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Last active January 25, 2021 05:21
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  • Save xNihil0/c605ad3758cb596224863d0bbe9db7be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save xNihil0/c605ad3758cb596224863d0bbe9db7be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Based on DieNacht's version
// All credit goes to c0re100
// Reference:
// ==UserScript==
// @name U2 Show Peer location
// @namespace
// @version 1.2.1-SD
// @description Show Peer location
// @author xNihilo
// @original author Husky DieNacht
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant none
// @require
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
xhook.after(function(request, response) {
if (request.url.match(/(btclients|viewpeerlist).php\?id=\d+/)) {
let resp = response.text
let parser = new DOMParser()
let clientRes = parser.parseFromString(resp, 'text/html')
let clientSpan = clientRes.getElementsByTagName('span')
for (let i = 0; i < clientSpan.length; i++) {
if (clientSpan[i].title.match(/中国/)) {
clientSpan[i].title = 'GeoIP: 亚洲:中国大陆'
if (clientSpan[i].title.match(/中华民国/)) {
clientSpan[i].title = 'GeoIP: 亚洲:中华台北'
if (clientSpan[i].title.match(/香港/)) {
clientSpan[i].title = 'GeoIP: 亚洲:中国香港'
if (clientSpan[i].title.match(/澳门/)) {
clientSpan[i].title = 'GeoIP: 亚洲:中国澳门'
if (clientSpan[i].className.match(/ipv6_teredo/)) {
clientSpan[i].innerHTML = clientSpan[i].title
if (clientSpan[i].className.match(/ipv6_6to4/)) {
clientSpan[i].innerHTML += '隧道'
/*if (clientSpan[i].className.match(/ipv4_native/)) {
if (clientSpan[i].title.match(/大陆/)) {
clientSpan[i].style.backgroundColor = 'orange'
if (clientSpan[i].title.match(/法国/)) {
//clientSpan[i].style.color = 'white'
clientSpan[i].style.backgroundColor = 'yellow'
if (clientSpan[i].title.match(/德国/)) {
clientSpan[i].style.color = 'white'
clientSpan[i].style.backgroundColor = 'blue'
if (clientSpan[i].title.match(/荷兰/)) {
clientSpan[i].style.color = 'white'
clientSpan[i].style.backgroundColor = 'grey'
if (clientSpan[i].title.match(/芬兰/)) {
clientSpan[i].style.color = 'white'
clientSpan[i].style.backgroundColor = 'blue'
// clientSpan[i].style.backgroundColor = 'orange'
if (clientSpan[i].className.match(/ipv6_native/)) {
clientSpan[i].style.backgroundColor = 'white'
if (clientSpan[i].className.match(/ipv4_box/)) {
clientSpan[i].style.color = 'white'
// clientSpan[i].style.backgroundColor = 'pink'
clientSpan[i].innerHTML = clientSpan[i].title.split('洲:')[1]
if (clientSpan[i].className.match(/ipv4_native|ipv6_native/)) {
clientSpan[i].style.color = 'white'
clientSpan[i].innerHTML = clientSpan[i].title.split('洲:')[1]
if (clientSpan[i].title.match(/feralhosting/)) {
clientSpan[i].style.color = 'white'
clientSpan[i].innerHTML = 'Feral Hosting'
if (clientSpan[i].title.match(/seedhost/)) {
clientSpan[i].style.color = 'white'
clientSpan[i].innerHTML = 'SeedHost Shared'
if (clientSpan[i].title.match(/seedhost/)) {
if (clientSpan[i].title.match(/server/)) {
clientSpan[i].style.color = 'white'
clientSpan[i].innerHTML = 'SeedHost Dedicated'
for (const a of clientRes.querySelectorAll("b")) {
if (a.textContent.includes(" 下载者")) {
console.log("Leechers Found.")
const getCellValue = (tr, idx) => tr.children[idx].innerText || tr.children[idx].textContent
const comparer = (idx, asc) => (a, b) => ((v1, v2) =>
v1 !== '' && v2 !== '' && !isNaN(v1) && !isNaN(v2) ? v1 - v2 : v1.toString().localeCompare(v2)
)(getCellValue(asc ? a : b, idx), getCellValue(asc ? b : a, idx))
const table = a.nextElementSibling;
if (table != null) {
.sort(comparer(7, 0))
.forEach(tr => table.appendChild(tr))
response.text = clientRes.body.innerHTML
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