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Last active August 28, 2019 01:55
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  • Save xPMo/8b4ea1c1136a8bc77529ade7b0364449 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Strawberry Crash.
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00:00:00 SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh
00:00:00 WINDOWID=4194314
00:00:00 COLORTERM=rxvt
00:00:00 CSF_MDTVTexturesDirectory=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/Textures
00:00:00 LESS=--tabs=4 --no-init
00:00:00 CLUTTER_BACKEND=wayland
00:00:00 TMUX=/tmp/tmux-1000/default,2445,0
00:00:00 CSF_DrawPluginDefaults=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/DrawResources
00:00:00 I3SOCK=/run/user/1000/sway-ipc.1000.2355.sock
00:00:00 CSF_LANGUAGE=us
00:00:00 CSF_MIGRATION_TYPES=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/StdResource/MigrationSheet.txt
00:00:00 RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH=/home/pmo/.config/rg.conf
00:00:00 DESKTOP_SESSION=sway
00:00:00 CSF_OCCTResourcePath=/usr/share/opencascade/resources
00:00:00 XCURSOR_SIZE=24
00:00:00 CSF_STEPDefaults=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/XSTEPResource
00:00:00 EDITOR=nvim
00:00:00 XDG_SEAT=seat0
00:00:00 PWD=/home/pmo
00:00:00 LOGNAME=pmo
00:00:00 XDG_SESSION_TYPE=tty
00:00:00 DRAWHOME=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/DrawResources
00:00:00 NOTES_DIRECTORY=/home/pmo/Documents/current/notes
00:00:00 CSF_StandardLiteDefaults=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/StdResource
00:00:00 FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND=p=$(realpath $(pwd)); command locate "$p" | cut -b$(( ${#p} + 2 ))-
00:00:00 HOME=/home/pmo
00:00:00 LANG=en_US.UTF-8
00:00:00 LS_COLORS=rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=00:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.opus=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:
00:00:00 SWAYSOCK=/run/user/1000/sway-ipc.1000.2355.sock
00:00:00 WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-0
00:00:00 MOSH_ESCAPE_KEY=~
00:00:00 GITREPOPATH=/home/pmo/Pictures/inkscape-repos:/home/pmo/Documents/current/repos:/home/pmo/Repos
00:00:00 INVOCATION_ID=6baa9f49033d4ec38de8f5964d55b878
00:00:00 CSF_ShadersDirectory=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/Shaders
00:00:00 YSU_VERSION=1.4.0
00:00:00 CSF_XmlOcafResource=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/XmlOcafResource
00:00:00 QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland
00:00:00 CSF_SHMessage=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/SHMessage
00:00:00 ZPFX=/home/pmo/Repos/dots/zsh/.zplugin/polaris
00:00:00 XDG_SESSION_CLASS=user
00:00:00 TERM=screen-256color
00:00:00 XIVIEWER=feh
00:00:00 USER=pmo
00:00:00 SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland
00:00:00 TMUX_PANE=%0
00:00:00 SUDO_EDITOR=nvim
00:00:00 COLORFGBG=0;15
00:00:00 CSF_StandardDefaults=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/StdResource
00:00:00 CSF_IGESDefaults=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/XSTEPResource
00:00:00 VISUAL=nvr-visual
00:00:00 DISPLAY=:1
00:00:00 CSF_XCAFDefaults=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/StdResource
00:00:00 SHLVL=4
00:00:00 GIT_EDITOR=nvr --remote-wait-silent
00:00:00 XDG_VTNR=2
00:00:00 CSF_PluginDefaults=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/StdResource
00:00:00 CSF_TObjMessage=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/TObj
00:00:00 XDG_SESSION_ID=19
00:00:00 CASROOT=/usr
00:00:00 MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
00:00:00 XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000
00:00:00 LC_TIME=en_DK.UTF-8
00:00:00 TMUX_VERSION=2.9a
00:00:00 HISTORY_IGNORE=(#i)(cd|cd ..|clear|g ca#m *|l[sal]#( *)#|ldot|exit)
00:00:00 JOURNAL_STREAM=9:30894278
00:00:00 CSF_XSMessage=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/XSMessage
00:00:00 XCURSOR_THEME=Bibata_Oil
00:00:00 MMGT_CLEAR=1
00:00:00 BROWSER=xdg-open
00:00:00 PATH=/home/pmo/.cargo/bin:/home/pmo/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl
00:00:00 CSF_TObjDefaults=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/StdResource
00:00:00 DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus
00:00:00 FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS=--bind="ctrl-j:preview-down,ctrl-k:preview-up,ctrl-alt-j:preview-page-down,ctrl-alt-k:preview-page-up,ctrl-a:select-all,ctrl-alt-a:deselect-all,alt-a:toggle-all,alt-e:execute(nvim {+})"
00:00:00 MAIL=/var/spool/mail/pmo
00:00:00 DRAWDEFAULT=/usr/share/opencascade/resources/DrawResources/DrawDefault
00:00:00 OLDPWD=/home/pmo
00:00:00 _=/usr/bin/env
00:00:00 + exec /usr/bin/strawberry
00:00:02 15:00:37.305 INFO main:159 Strawberry 0.6.3
00:00:02 15:00:37.305 INFO main:160 "Arch Linux unknown - (linux 5.2.8-zen1-1-zen) [x86_64]"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.311 DEBUG unknown using xkb compose input context
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.312 DEBUG unknown using input method: QComposeInputContext
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.348 DEBUG unknown using qt5ct plugin
00:00:02 15:00:37.424 DEBUG NetworkProxyFactory:55 Detected system proxy URLs: ("", "", "", "")
00:00:02 15:00:37.424 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:275 Starting worker 0x7f11457f9500 "/usr/bin/strawberry-tagreader" "/tmp/strawberry_-1823980657"
00:00:02 15:00:37.425 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:275 Starting worker 0x7f11457f9500 "/usr/bin/strawberry-tagreader" "/tmp/strawberry_-1716868894"
00:00:02 15:00:37.425 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:275 Starting worker 0x7f11457f9500 "/usr/bin/strawberry-tagreader" "/tmp/strawberry_-541990842"
00:00:02 15:00:37.426 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:275 Starting worker 0x7f11457f9500 "/usr/bin/strawberry-tagreader" "/tmp/strawberry_-513233283"
00:00:02 15:00:37.428 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:275 Starting worker 0x7f11457f9500 "/usr/bin/strawberry-tagreader" "/tmp/strawberry_-391313423"
00:00:02 15:00:37.429 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:275 Starting worker 0x7f11457f9500 "/usr/bin/strawberry-tagreader" "/tmp/strawberry_-1961935325"
00:00:02 15:00:37.430 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:275 Starting worker 0x7f11457f9500 "/usr/bin/strawberry-tagreader" "/tmp/strawberry_-761117359"
00:00:02 15:00:37.433 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:275 Starting worker 0x7f11457f9500 "/usr/bin/strawberry-tagreader" "/tmp/strawberry_-1581707431"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.436 DEBUG unknown D-Bus system tray: yes
00:00:02 15:00:37.436 INFO main:54 TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/strawberry_-1716868894"
00:00:02 15:00:37.436 INFO main:54 TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/strawberry_-1823980657"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.436 DEBUG unknown
00:00:02 15:00:37.437 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:293 Worker 0x7f1128005660 connected to "/tmp/strawberry_-1823980657"
00:00:02 15:00:37.438 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:293 Worker 0x7f11280082d0 connected to "/tmp/strawberry_-1716868894"
00:00:02 15:00:37.439 INFO main:54 TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/strawberry_-391313423"
00:00:02 15:00:37.440 INFO main:54 TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/strawberry_-541990842"
00:00:02 15:00:37.440 INFO main:54 TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/strawberry_-513233283"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.441 DEBUG unknown true
00:00:02 15:00:37.441 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:293 Worker 0x7f112800b340 connected to "/tmp/strawberry_-391313423"
00:00:02 15:00:37.441 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:293 Worker 0x7f1128006ad0 connected to "/tmp/strawberry_-541990842"
00:00:02 15:00:37.441 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:293 Worker 0x7f1128009f50 connected to "/tmp/strawberry_-513233283"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.443 DEBUG unknown
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.445 DEBUG unknown "" (QSize(48, 48))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.445 DEBUG unknown "Strawberry"
00:00:02 15:00:37.447 INFO main:54 TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/strawberry_-761117359"
00:00:02 15:00:37.447 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:293 Worker 0x7f112800d9b0 connected to "/tmp/strawberry_-761117359"
00:00:02 15:00:37.451 INFO main:54 TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/strawberry_-1581707431"
00:00:02 15:00:37.451 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:293 Worker 0x7f112800fbb0 connected to "/tmp/strawberry_-1581707431"
00:00:02 15:00:37.455 INFO main:54 TagReader worker connecting to "/tmp/strawberry_-1961935325"
00:00:02 15:00:37.456 DEBUG WorkerPool<HandlerType>:293 Worker 0x7f112800d300 connected to "/tmp/strawberry_-1961935325"
00:00:02 15:00:37.497 WARN OSD:118 Error connecting to notifications service.
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.519 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483648 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e934c3510 name="No song playing" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e935a4440, name = "label_stop_top")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.520 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483649 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e934d2fb0 name="Bit depth" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e9352e440, name = "label_bitdepth")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.520 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483650 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e935485a0 name="Length" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e934f3860, name = "label_length")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.520 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483651 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9353cb80 name="Samplerate" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93506d00, name = "label_samplerate")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.520 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483652 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9324bd20 name="Filetype" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e934f38a0, name = "label_filetype")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.520 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483653 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9350c2e0 name="Bitrate" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e934d7780, name = "label_bitrate")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.520 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483654 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9328a1d0 name="Engine" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e9353d340, name = "label_engine")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.520 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483655 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9359fe20 name="Device" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e9353d380, name = "label_device")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.523 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483656 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e935fb590 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e934f7400)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.523 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483657 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e934ff770 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e934f74a0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.523 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483658 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9357ace0 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e935000a0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.523 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483659 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e931ee670 name="OK" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93586d00)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 15:00:37.539 DEBUG logging:65 _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gvfs (GDaemonVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.551 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483660 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e934c1110 name="Cancel" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e9370fe00)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.551 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483661 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936c95e0 name="Reset" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e936f4f80)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.555 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483662 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e935e4e60 name="You can change the way the songs in the collection are organised." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e935fb650, name = "label")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.576 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483663 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9371e250 name="Group Collection by..." role=Grouping childc=6 obj=QGroupBox(0x557e9345acf0, name = "groupBox")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.576 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483664 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937d1950 name="First level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93559070, name = "label_first")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.576 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483665 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93810f40 name="Second level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e9357af40, name = "label_second")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.576 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483666 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938159b0 name="Third level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93508560, name = "label_third")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.591 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483667 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936395a0 name="" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93639350, name = "back")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.591 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483668 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e934d2c10 name="" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93639560, name = "forward")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.595 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483669 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936343d0 name="Scroll Left" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e936a0a00)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.595 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483670 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936343a0 name="Scroll Right" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e936a0ac0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.596 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483671 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9369a9e0 name="" role=Button obj=QTableCornerButton(0x557e9369d5e0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.596 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483672 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93645b10 name="" role=RadioButton obj=QRadioButton(0x557e936400f0, name = "transcode_unsupported")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.596 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483673 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936c7b70 name="OK" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93671210)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483674 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937f2820 name="Cancel" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93698fc0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483675 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937cb760 name="Name" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93636080, name = "label_2")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483676 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936990a0 name="Icon" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e937c9e70, name = "label")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483677 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936c8310 name="Hardware information" role=Grouping childc=1 obj=QGroupBox(0x557e9364ad80, name = "groupBox")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483678 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93689900 name="Hardware information is only available while the device is connected." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93661870, name = "label_6")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483679 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9362bd10 name="Supported formats" role=Grouping childc=2 obj=QGroupBox(0x557e937e5000, name = "supported_formats_container")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483680 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9362be70 name="This device supports the following file formats:" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e9366ef90, name = "label_5")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483681 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93729bb0 name="Strawberry can automatically convert the music you copy to this device into a format that it can play." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e937c76c0, name = "label_3")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483682 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e934eaca0 name="Do not convert any music" role=RadioButton obj=QRadioButton(0x557e9369d990, name = "transcode_off")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483683 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936f3d40 name="Convert all music" role=RadioButton obj=QRadioButton(0x557e93640220, name = "transcode_all")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483684 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9355a0b0 name="Preferred format" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e937baef0, name = "label_4")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483685 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9356f050 name="This device must be connected and opened before Strawberry can see what file formats it supports." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93626380, name = "label_7")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483686 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e931cdfb0 name="Open device" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e936265b0, name = "open_device")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483687 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936a0b50 name="Querying device..." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e937f2790, name = "label_9")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483688 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937c2890 name="New folder" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e936893c0, name = "new_folder")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483689 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93640c10 name="Delete" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e937ec390, name = "remove")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.597 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483690 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93687830 name="Save playlist" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e931bfe00, name = "save_playlist")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.598 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483691 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93698190 name="" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e937ea570, name = "move_down")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.598 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483692 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9362eb60 name="" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e937ce940, name = "move_up")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.598 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483693 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9363ab50 name="" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e9369cdc0, name = "remove")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.598 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483694 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93672e70 name="" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e931caac0, name = "clear")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.600 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483695 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93637f80 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93643030, name = "slider_container")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.600 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483696 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e932b6e10 name="Preset:" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93647560, name = "label_preset")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.600 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483697 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937c5600 name="Enable equalizer" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e937ee200, name = "enable")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.600 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483698 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937ed9c0 name="Left" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e937ece00, name = "label_left")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.600 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483699 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937ed870 name="Balance" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93692080, name = "label_balance")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.600 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483700 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937ed6f0 name="Right" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e937c1940, name = "label_right")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.600 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483701 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93249be0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937c6010)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.600 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483702 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e932a71d0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e936aef60)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.600 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483703 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93667c80 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937bbff0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.600 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483704 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93667cb0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937bc0c0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.600 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483705 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936d4540 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e936d44c0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.600 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483706 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937cdb80 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937e00f0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.600 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483707 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9367ffc0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937cab70)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483708 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9364a000 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937cac00)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483709 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9364a130 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9350f040)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483710 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9364a8c0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9364a850)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483711 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9363d7a0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937bd1a0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483712 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936293d0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937bd2f0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483713 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9361d530 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937be0f0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483714 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93690c20 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937d8140)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483715 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937e8970 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9368b5e0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483716 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936281f0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9368b780)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483717 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93627f80 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9368ac70)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483718 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9368c000 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93627e90)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483719 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936636f0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9366c1b0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483720 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93683ef0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9368f9f0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483721 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93683c10 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9368fc00)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483722 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937ddba0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93683bd0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483723 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93670990 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93635290)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483724 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937db930 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93635320)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483725 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937db620 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9362f430)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483726 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9362d200 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9362cfa0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483727 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93627760 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93646380)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483728 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937e35d0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e936464d0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483729 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937e3640 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93646410)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483730 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937e32b0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937e33c0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483731 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93684720 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937b9270)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483732 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937c4590 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9361a050)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483733 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937c42b0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9361a260)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483734 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937cbf70 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937c4270)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483735 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937ca500 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9367e580)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483736 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9367ddd0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9367e610)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483737 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9367dac0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9367edb0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483738 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9368c6e0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937d89f0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483739 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937c8330 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937c8a40)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483740 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9366a650 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937e2150)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483741 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9362b5f0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e9362b3d0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483742 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937bed90 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e937bece0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483743 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937dee60 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93631700)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483744 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937dc250 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93683220)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.601 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483745 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937dbf70 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93683430)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.602 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483746 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937dc170 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e9364b2e0, name = "preset")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 15:00:37.617 INFO Player:828 Registered URL handler for "tidal"
00:00:02 15:00:37.623 DEBUG InternetServices:49 Added internet service "Tidal"
00:00:02 15:00:37.623 INFO Player:828 Registered URL handler for "qobuz"
00:00:02 15:00:37.629 DEBUG InternetServices:49 Added internet service "Qobuz"
00:00:02 15:00:37.629 INFO Player:828 Registered URL handler for "subsonic"
00:00:02 15:00:37.632 DEBUG InternetServices:49 Added internet service "Subsonic"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.632 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483747 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93621b70 name="Scroll Left" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e936f72a0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.632 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483748 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93b897e0 name="Scroll Right" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93b79750)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.632 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483749 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9387a800 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e9387ab70)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.632 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483750 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9388daa0 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e938bdf50)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.632 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483751 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93849850 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e937e5500)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.632 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483752 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938323a0 name="OK" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e9384a2b0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.633 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483753 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93657cc0 name="Cancel" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93656790)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.633 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483754 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936211c0 name="Reset" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e935702e0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.633 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483755 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9365fdd0 name="You can change the way the songs in the collection are organised." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e937d7ae0, name = "label")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.633 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483756 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93656ad0 name="Group Collection by..." role=Grouping childc=6 obj=QGroupBox(0x557e9387aaa0, name = "groupBox")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.633 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483757 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9388d3a0 name="First level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e937d02e0, name = "label_first")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.633 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483758 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936a0650 name="Second level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e937d5f00, name = "label_second")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.633 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483759 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936a0540 name="Third level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93869340, name = "label_third")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.635 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483760 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93884050 name="Close" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e9365e0a0, name = "close")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.635 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483761 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9385b3e0 name="Abort" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e9365e1b0, name = "abort")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.635 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483762 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938af1e0 name="Refresh catalogue" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e935d8100, name = "refresh")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.636 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483763 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93853110 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e9389c7d0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.636 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483764 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938a5ef0 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e93843030)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.636 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483765 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938dd210 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e93843960)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.636 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483766 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938d8540 name="OK" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93837240)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.636 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483767 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938aff90 name="Cancel" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e938a2bf0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.637 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483768 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938862d0 name="Reset" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93ba16f0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.637 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483769 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938601c0 name="You can change the way the songs in the collection are organised." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e9387e2c0, name = "label")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.637 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483770 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938a3080 name="Group Collection by..." role=Grouping childc=6 obj=QGroupBox(0x557e9388cf70, name = "groupBox")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.637 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483771 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e932a60b0 name="First level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e9389e090, name = "label_first")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.637 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483772 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938af080 name="Second level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e938a3440, name = "label_second")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.637 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483773 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938375e0 name="Third level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e9387a730, name = "label_third")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.639 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483774 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93832650 name="Close" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93895730, name = "close")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.639 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483775 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938b3570 name="Abort" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93899580, name = "abort")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.639 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483776 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938b3760 name="Refresh catalogue" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e938588f0, name = "refresh")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.639 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483777 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93890570 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e93856930)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.640 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483778 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938ad290 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e938a2390)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.640 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483779 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9386e840 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e93838ae0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.640 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483780 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937efc30 name="OK" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e938ca4f0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.640 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483781 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93bb5780 name="Cancel" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93840fc0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.640 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483782 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938e5870 name="Reset" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e938410b0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.640 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483783 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938c88c0 name="You can change the way the songs in the collection are organised." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e9387a180, name = "label")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.640 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483784 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9383b8e0 name="Group Collection by..." role=Grouping childc=6 obj=QGroupBox(0x557e938ccd90, name = "groupBox")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.640 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483785 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9381bc50 name="First level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93867970, name = "label_first")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.640 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483786 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938b53d0 name="Second level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93874210, name = "label_second")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.640 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483787 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937f1760 name="Third level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e9381c790, name = "label_third")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.642 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483788 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93839890 name="Close" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e938b2620, name = "close")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.642 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483789 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9383a910 name="Abort" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93888ea0, name = "abort")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.642 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483790 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938294b0 name="Refresh catalogue" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93833bd0, name = "refresh")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.643 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483791 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93865fb0 name="Search type" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93853b00, name = "label_searchby")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.643 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483792 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93810140 name="artists" role=RadioButton obj=QRadioButton(0x557e93816140, name = "radiobutton_search_artists")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.643 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483793 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938dce00 name="albums" role=RadioButton obj=QRadioButton(0x557e93816310, name = "radiobutton_search_albums")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.643 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483794 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938a9300 name="songs" role=RadioButton obj=QRadioButton(0x557e93816500, name = "radiobutton_search_songs")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.643 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.643 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.643 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.643 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.643 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.643 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 0 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483795 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93373300 name="Enter search terms above to find music" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e938b7720, name = "label_helptext")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.644 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.690 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483796 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938bb630 name="Scroll Left" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93872d60)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.690 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483797 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93866f60 name="Scroll Right" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e9348dc10)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.690 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483798 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93692730 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e93495910)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.690 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483799 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938bc380 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e933b6b30)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.691 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483800 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938b94a0 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e9347e510)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.691 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483801 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938ae080 name="OK" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e936340d0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.691 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483802 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938adff0 name="Cancel" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e933745b0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.691 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483803 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938034d0 name="Reset" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93682a80)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.691 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483804 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938da0e0 name="You can change the way the songs in the collection are organised." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93823440, name = "label")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.691 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483805 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938759d0 name="Group Collection by..." role=Grouping childc=6 obj=QGroupBox(0x557e93823510, name = "groupBox")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.691 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483806 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e931d1470 name="First level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e9347f650, name = "label_first")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.691 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483807 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93807cd0 name="Second level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e936451a0, name = "label_second")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.691 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483808 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e936829b0 name="Third level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e9348d7f0, name = "label_third")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.695 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483809 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938060e0 name="Close" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93accff0, name = "close")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.695 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483810 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938c7a30 name="Abort" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e938215c0, name = "abort")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.695 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483811 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938d1bf0 name="Refresh catalogue" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e938c0bf0, name = "refresh")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.695 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483812 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9380da70 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e938e8a70)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.695 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483813 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938044a0 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e938cf9a0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.695 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483814 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938e7b50 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e93861c70)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.696 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483815 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938e4950 name="OK" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e938e3020)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.696 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483816 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938d6c60 name="Cancel" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93824030)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.696 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483817 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93828060 name="Reset" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93824310)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.696 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483818 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93bc9570 name="You can change the way the songs in the collection are organised." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e9380c720, name = "label")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.696 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483819 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93823e00 name="Group Collection by..." role=Grouping childc=6 obj=QGroupBox(0x557e9380b9d0, name = "groupBox")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.696 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483820 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93826c60 name="First level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e938e8640, name = "label_first")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.696 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483821 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9384f710 name="Second level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e938d0610, name = "label_second")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.696 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483822 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938e3860 name="Third level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e938618f0, name = "label_third")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.699 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483823 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c3d6a0 name="Close" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93804b30, name = "close")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.699 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483824 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c3dee0 name="Abort" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93870160, name = "abort")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.699 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483825 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c3ec50 name="Refresh catalogue" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93c33990, name = "refresh")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.700 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483826 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c426f0 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e93c43610)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.700 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483827 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c44ac0 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e93c46040)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.700 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483828 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c474a0 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e93c48410)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.700 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483829 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c498f0 name="OK" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93c4a7d0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.700 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483830 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c49190 name="Cancel" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93c4f500)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.700 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483831 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c54420 name="Reset" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93c4ab30)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.700 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483832 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c54700 name="You can change the way the songs in the collection are organised." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93c42760, name = "label")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.700 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483833 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c55430 name="Group Collection by..." role=Grouping childc=6 obj=QGroupBox(0x557e93c42ef0, name = "groupBox")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.700 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483834 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c57120 name="First level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93c43240, name = "label_first")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.700 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483835 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c45080 name="Second level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93c45c20, name = "label_second")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.700 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483836 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e937fd320 name="Third level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93c48090, name = "label_third")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.703 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483837 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c7d7f0 name="Close" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93c40e70, name = "close")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.703 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483838 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c7e030 name="Abort" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93c41220, name = "abort")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.703 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483839 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c7eda0 name="Refresh catalogue" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93c739e0, name = "refresh")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483840 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c97460 name="Search type" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93c8b1c0, name = "label_searchby")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483841 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c8eb60 name="artists" role=RadioButton obj=QRadioButton(0x557e93c8b5f0, name = "radiobutton_search_artists")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483842 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c991e0 name="albums" role=RadioButton obj=QRadioButton(0x557e93c8b7c0, name = "radiobutton_search_albums")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483843 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c994b0 name="songs" role=RadioButton obj=QRadioButton(0x557e93c8b9b0, name = "radiobutton_search_songs")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 0 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.704 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483844 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c99f40 name="Enter search terms above to find music" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93c96ea0, name = "label_helptext")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.705 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.705 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.705 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.705 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.705 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.705 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.748 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483845 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93660350 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e93ce6310)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.748 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483846 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93cef440 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e93ce0f00)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.749 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483847 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e938c36e0 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e93cf8460)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.749 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483848 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93cd96f0 name="OK" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93cf5b10)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.750 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483849 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9387faf0 name="Cancel" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93cf3820)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.751 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483850 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93d01440 name="Reset" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93d04230)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.751 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483851 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93cedbd0 name="You can change the way the songs in the collection are organised." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93cf2e80, name = "label")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.751 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483852 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93cdad60 name="Group Collection by..." role=Grouping childc=6 obj=QGroupBox(0x557e93cf2f40, name = "groupBox")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.751 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483853 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93cecd00 name="First level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93cf6940, name = "label_first")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.752 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483854 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93cfd960 name="Second level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93cf7ce0, name = "label_second")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.752 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483855 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93cda770 name="Third level" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93cfea90, name = "label_third")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.763 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483856 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93d33ae0 name="Close" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93cef470, name = "close")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.763 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483857 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93d34320 name="Abort" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93cef170, name = "abort")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.763 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483858 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93d35090 name="Refresh catalogue" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93d24350, name = "refresh")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 15:00:37.775 DEBUG MainWindow:244 Starting
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.776 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483859 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93cdc120 name="Scroll Left" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93cdb910)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.776 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483860 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93d02c20 name="Scroll Right" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93cdbc90)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.776 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483861 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93d455c0 name="Scroll Left" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93d4f060)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.776 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483862 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93d40b70 name="Scroll Right" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93d445b0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.776 DEBUG unknown delete - id: 2147483859 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93cdc120 invalid)
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.776 DEBUG unknown delete - id: 2147483860 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93d02c20 invalid)
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.777 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--2), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.777 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--2), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.777 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.777 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.777 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.777 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.783 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483863 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93d45480 name="Scroll Left" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93d4f780)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.783 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483864 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93d4cd20 name="Scroll Right" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e938a5220)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.787 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483865 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93d96d00 name="" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93d94650, name = "stop_button")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.802 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483866 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93ddba50 name="" role=ButtonMenu obj=QToolButton(0x557e93db4b30, name = "repeat")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.802 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483867 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93ddce50 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93ddcdc0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.802 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483868 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93de32e0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93de33d0)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.802 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483869 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93de3f00 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93de3050)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.803 DEBUG unknown D-Bus global menu: no
00:00:02 15:00:37.804 DEBUG CoverProviders:50 Registered cover provider ""
00:00:02 15:00:37.804 DEBUG CoverProviders:50 Registered cover provider "Discogs"
00:00:02 15:00:37.804 DEBUG CoverProviders:50 Registered cover provider "MusicBrainz"
00:00:02 15:00:37.804 DEBUG CoverProviders:50 Registered cover provider "Deezer"
00:00:02 15:00:37.804 DEBUG CoverProviders:50 Registered cover provider "Tidal"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.808 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483870 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93e1ca20 name="OK" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93e1c780)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.808 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483871 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93e1c220 name="Cancel" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93e1ef70)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.808 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483872 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93e1d6b0 name="Search" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93e0ff20, name = "search")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 15:00:37.810 DEBUG LyricsProviders:51 Registered lyrics provider "AudD"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.814 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483873 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93ed1580 name="OK" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93ed12e0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.814 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483874 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93ed0e90 name="Cancel" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93ed3a30)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.814 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483875 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93ed4650 name="Search" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e93e62630, name = "search")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 15:00:37.818 DEBUG MainWindow:302 Initialising player
00:00:02 15:00:37.818 DEBUG Player:203 Creating equalizer
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.825 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483876 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93f99b50 name="" role=Slider obj=VolumeSlider(0x557e93da9670, name = "volume")"invisible")
00:00:02 15:00:37.825 DEBUG MainWindow:312 Creating models
00:00:02 15:00:37.825 DEBUG MainWindow:319 Creating models finished
00:00:02 15:00:37.832 DEBUG CddaLister:115 No CD devices found
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.832 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483877 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94168ed0 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e93e03920)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.832 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.832 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.832 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.832 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.832 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.832 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 0 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.833 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483878 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941840a0 name="OK" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e94183ba0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483879 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94182480 name="Cancel" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e9416aa80)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483880 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9418c1e0 name="Reset" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e941849a0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483881 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9418cc60 name="Destination" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93f2dbe0, name = "label_destination")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483882 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9418cbe0 name="After copying..." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93f9acf0, name = "label_after_copying")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483883 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94184810 name="Naming options" role=Grouping childc=9 obj=QGroupBox(0x557e93f2e930, name = "groupbox_naming")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483884 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94185d90 name="Insert..." role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e9416c600, name = "insert")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483885 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9418ba50 name="Restrict to characters allowed on FAT filesystems" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e93fa0ad0, name = "remove_non_fat")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483886 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9418b550 name="Restrict characters to ASCII" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e93f9a360, name = "remove_non_ascii")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483887 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9418bfb0 name="Allow extended ASCII characters" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e94163d90, name = "allow_ascii_ext")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483888 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93207bd0 name="Replace spaces with underscores" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e94164440, name = "replace_spaces")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483889 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e934dad10 name="Overwrite existing files" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e94166740, name = "overwrite")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483890 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94187ad0 name="Mark as listened" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e94166a80, name = "mark_as_listened")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483891 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93562a40 name="Copy album cover artwork" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e94166d80, name = "albumcover")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483892 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9361fc70 name="Preview" role=Grouping childc=1 obj=QGroupBox(0x557e941671a0, name = "groupbox_preview")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483893 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93207a70 name="Loading..." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e94182310)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.834 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483894 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e932079f0 name="Safely remove the device after copying" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e94183360, name = "eject_after")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483895 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e934b5480 name="" role=ComboBox childc=1 obj=QComboBox(0x557e934b5ca0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 0 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.836 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.837 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483896 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941bec40 name="OK" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e941be9a0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.837 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483897 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941bd390 name="Cancel" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e941c10a0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.837 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483898 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941c75c0 name="Reset" role=Button obj=QPushButton(0x557e941bf2d0)"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.837 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483899 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941c4e00 name="Destination" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e94187eb0, name = "label_destination")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.837 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483900 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941c71a0 name="After copying..." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e941a6560, name = "label_after_copying")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.837 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483901 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941bf7f0 name="Naming options" role=Grouping childc=9 obj=QGroupBox(0x557e941a7f20, name = "groupbox_naming")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.837 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483902 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941c6590 name="Insert..." role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e931ee0f0, name = "insert")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.837 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483903 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941c02c0 name="Restrict to characters allowed on FAT filesystems" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e934b7060, name = "remove_non_fat")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.837 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483904 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941c0960 name="Restrict characters to ASCII" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e941b27d0, name = "remove_non_ascii")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.837 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483905 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941c0c70 name="Allow extended ASCII characters" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e941b38f0, name = "allow_ascii_ext")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.837 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483906 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9338ccf0 name="Replace spaces with underscores" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e941b4b50, name = "replace_spaces")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.837 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483907 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941c66b0 name="Overwrite existing files" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e941b4e90, name = "overwrite")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.838 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483908 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9338cf10 name="Mark as listened" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e941b51d0, name = "mark_as_listened")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.838 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483909 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93261620 name="Copy album cover artwork" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e941b54d0, name = "albumcover")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.838 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483910 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9338d220 name="Preview" role=Grouping childc=1 obj=QGroupBox(0x557e941b58e0, name = "groupbox_preview")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.838 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483911 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941c7fe0 name="Loading..." role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e941bd220)"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.838 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483912 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941c7f60 name="Safely remove the device after copying" role=CheckBox obj=QCheckBox(0x557e941be160, name = "eject_after")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 15:00:37.838 DEBUG MainWindow:337 Creating UI
00:00:02 15:00:37.849 DEBUG ScrobblerServices:50 Registered scrobbler service ""
00:00:02 15:00:37.849 DEBUG ScrobblerServices:50 Registered scrobbler service ""
00:00:02 15:00:37.849 DEBUG ScrobblerServices:50 Registered scrobbler service "ListenBrainz"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.850 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483913 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e942c0a00 name="Next track" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93d94b30, name = "forward_button")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.850 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483914 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e942c0dc0 name="Previous track" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93d93e50, name = "back_button")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.850 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483915 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e942c1820 name="Play" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93d94220, name = "pause_play_button")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.850 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483916 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e931c0a80 name="Toggle scrobbling" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93ddbd70, name = "button_scrobble")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.850 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483917 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e942bf750 name="Love" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93d961b0, name = "button_love")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.850 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483918 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e931becf0 name="New playlist" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93d65b30, name = "create_new")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.850 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483919 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e942c0c10 name="Load playlist" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93d66520, name = "load")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.850 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483920 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e932043b0 name="Save playlist" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93d5efa0, name = "save")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.850 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483921 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e931ebea0 name="Clear playlist" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93d5fb40, name = "clear")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 1 "&Quit"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 1 "&Quit"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 2 ""
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 2 ""
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 3 "Love"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 3 "Love"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 4 ""
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 4 ""
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 5 "&Mute"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 5 "&Mute"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 6 ""
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 6 ""
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 7 "&Next track"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 7 "&Next track"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 8 "Stop after this track"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 8 "Stop after this track"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 9 "&Stop"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 9 "&Stop"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 10 "&Play"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 10 "&Play"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 11 "Previous track"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown 11 "Previous track"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.861 DEBUG unknown QDBusPlatformMenu(0x557e9432f540)
00:00:02 15:00:37.863 DEBUG MainWindow:731 Creating playing widget
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 0 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 560 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 560 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 125 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 125 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 117.031 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 117.031 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.867 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 628.094 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 118 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 118 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 40 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 40 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.868 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.870 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.870 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.870 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.870 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.870 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 0 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.870 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.870 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.870 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.870 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.870 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.870 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.870 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 560 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 560 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 125 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 125 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 117.031 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 117.031 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 628.094 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 118 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 118 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.871 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.872 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.872 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.872 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 40 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.872 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.872 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 40 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.872 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.872 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.872 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.872 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.872 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.872 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.872 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 560 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 560 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 125 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 125 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 117.031 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 117.031 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.882 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 628.094 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 118 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 118 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.883 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 560 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 560 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 125 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 125 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 117.031 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 117.031 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.885 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 628.094 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 118 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 118 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.886 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.893 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 560 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 560 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 125 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 125 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 117.031 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 117.031 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 628.094 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 118 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 118 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.894 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 560 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 560 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 125 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 125 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 117.031 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 117.031 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.897 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 628.094 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 118 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 118 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.898 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 560 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 560 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 125 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 125 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 117.031 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 117.031 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.908 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 628.094 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 118 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 118 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.909 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 560 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 560 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 125 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 125 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 117.031 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 117.031 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.911 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 628.094 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 118 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 118 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.912 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.919 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 560 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 560 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 125 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 125 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 117.031 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 117.031 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 628.094 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 118 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 118 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.920 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 560 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 560 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 125 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 125 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 117.031 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 117.031 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.923 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 628.094 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 118 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 118 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.924 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.931 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483922 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e943bc4a0 name="Undo" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93d54c00, name = "undo")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.931 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483923 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9445a5e0 name="Redo" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93d55730, name = "redo")"focusable|invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.931 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483924 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94363870 name="0 tracks" role=StaticText obj=QLabel(0x557e93db8c00, name = "playlist_summary")"invisible")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.933 DEBUG unknown 3 "Love"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.933 DEBUG unknown QVector(QDBusMenuItem(id=3, properties=QMap(("enabled", QVariant(bool, false))("icon-data", QVariant(QByteArray, "\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x10\b\x06\x00\x00\x00\x1F\xF3\xFF""a\x00\x00\x00\tpHYs\x00\x00\x0E\xC4\x00\x00\x0E\xC4\x01\x95+\x0E\x1B\x00\x00\x00%tEXtdate:create\x00""2019-06-11T20:11:23+00:00\xDC\xEF!}\x00\x00\x00%tEXtdate:modify\x00""2019-06-11T20:11:15+00:00@\xED\xAB\x18\x00\x00\x01\x9FIDAT8\x8D\xCD\x91=O\x14Q\x14\x86\x9Fsgf?P\x0B\x13 \x92($\x12""Bg,Ll\x81\x10\x13\xA3t\xFE\x00K{;)\xF6\x1FXh\xE1O\xB0G\x88\x85\x85\x85&&4&JH( 6\x88\xAE""D>\x02\xEC\xEC\xCC=\xF7P\xEC\xCE\xEC\xA0\x14\x94\xBC\xDD=\xF7\xBE\xCF""9\xEF=p\xE9""d\x90l36\xB4\x06""5@\x00Y\x83ZQ\xB3^\xADTyh\x81{ze\xEA\x8E\xE5,\x90""eS\x10~$\xD8\xB2!A\xB1G\x8AMF\xD8\xA6\xC3\x96\xC7\xD9\xF9*\x10\xCE\x00\xD6\x19\x9B\xB8""61\xF9""F\xBC\xCC\xE8\xCF?\rL\xBB\xA0\xDF\fSA\xEE\x82""5@S\xD0\xCF)\xF9\xB3i\xDA[\x00\xAE\x00""4\xAF^\x7F\x98\xDC\x1A\x9F\xC7\xD5\x9BXM\xA0\xDE\x10\xEA\xF7\x84\xDA}H\x9A\x10\x0B""DM\xC3\xCD""f\xC4\x8F\x0B_\t\x90""8\x1A""1H\xC2Q\xA7LgD\x0E\"W\x8D\xAD\x10\x9F""8\x1D-\xA6\x1F\x00\xBA\x9D\x8D\xF0\xBB}\"\xA6\xF4\xE3\r\xBE\x95\x00\x04\f#\x13K\xBD\xD8""F\xFF""b\x00\x18\xEA\xEC\xBF\xD7\xF6\xAF\xB7\x16\xB2\xB4g\xD0\xD2\b\x8A\xA1\xA4\xE2\xB3""C\xE7\x97""2\xCD\xDE\xFD\x17""a\x98\xDD#\x7F\xB0\xF7Z\x8F\xF7>\b\xB9\xEF\x01zFE\xE9\x88\xD7""C\xA7_\x8E""5\xBC\x9A""a\xFF\xA0\xF0\xC5\x95}\x9A\xB1\xFD}Ko.*>1\xE2""9\x13Ir\x94\xAE\xA8O\x9D\xAE\xE6^_\b\xEDU\xE9\x8F\x7F""f\x8DU}b\xF4v\xE2\xE2\xE7""Ax\xE2\t\xA2\xD8\x92j\xFEr\x9E\xBF\xEB\xFF\xBE=\x17\x00\xF0\x91\x91\x1B!r\x0B\x01""0\xD5\x95\x07\xEC\xEEP\xE9|!\xB5 nUb^N\x9D\x02\xE0\x94\xBD\x0FM[\xC1H\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xAE""B`\x82"))("label", QVariant(QString, "Love"))("visible", QVariant(bool, false)))))
00:00:02 15:00:37.933 DEBUG MainWindow:775 Loading settings
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.934 DEBUG unknown Available client buffer integrations: ("wayland-egl", "xcomposite-egl", "xcomposite-glx")
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.937 DEBUG unknown Using Wayland-EGL
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.937 DEBUG unknown Initializing client buffer integration "wayland-egl"
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.963 DEBUG unknown
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.965 DEBUG unknown true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.966 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483925 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945c6990 name="" role=Client obj=AlbumCoverChoiceController(0x557e934fc3e0)rect=QRect(0,0 100x30))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.966 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483926 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941c59e0 name="" role=Client obj=GlobalShortcuts(0x557e93578a50)rect=QRect(0,0 100x30))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.966 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483927 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945c74f0 name="" role=Client obj=DeviceViewContainer(0x557e937cb3c0, name = "DeviceViewContainer")rect=QRect(0,0 400x600))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.966 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483928 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e943c52a0 name="" role=Client obj=FavoriteWidget(0x557e94463040)rect=QRect(458,30 21x21))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.966 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483929 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945c7f60 name="" role=Button obj=CloseButton(0x557e94431b10)rect=QRect(529,30 20x20))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.966 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483930 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945c8180 name="" role=Client obj=FavoriteWidget(0x557e94441ce0)rect=QRect(344,31 21x21))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.966 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483931 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945c86b0 name="" role=Button obj=CloseButton(0x557e943fec00)rect=QRect(423,31 20x20))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.966 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483932 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945c8ad0 name="Celeste" role=PageTabList childc=4 obj=PlaylistTabBar(0x557e93d42260, name = "tab_bar")"focusable"rect=QRect(337,23 794x34))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.966 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483933 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e931b13d0 name="" role=Border obj=QFrame(0x557e93d562c0, name = "line")rect=QRect(481,57 3x26))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.966 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483934 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945c94d0 name="" role=EditableText obj=QLineEdit(0x557e93d6acd0)"focusable"rect=QRect(484,57 647x25))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.966 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483935 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945c97a0 name="" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e93d6b910)"focusable"rect=QRect(486,60 19x19))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.966 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483936 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945be210 name="" role=Client childc=2 obj=QSearchField(0x557e93d5faf0, name = "filter")rect=QRect(484,57 647x26))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.966 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483937 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945c96a0 name="" role=Border childc=8 obj=QFrame(0x557e93d573a0, name = "toolbar")rect=QRect(337,57 794x26))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.966 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483938 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945b0c90 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93d7f7b0, name = "qt_scrollarea_viewport")rect=QRect(337,108 794x513))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.967 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483939 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945c95f0 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93d6fff0, name = "qt_scrollarea_viewport")rect=QRect(337,83 794x25))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.967 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483940 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e943b00f0 name="" role=Client childc=1 obj=PlaylistHeader(0x557e93d6f4b0)rect=QRect(337,83 794x25))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.967 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483941 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9434d8c8 name="" role=Tree childc=28 obj=PlaylistView(0x557e9352c580, name = "playlist")rect=QRect(337,83 794x538))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.967 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483942 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e942ebb70 name="" role=Client childc=3 obj=PlaylistContainer(0x557e93d426f0, name = "playlist")rect=QRect(337,23 794x598))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.967 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483943 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e942e9d90 name="" role=Border obj=QFrame(0x557e93d937e0, name = "line_6")rect=QRect(337,621 3x64))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.967 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483944 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e942e9c00 name="" role=Border obj=QFrame(0x557e93d96660, name = "line_buttons")rect=QRect(483,621 3x36))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.967 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483945 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945fd860 name="" role=Client obj=BlockAnalyzer(0x557e93d56aa0)rect=QRect(487,621 527x36))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.967 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483946 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e946306b0 name="" role=Client childc=1 obj=AnalyzerContainer(0x557e93d427a0, name = "analyzer")rect=QRect(487,621 527x36))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.967 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483947 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94630d00 name="" role=Border obj=QFrame(0x557e93daed90, name = "line_volume")rect=QRect(1015,621 3x36))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.967 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483948 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94630bf0 name="" role=Border childc=9 obj=QFrame(0x557e93d93b60, name = "player_controls")rect=QRect(340,621 791x36))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483949 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945cabb0 name="" role=Border obj=QFrame(0x557e93daf370, name = "status_bar_line")rect=QRect(340,657 791x3))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483950 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93f2cad0 name="" role=Client childc=1 obj=QWidget(0x557e93daec00, name = "playlist_summary_page")rect=QRect(340,660 221x25))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483951 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9437b5e0 name="" role=LayeredPane childc=2 obj=QStackedWidget(0x557e93dc5bb0, name = "status_bar_stack")rect=QRect(340,660 221x25))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483952 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94631c90 name="" role=Border obj=QFrame(0x557e93db1f50, name = "line_5")rect=QRect(564,660 3x25))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483953 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e941c6940 name="" role=ButtonMenu obj=QToolButton(0x557e93dc9970, name = "shuffle")"focusable"rect=QRect(591,662 21x21))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483954 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e946315c0 name="" role=Client childc=2 obj=PlaylistSequence(0x557e93dadf40, name = "playlist_sequence")rect=QRect(570,660 42x25))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483955 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e946328d0 name="" role=Border obj=QFrame(0x557e93ddbc40, name = "line_2")rect=QRect(615,660 3x25))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483956 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94632ea0 name="" role=Client childc=3 obj=TrackSlider(0x557e93ddc130, name = "track_slider")rect=QRect(621,660 510x25))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483957 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94633140 name="" role=Client childc=6 obj=QWidget(0x557e93dc5920, name = "status_bar_internal")rect=QRect(340,660 791x25))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483958 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94633640 name="" role=Client childc=2 obj=QWidget(0x557e93dae200, name = "status_bar")rect=QRect(340,657 791x28))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483959 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e946325c0 name="" role=Client childc=2 obj=QWidget(0x557e93d93aa0, name = "player_controls_container")rect=QRect(340,621 791x64))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483960 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e942e9a70 name="" role=Client childc=3 obj=QWidget(0x557e93cf3ee0, name = "playlist_layout")rect=QRect(337,23 794x662))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483961 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94633600 name="" role=EditableText obj=QLineEdit(0x557e937b8810)"focusable"rect=QRect(0,23 342x25))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483962 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94633bc0 name="" role=Button obj=QToolButton(0x557e9367f400)"focusable"rect=QRect(2,26 19x19))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483963 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e946342b0 name="" role=Client childc=2 obj=QSearchField(0x557e93700f60, name = "filter")rect=QRect(0,23 342x25))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483964 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c1a1c0 name="" role=ButtonMenu obj=QToolButton(0x557e93668270, name = "options")"focusable"rect=QRect(342,23 25x25))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483965 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c1a350 name="" role=Client childc=2 obj=CollectionFilterWidget(0x557e936fab70, name = "filter")rect=QRect(0,23 367x25))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483966 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c1ae30 name="" role=Client obj=QWidget(0x557e93647220, name = "qt_scrollarea_viewport")rect=QRect(0,48 359x375))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483967 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c1af90 name="" role=ScrollBar obj=QScrollBar(0x557e937c57f0)rect=QRect(0,423 359x8))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483968 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c1aca0 name="" role=Client childc=1 obj=QWidget(0x557e936d5660, name = "qt_scrollarea_hcontainer")rect=QRect(0,423 359x8))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483969 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94633400 name="" role=ScrollBar obj=QScrollBar(0x557e9364feb0)rect=QRect(359,48 8x375))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483970 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94634640 name="" role=Client childc=1 obj=QWidget(0x557e93649440, name = "qt_scrollarea_vcontainer")rect=QRect(359,48 8x375))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483971 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c1b4e8 name="" role=Tree childc=169 obj=CollectionView(0x557e935828e0, name = "view")rect=QRect(0,48 367x383))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483972 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c1b850 name="" role=Client childc=2 obj=CollectionViewContainer(0x557e93230250, name = "CollectionViewContainer")rect=QRect(0,23 367x408))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--2), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--2), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right 256 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 252 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.968 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right 256 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 0 ; width 252 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--2), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--2), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right 256 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 252 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483973 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93d42b00 name="" role=Client obj=PlayingWidget(0x557e93cd9af0, name = "widget_playing")rect=QRect(0,431 367x0))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483974 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c1c310 name="" role=Client childc=2 obj=QWidget(0x557e93ee7ef0)rect=QRect(0,23 367x408))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483975 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93d42b30 name="" role=LayeredPane childc=9 obj=QStackedWidget(0x557e93cdb750, name = "qt_tabwidget_stackedwidget")rect=QRect(0,23 367x408))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483976 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94632e40 name="Collection" role=PageTabList childc=11 obj=QTabBar(0x557e93cdc380)"focusable"rect=QRect(0,23 738x30))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--2), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--2), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right 256 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 252 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right 256 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 0 ; width 252 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--2), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--2), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right 256 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 252 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483977 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945c88f0 name="" role=Client childc=2 obj=Core::Internal::FancyTabWidget(0x557e93d34600, name = "tabs")"focusable"rect=QRect(0,23 331x662))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483978 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e945c6bf0 name="" role=Client childc=1 obj=QWidget(0x557e93cde090, name = "sidebar_layout")rect=QRect(0,23 331x662))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.969 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483979 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93d3fbe0 name="" role=Grip obj=QSplitterHandle(0x557e93cdc170, name = "qt_splithandle_")rect=QRect(331,23 6x662))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.970 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483980 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e94473c10 name="" role=Splitter childc=4 obj=QSplitter(0x557e93cddf90, name = "splitter")rect=QRect(0,23 1131x662))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.970 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483981 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e93c1dc90 name="" role=Client childc=1 obj=QWidget(0x557e93cddb90, name = "centralWidget")rect=QRect(0,23 1131x662))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.970 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483982 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e943a63b0 name="" role=MenuBar childc=4 obj=QMenuBar(0x557e93df0350, name = "menuBar")rect=QRect(0,0 1131x23))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.971 DEBUG unknown Using the 'xdg-shell' shell integration
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.973 DEBUG unknown sendExposeEvent: intercepted by shell extension, not sending
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.973 DEBUG unknown insert - id: 2147483983 iface: QAccessibleInterface(0x557e9445c520 name="Strawberry Music Player" role=Window childc=6 obj=MainWindow(0x7fffa8a20660, name = "MainWindow")rect=QRect(0,0 1131x685))
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.976 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 560 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 560 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 125 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 125 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 117.031 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 117.031 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 628.094 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 118 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 118 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.977 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.978 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.978 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.978 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.978 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.978 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.978 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.978 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.978 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.978 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.978 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.978 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.978 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 560 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 560 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 125 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 125 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 117.031 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 117.031 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 628.094 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.980 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 118 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 118 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.981 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 560 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 560 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 125 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 125 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 117.031 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 117.031 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.989 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 628.094 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 118 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 118 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.990 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 560 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 560 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 125 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 125 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 117.031 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 117.031 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 628.094 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 118 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 118 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.993 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:37.994 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:02 15:00:38.000 DEBUG MainWindow:853 Started
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:38.000 DEBUG unknown Received xdg_toplevel.configure with QSize(0, 0) and QFlags<Qt::WindowState>(WindowNoState)
00:00:02 __logging_message__15:00:38.000 DEBUG unknown Applied pending xdg_toplevel configure event: QSize(0, 0) QFlags<Qt::WindowState>(WindowNoState)
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.014 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.014 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.014 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.014 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.014 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.014 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.015 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.015 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--0), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.015 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 4 x_right -4 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.015 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.015 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width -8 (maxWidth is btw 0 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.015 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.028 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.028 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.028 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.028 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.028 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.028 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.032 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.033 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.037 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.037 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.037 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.037 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.037 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.037 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.038 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.041 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.041 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.041 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.041 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.041 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 233.609 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.041 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.042 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.043 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.043 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.043 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.043 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.043 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.043 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.043 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.043 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.043 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.043 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.043 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.043 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.049 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.050 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.051 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.052 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.063 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.064 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.068 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.069 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.081 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.082 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.090 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.090 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.090 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.090 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.090 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.090 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.091 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.093 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.094 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.094 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.094 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.094 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.094 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.094 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.118 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.119 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.119 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.119 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.119 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.119 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.119 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.119 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.119 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.119 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.119 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.127 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.128 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.134 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.135 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.139 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.140 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.156 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.157 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.165 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.166 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.167 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.168 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.169 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.170 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.180 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.181 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.185 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.186 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.199 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.200 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.204 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.205 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.205 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.205 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.205 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.205 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.205 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.205 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.205 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.205 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.205 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.205 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.205 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.205 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.205 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.221 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.222 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 0 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 709.953 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 103 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.226 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 103 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 558 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 558 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.227 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.237 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.237 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.237 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.237 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.237 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.237 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.237 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.237 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.237 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.237 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 38
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.237 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 38 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout false
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 640 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 640 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 126 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 126 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 102.563 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 102.563 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 1.67772e+07 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 1.67772e+07 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 100 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFlow from= 0 to= 2147483647
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutBlock from= 0 to= 2147483647 ; width 100 (maxWidth is btw 266.469 )
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown do layout
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutFrame (0--38), parent=0x0
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown layoutStruct: x_left 0 x_right 0 fullLayout true
00:00:03 __logging_message__15:00:38.238 DEBUG unknown
View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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xPMo commented Aug 26, 2019

env was called just before strawberry. They were both piped into ts -s

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