeFinish;
* Attempt to gain max speed spending all our coins in the process
function warpSpeed(Monaco.CarData memory ourCar) internal returns (Monaco.CarData memory) {
// Attempt to get the max speed we can
while(ourCar.balance > monaco.getAccelerateCost(1)){
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyAcceleration(1));
ourCar.speed += 1;
return ourCar;
* Buy cheap acceleration, force others to buy at a price above this floor
function scoopFloor(Monaco.CarData memory ourCar) internal returns (Monaco.CarData memory) {
// Buy all acceleration at floor price and below
while(monaco.getAccelerateCost(1) <= INITIAL_ACCELERATION_COST && ourCar.balance <= INITIAL_ACCELERATION_COST){
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyAcceleration(1));
ourCar.speed += 1;
return ourCar;
* Check if the game is about to end and we need to make drastic moves
function panicModeCheck(Monaco.CarData memory ourCar, Monaco.CarData[] calldata allCars, uint256 ourCarIndex) internal returns(bool, Monaco.CarData memory) {
Monaco.CarData memory closestToFinish;
// if true this means we can shell the car closest to winning
bool carBehindUs = false;
bool carInFront = false;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if(i == ourCarIndex){
Monaco.CarData memory nextCar = allCars[i];
if(nextCar.y > closestToFinish.y){
closestToFinish = nextCar;
if(closestToFinish.y > ourCar.y){
carInFront = true;
if(nextCar.y < ourCar.y){
carBehindUs = true;
uint256 distanceUntilLose = (FINISH_DISTANCE - closestToFinish.y);
uint256 movesUntilLose = distanceUntilLose / closestToFinish.speed;
// If they are close enough where they can buy enough speed to finish next turn we price gouge to prevent that
if(!carBehindUs && distanceUntilLose < 200 && distanceUntilLose > closestToFinish.speed && monaco.getAccelerateCost(distanceUntilLose - closestToFinish.speed) <= closestToFinish.balance){
return (true, warpSpeed(ourCar));
// Check if panic mode should be active or not
if(movesUntilLose > PANIC_MODE_MOVES){
return (false, ourCar);
// if there is no car behind us we should do a quick pass by at the end
return (true, attemptQuickPass(ourCar, allCars, ourCarIndex, movesUntilLose));
// we are middle in the pack
if(carBehindUs && carInFront){
return (true, attemptQuickPass(ourCar, allCars, ourCarIndex, movesUntilLose));
// we are in front
ourCar = warpSpeed(ourCar);
return (true, ourCar);
* Used when in second or last place to attempt getting a position ahead, at any cost
function attemptQuickPass(Monaco.CarData memory ourCar, Monaco.CarData[] calldata allCars, uint256 ourCarIndex, uint256 movesUntilLose) internal returns (Monaco.CarData memory){
(bool canWeShell, uint256 nearestSpeed, uint256 nearestPosition, uint256 nearestBalance) = canShell(ourCar, allCars, ourCarIndex);
uint256 theirPositionOnEnd = nearestPosition + (nearestSpeed * movesUntilLose);
uint256 ourPositionOnEnd = ourCar.y + (ourCar.speed * movesUntilLose);
// Can we pass the person in front before we lose
if(theirPositionOnEnd >= ourPositionOnEnd){
uint256 extraSpeedNeeded;
if(movesUntilLose != 0){
extraSpeedNeeded = (theirPositionOnEnd - ourPositionOnEnd) / movesUntilLose;
extraSpeedNeeded = (theirPositionOnEnd - ourPositionOnEnd);
// Check if slowing them down also works
if(canWeShell && nearestSpeed * movesUntilLose >= extraSpeedNeeded && monaco.getShellCost(1) < ourCar.balance){
// Slowing them down is cheaper
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyShell(1));
// Buy slight bit extra speed to poomp the price for them and to be sure we pass
if(monaco.getAccelerateCost(2) < ourCar.balance){
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyAcceleration(2));
// hopefully that is enough
return ourCar;
// If we can't shell because we lack the funds, or they are going to slow for it to matter attempt to increase our speed
if(monaco.getAccelerateCost(extraSpeedNeeded) < ourCar.balance){
ourCar.balance -= uint24(monaco.buyAcceleration(extraSpeedNeeded));
return ourCar;
// we have to try something, warp speed it is
return warpSpeed(ourCar);
return ourCar;
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