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Last active January 12, 2021 14:45
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import qbittorrentapi
import psutil
import time
# host 填写你的 qBittorrent WebUI 地址, 默认本地 localhost
# port 填写你的 qBittorrent WebUI 端口
# username 填写你的 qBittorrent WebUI 用户名
# password 填写你的 qBittorrent WebUI 密码
# ul_threshold 填写上行阈值 (单位: KiB/s)
# interval 填写测速采样间隔 (单位: sec)
host = r'localhost'
port = 5100
username = r''
password = r''
ul_threshold = 81920
interval = 5
def get_rate():
last = psutil.net_io_counters()
now = psutil.net_io_counters()
ul = (now.bytes_sent - last.bytes_sent) / interval / 1024
dl = (now.bytes_recv - last.bytes_recv) / interval / 1024
return ul, dl
if __name__ == "__main__":
qbt_client = qbittorrentapi.Client(host, port, username, password)
except qbittorrentapi.LoginFailed as e:
cnt = 0
ul, dl = get_rate()
print(f"Current rate: DL {dl} KiB/s, UL {ul} KiB/s.")
for torrent in qbt_client.torrents_info():
if torrent.state_enum.is_downloading:
print(f"{torrent.hash} reannounced.")
cnt += 1
if torrent.state_enum.is_uploading and ul < ul_threshold:
print(f"{torrent.hash} reannounced.")
cnt += 1
print(f"{cnt} torrent(s) reannounced.")
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