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Created January 21, 2018 18:46
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package rs.expand.pixelupgrade.commands;
// Remote imports.
import com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.config.PixelmonEntityList;
import com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.entities.pixelmon.EntityPixelmon;
import com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.enums.EnumPokemon;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import org.spongepowered.api.command.args.CommandContext;
import org.spongepowered.api.command.CommandResult;
import org.spongepowered.api.command.CommandSource;
import org.spongepowered.api.command.spec.CommandExecutor;
import org.spongepowered.api.service.economy.account.UniqueAccount;
import org.spongepowered.api.service.economy.transaction.ResultType;
import org.spongepowered.api.service.economy.transaction.TransactionResult;
import org.spongepowered.api.Sponge;
import org.spongepowered.api.text.Text;
// Local imports.
import rs.expand.pixelupgrade.utilities.CommonMethods;
import rs.expand.pixelupgrade.utilities.GetPokemonInfo;
import static rs.expand.pixelupgrade.PixelUpgrade.*;
public class CheckStats implements CommandExecutor
// Initialize some variables. We'll load stuff into these when we call the config loader.
// Other config variables are loaded in from their respective classes. Check the imports.
public static String commandAlias;
public static Boolean showTeamWhenSlotEmpty, showEVs, showFixEVsHelper, showUpgradeHelper, showDittoFusionHelper;
public static Boolean enableCheckEggIntegration;
public static Integer commandCost;
// Set up some more variables for internal use.
private boolean gotUpgradeError = false, gotFusionError = false;
// Pass any debug messages onto final printing, where we will decide whether to show or swallow them.
private void printToLog (int debugNum, String inputString)
{ CommonMethods.printDebugMessage("CheckStats", debugNum, inputString); }
public CommandResult execute(CommandSource src, CommandContext args)
// Are we running from the console? Let's tell our code that.
boolean runningFromConsole = false;
if (src instanceof Player)
runningFromConsole = true;
// Validate the data we get from the command's main config.
ArrayList<String> nativeErrorArray = new ArrayList<>();
if (commandAlias == null)
if (showTeamWhenSlotEmpty == null)
if (showEVs == null)
if (showFixEVsHelper == null)
if (showUpgradeHelper == null)
if (showDittoFusionHelper == null)
if (enableCheckEggIntegration == null)
if (commandCost == null)
// Also get some stuff from PixelUpgrade.conf.
ArrayList<String> mainConfigErrorArray = new ArrayList<>();
if (shortenedHP == null)
if (shortenedAttack == null)
if (shortenedDefense == null)
if (shortenedSpecialAttack == null)
if (shortenedSpecialDefense == null)
if (shortenedSpeed == null)
if (!nativeErrorArray.isEmpty())
CommonMethods.printCommandNodeError("CheckStats", nativeErrorArray);
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cThis command's config is invalid! Please report to staff."));
else if (!mainConfigErrorArray.isEmpty())
CommonMethods.printMainNodeError("PixelUpgrade", mainConfigErrorArray);
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cCould not parse main config. Please report to staff."));
if (!runningFromConsole)
printToLog(1, "Called by player §3" + src.getName() + "§b. Starting!");
printToLog(1, "Called from console. Starting!");
boolean canContinue = false, gotCheckEggError = false;
if (showDittoFusionHelper || showUpgradeHelper)
ArrayList<String> upgradeErrorArray = new ArrayList<>(), fusionErrorArray = new ArrayList<>();
if (showDittoFusionHelper)
printToLog(2, "Entering §2DittoFusion §aconfig loading. Errors will be logged.");
if (DittoFusion.regularCap == null)
if (DittoFusion.shinyCap == null)
CommonMethods.printPartialNodeError("CheckStats", "DittoFusion", fusionErrorArray);
if (showUpgradeHelper)
printToLog(2, "Entering §2UpgradeIVs §aconfig loading. Errors will be logged.");
if (UpgradeIVs.legendaryAndShinyCap == null)
if (UpgradeIVs.legendaryCap == null)
if (UpgradeIVs.regularCap == null)
if (UpgradeIVs.shinyCap == null)
if (UpgradeIVs.babyCap == null)
CommonMethods.printPartialNodeError("CheckStats", "UpgradeIVs", upgradeErrorArray);
if (!fusionErrorArray.isEmpty() || !upgradeErrorArray.isEmpty())
printToLog(0, "Found invalid variables in remote config(s). Disabling integration.");
// Set up our "got an error" flags. Reset to false if we didn't, so we don't cause issues later.
gotFusionError = !fusionErrorArray.isEmpty();
gotUpgradeError = !upgradeErrorArray.isEmpty();
if (enableCheckEggIntegration && CheckEgg.commandAlias == null)
printToLog(0, "Could not read alias for command \"§4/checkegg§c\". Disabling integration.");
gotCheckEggError = true;
int slot = 0;
String targetString = null, slotString;
boolean targetAcquired = false, commandConfirmed = false, hasOtherPerm = false;
Player target = null;
if (!runningFromConsole)
//noinspection ConstantConditions
target = (Player) src;
if (src.hasPermission("pixelupgrade.command.other.checkstats"))
hasOtherPerm = true;
if (args.<String>getOne("target or slot").isPresent())
// Check whether we have a confirmation flag.
if (!args.<String>getOne("target or slot").get().equalsIgnoreCase("-c"))
printToLog(2, "There's something in the first argument slot!");
targetString = args.<String>getOne("target or slot").get();
if (targetString.matches("^[1-6]"))
if (!runningFromConsole)
printToLog(2, "Found a slot in argument 1. Continuing to confirmation checks.");
slot = Integer.parseInt(targetString);
canContinue = true;
printArg1Error(commandCost, true, src, true);
else if (runningFromConsole || hasOtherPerm)
if (Sponge.getServer().getPlayer(targetString).isPresent())
if (runningFromConsole || !src.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(targetString))
target = Sponge.getServer().getPlayer(targetString).get();
printToLog(2, "Found a valid online target! Printed for your convenience: §2" +
targetAcquired = true;
printToLog(2, "Player targeted own name. Let's pretend that didn't happen.");
canContinue = true;
else if (Pattern.matches("[a-zA-Z]+", targetString)) // Making an assumption; input is non-numeric so probably not a slot.
if (!runningFromConsole)
printToLog(1, "Invalid first argument. Input not numeric, assuming misspelled name. Exit.");
if (commandCost > 0)
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cCould not find the given target. Check your spelling."));
printSyntaxHelper(commandCost, src, runningFromConsole);
CommonMethods.checkAndAddFooter(commandCost, src);
else // Throw a "safe" error that works for both missing slots and targets. Might not be as clean, which is why we check patterns above.
if (!runningFromConsole)
printToLog(1, "Invalid first argument, input has numbers. Throwing generic error. Exit.");
printArg1Error(commandCost, true, src, runningFromConsole);
printToLog(1, "Invalid slot provided, and player has no \"§3other§b\" perm. Exit.");
printArg1Error(commandCost, false, src, false);
if (commandCost > 0)
if (!runningFromConsole)
printToLog(1, "No arguments found. Showing command usage. Exit.");
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cNo arguments found. Please provide at least a slot."));
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cNo arguments found. Please provide a target."));
printSyntaxHelper(commandCost, src, runningFromConsole);
CommonMethods.checkAndAddFooter(commandCost, src);
canContinue = false;
if (!runningFromConsole)
if (!args.<String>getOne("slot").isPresent() && canContinue)
String confirmString = args.<String>getOne("slot").get();
if (confirmString.equalsIgnoreCase("-c"))
printToLog(2, "Got a confirmation flag on argument 2!");
commandConfirmed = true;
} else if (hasOtherPerm)
printToLog(2, "There's something in the second argument slot!");
slotString = args.<String>getOne("slot").get();
if (slotString.matches("^[1-6]"))
printToLog(2, "Found a slot in argument 2.");
slot = Integer.parseInt(slotString);
} else
printToLog(1, "Argument is not a slot or a confirmation flag. Exit.");
if (commandCost > 0)
if (commandCost > 0)
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cInvalid slot or flag on second argument. See below."));
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cInvalid slot provided. See below."));
printSyntaxHelper(commandCost, src, false);
CommonMethods.checkAndAddFooter(commandCost, src);
canContinue = false;
if (args.<String>getOne("confirmation").isPresent() && hasOtherPerm && canContinue)
String confirmString = args.<String>getOne("confirmation").get();
if (confirmString.equalsIgnoreCase("-c"))
printToLog(2, "Got a confirmation flag on argument 3!");
commandConfirmed = true;
if (slot == 0 && canContinue)
printToLog(1, "Failed final check, no slot was found. Exit.");
if (commandCost > 0)
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cCould not find a valid slot. See below."));
printSyntaxHelper(commandCost, src, false);
CommonMethods.checkAndAddFooter(commandCost, src);
canContinue = false;
if (canContinue)
printToLog(2, "No error encountered, input should be valid. Continuing!");
Optional<PlayerStorage> storage;
if (targetAcquired)
target = Sponge.getServer().getPlayer(targetString).get();
storage = PixelmonStorage.pokeBallManager.getPlayerStorage(((EntityPlayerMP) target));
storage = PixelmonStorage.pokeBallManager.getPlayerStorage(((EntityPlayerMP) src));
// Running this from the console with targetAcquired false? We'll already have hit an error and exited!
if (!storage.isPresent())
printToLog(0, "§4" + src.getName() + "§c does not have a Pixelmon storage, aborting. May be a bug?");
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cNo Pixelmon storage found. Please contact staff!"));
printToLog(2, "Found a Pixelmon storage, moving on.");
PlayerStorage storageCompleted = storage.get();
NBTTagCompound nbt = storageCompleted.partyPokemon[slot - 1];
if (targetAcquired && nbt == null && showTeamWhenSlotEmpty || targetAcquired && runningFromConsole)
int slotTicker = 0;
printToLog(1, "No target slot provided, printing team to chat as per config.");
if (!runningFromConsole)
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§eThat slot is empty, showing the target's whole team!"));
for (NBTTagCompound loopValue : storageCompleted.partyPokemon)
if (slotTicker > 5)
String start = "§bSlot " + (slotTicker + 1) + "§f: ";
if (loopValue == null)
src.sendMessage(Text.of(start + "§2Empty§a."));
else if (loopValue.getBoolean("isEgg"))
src.sendMessage(Text.of(start + "§aAn §2egg§a."));
String name = loopValue.getInteger("Level") + "§2 " + loopValue.getString("Name");
if (!loopValue.getString("Nickname").equals(""))
String nickname = "§a, also known as §2" + loopValue.getString("Nickname");
src.sendMessage(Text.of(start + "§aA level " + name + nickname + "§a."));
src.sendMessage(Text.of(start + "§aA level " + name + "§a."));
if (!runningFromConsole)
if (commandCost > 0)
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§eWant to know more? Use: §6" +
commandAlias + " " + target.getName() + " <slot> {-c to confirm}"));
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§5Warning: §dThis will cost you §5" +
commandCost + "§d coins."));
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§eWant to know more? Use: §6" +
commandAlias + " " + target.getName() + " <slot>"));
else if (nbt == null)
if (targetAcquired)
printToLog(1, "No Pokémon was found in the provided slot on the target. Exit.");
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cYour target has no Pokémon in that slot!"));
printToLog(1, "No Pokémon was found in the provided slot. Exit.");
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cThere's no Pokémon in that slot!"));
else if (nbt.getBoolean("isEgg") && enableCheckEggIntegration && !gotCheckEggError)
printToLog(1, "Found an egg, recommended CheckEgg alias as per config. Exit.");
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cThis command only checks hatched Pokémon. Check out §4/" +
CheckEgg.commandAlias + "§c."));
else if (nbt.getBoolean("isEgg"))
printToLog(1, "Found an egg. Printing error instead of recommending CheckEgg, as per config.");
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cYou can only check hatched Pokémon."));
else if (commandCost > 0)
@SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") // runningFromConsole already guarantees src is a player.
Player player = (Player) src;
BigDecimal costToConfirm = new BigDecimal(commandCost);
if (commandConfirmed)
Optional<UniqueAccount> optionalAccount = economyService.getOrCreateAccount(player.getUniqueId());
if (optionalAccount.isPresent())
UniqueAccount uniqueAccount = optionalAccount.get();
TransactionResult transactionResult = uniqueAccount.withdraw(economyService.getDefaultCurrency(),
costToConfirm, Sponge.getCauseStackManager().getCurrentCause());
if (transactionResult.getResult() == ResultType.SUCCESS)
printToLog(1, "Checked slot §3" + slot +
"§b, and took §3" + costToConfirm + "§b coins.");
checkAndShow(nbt, targetAcquired, src, target);
BigDecimal balanceNeeded = uniqueAccount.getBalance(economyService.getDefaultCurrency()).subtract(costToConfirm).abs();
printToLog(1, "Not enough coins! Cost: §3" + costToConfirm +
"§b, lacking: §3" + balanceNeeded);
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cYou need §4" + balanceNeeded + "§c more coins to do this."));
printToLog(0, "§4" + src.getName() + "§c does not have an economy account, aborting. May be a bug?");
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cNo economy account found. Please contact staff!"));
printToLog(1, "Got cost but no confirmation; end of the line.");
if (targetAcquired)
slot = Integer.parseInt(args.<String>getOne("slot").get());
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§6Warning: §eChecking this Pokémon's status costs §6" +
costToConfirm + "§e coins."));
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§2Ready? Type: §a" + commandAlias + " " +
targetString + " " + slot + " -c"));
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§6Warning: §eChecking a Pokémon's status costs §6" +
costToConfirm + "§e coins."));
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§2Ready? Type: §a" + commandAlias + " " + slot + " -c"));
printToLog(1, "Checked slot §3" + slot + "§b. Config price is §30 §b, taking nothing.");
checkAndShow(nbt, targetAcquired, src, target);
return CommandResult.success();
// Called when it's necessary to figure out the right perm message, or when it's just convenient. Saves typing!
private void printSyntaxHelper(int cost, CommandSource src, boolean isConsole)
if (cost != 0)
if (isConsole || src.hasPermission("pixelupgrade.command.other.checkstats"))
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Usage: §c" + commandAlias + " [optional target] <slot, 1-6> {-c to confirm}"));
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Usage: §c" + commandAlias + " <slot, 1-6> {-c to confirm} §7(no perms for target)"));
if (isConsole || src.hasPermission("pixelupgrade.command.other.checkstats"))
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Usage: §c" + commandAlias + " [optional target] <slot, 1-6>"));
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Usage: §c" + commandAlias + " <slot, 1-6> §7(no perms for target)"));
// Called when we need to show an error, but the error is dependant on perms/settings.
private void printArg1Error(int cost, boolean hasOtherPerm, CommandSource src, boolean isConsole)
if (cost > 0)
if (isConsole)
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cInvalid target on first argument. See below."));
else if (hasOtherPerm)
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cInvalid target or slot on first argument. See below."));
else if (cost > 0)
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cInvalid slot provided on first argument. See below."));
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§4Error: §cInvalid slot provided. See below."));
printSyntaxHelper(cost, src, isConsole);
CommonMethods.checkAndAddFooter(cost, src);
private void checkAndShow(NBTTagCompound nbt, boolean targetAcquired, CommandSource src, Player target)
// Set up IVs and matching math.
String ivs1, ivs2, ivs3, ivs4, ivs5, ivs6;
int HPIV = nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.IV_HP);
int attackIV = nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.IV_ATTACK);
int defenseIV = nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.IV_DEFENCE);
int spAttIV = nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.IV_SP_ATT);
int spDefIV = nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.IV_SP_DEF);
int speedIV = nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.IV_SPEED);
BigDecimal totalIVs = BigDecimal.valueOf(HPIV + attackIV + defenseIV + spAttIV + spDefIV + speedIV);
BigDecimal percentIVs = totalIVs.multiply(new BigDecimal("100")).divide(new BigDecimal("186"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Do the same for EVs.
String evs1, evs2, evs3, evs4, evs5, evs6;
int HPEV = nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.EV_HP);
int attackEV = nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.EV_ATTACK);
int defenceEV = nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.EV_DEFENCE);
int spAttEV = nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.EV_SPECIAL_ATTACK);
int spDefEV = nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.EV_SPECIAL_DEFENCE);
int speedEV = nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.EV_SPEED);
BigDecimal totalEVs = BigDecimal.valueOf(HPEV + attackEV + defenceEV + spAttEV + spDefEV + speedEV);
BigDecimal percentEVs = totalEVs.multiply(new BigDecimal("100")).divide(new BigDecimal("510"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
// Get a bunch of data from our GetPokemonInfo utility class. Used for messages, later on.
ArrayList<String> natureArray = GetPokemonInfo.getNatureStrings(nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.NATURE));
String natureName = natureArray.get(0);
String plusVal = natureArray.get(1);
String minusVal = natureArray.get(2);
String growthName = GetPokemonInfo.getGrowthName(nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.GROWTH));
String genderCharacter = GetPokemonInfo.getGenderCharacter(nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.GENDER));
// Format the IVs for use later, so we can print them.
if (HPIV < 31)
ivs1 = String.valueOf(HPIV + " §2" + shortenedHP + " §f|§a ");
ivs1 = String.valueOf("§l" + HPIV + " §2" + shortenedHP + " §r§f|§a ");
if (attackIV < 31)
ivs2 = String.valueOf(attackIV + " §2" + shortenedAttack + " §f|§a ");
ivs2 = String.valueOf("§l" + attackIV + " §2" + shortenedAttack + " §r§f|§a ");
if (defenseIV < 31)
ivs3 = String.valueOf(defenseIV + " §2" + shortenedDefense + " §f|§a ");
ivs3 = String.valueOf("§l" + defenseIV + " §2" + shortenedDefense + " §r§f|§a ");
if (spAttIV < 31)
ivs4 = String.valueOf(spAttIV + " §2" + shortenedSpecialAttack + " §f|§a ");
ivs4 = String.valueOf("§l" + spAttIV + " §2" + shortenedSpecialAttack + " §r§f|§a ");
if (spDefIV < 31)
ivs5 = String.valueOf(spDefIV + " §2" + shortenedSpecialDefense + " §f|§a ");
ivs5 = String.valueOf("§l" + spDefIV + " §2" + shortenedSpecialDefense + " §r§f|§a ");
if (speedIV < 31)
ivs6 = String.valueOf(speedIV + " §2" + shortenedSpeed + "");
ivs6 = String.valueOf("§l" + speedIV + " §2" + shortenedSpeed + "");
// Figure out what to print on the EV end, too.
if (HPEV > 255 || HPEV == 252)
evs1 = String.valueOf("§l" + HPEV + " §2" + shortenedHP + " §r§f|§a ");
else if (HPEV > 252 && showFixEVsHelper)
evs1 = String.valueOf("§c" + HPEV + " §4" + shortenedHP + " §f|§a ");
evs1 = String.valueOf(HPEV + " §2" + shortenedHP + " §f|§a ");
if (attackEV > 255 || attackEV == 252)
evs2 = String.valueOf("§l" + attackEV + " §2" + shortenedAttack + " §r§f|§a ");
else if (attackEV > 252 && showFixEVsHelper)
evs2 = String.valueOf("§c" + attackEV + " §4" + shortenedAttack + " §f|§a ");
evs2 = String.valueOf(attackEV + " §2" + shortenedAttack + " §f|§a ");
if (defenceEV > 255 || defenceEV == 252)
evs3 = String.valueOf("§l" + defenceEV + " §2" + shortenedDefense + " §r§f|§a ");
else if (defenceEV > 252 && showFixEVsHelper)
evs3 = String.valueOf("§c" + defenceEV + " §4" + shortenedDefense + " §f|§a ");
evs3 = String.valueOf(defenceEV + " §2" + shortenedDefense + " §f|§a ");
if (spAttEV > 255 || spAttEV == 252)
evs4 = String.valueOf("§l" + spAttEV + " §2" + shortenedSpecialAttack + " §r§f|§a ");
else if (spAttEV > 252 && showFixEVsHelper)
evs4 = String.valueOf("§c" + spAttEV + " §4" + shortenedSpecialAttack + " §f|§a ");
evs4 = String.valueOf(spAttEV + " §2" + shortenedSpecialAttack + " §f|§a ");
if (spDefEV > 255 || spDefEV == 252)
evs5 = String.valueOf("§l" + spDefEV + " §2" + shortenedSpecialDefense + " §r§f|§a ");
else if (spDefEV > 252 && showFixEVsHelper)
evs5 = String.valueOf("§c" + spDefEV + " §4" + shortenedSpecialDefense + " §f|§a ");
evs5 = String.valueOf(spDefEV + " §2" + shortenedSpecialDefense + " §f|§a ");
if (speedEV > 255 || speedEV == 252)
evs6 = String.valueOf("§l" + speedEV + " §2" + shortenedSpeed);
else if (speedEV > 252 && showFixEVsHelper)
evs6 = String.valueOf("§c" + speedEV + " §4" + shortenedSpeed);
evs6 = String.valueOf(speedEV + " §2" + shortenedSpeed);
// Format and show the target Pokémon's name.
String startString, nicknameString = "§e, also known as §6" + nbt.getString("Nickname");
if (targetAcquired)
startString = "§eStats of §6" + target.getName() + "§e's §6" + nbt.getString("Name");
startString = "§eStats of §6" + nbt.getString("Name");
if (!nbt.getString("Nickname").equals("") && nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.IS_SHINY) != 1)
src.sendMessage(Text.of(startString + nicknameString));
else if (!nbt.getString("Nickname").equals("") && nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.IS_SHINY) == 1)
src.sendMessage(Text.of(startString + nicknameString + "§f (§e§lshiny§r)"));
else if (nbt.getString("Nickname").equals("") && nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.IS_SHINY) == 1)
src.sendMessage(Text.of(startString + "§f (§e§lshiny§r)"));
// Print out IVs using previously formatted Strings.
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§bTotal IVs§f: §a" + totalIVs + "§f/§a186§f (§a" + percentIVs + "%§f)"));
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§bIVs§f: §a" + ivs1 + ivs2 + ivs3 + ivs4 + ivs5 + ivs6));
// Do the same for EVs, if enabled in the config.
if (showEVs)
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§bTotal EVs§f: §a" + totalEVs + "§f/§a510§f (§a" + percentEVs + "%§f)"));
src.sendMessage(Text.of("§bEVs§f: §a" + evs1 + evs2 + evs3 + evs4 + evs5 + evs6));
// Show extra info, which we grabbed from GetPokemonInfo.
String extraInfo1 = String.valueOf("§bGender§f: " + genderCharacter +
"§f | §bSize§f: " + growthName + "§f | ");
String extraInfo2 = String.valueOf("§bNature§f: " + natureName +
"§f (§a" + plusVal + "§f/§c" + minusVal + "§f)");
src.sendMessage(Text.of(extraInfo1 + extraInfo2));
// Check and show whether the Pokémon can be upgraded/fused further, if enabled in config.
boolean showedCapMessage = false;
boolean isDitto = nbt.getString("Name").equals("Ditto");
if (isDitto && showDittoFusionHelper && !gotFusionError || !isDitto && showUpgradeHelper && !gotUpgradeError)
EntityPlayerMP playerEntity = (EntityPlayerMP) src;
EntityPixelmon pokemon = (EntityPixelmon) PixelmonEntityList.createEntityFromNBT(nbt, playerEntity.getServerWorld());
boolean isShiny = nbt.getInteger(NbtKeys.IS_SHINY) == 1;
// Let's re-use the startString String. It's still relevant.
if (isDitto)
int fuseCount = pokemon.getEntityData().getInteger("fuseCount"), fusionCap;
if (isShiny)
startString = "§eThis §6shiny Ditto §e";
fusionCap = DittoFusion.shinyCap; // Shiny cap.
startString = "§eThis §6Ditto §e";
fusionCap = DittoFusion.regularCap; // Regular cap.
if (fuseCount != 0 && fuseCount < fusionCap)
src.sendMessage(Text.of(startString + "has been fused §6" + fuseCount + "§e/§6" + fusionCap + " §etimes."));
else if (fuseCount == 0 && fuseCount < fusionCap)
src.sendMessage(Text.of(startString + "can be fused §6" + fusionCap + "§e more times."));
src.sendMessage(Text.of(startString + "cannot be fused any further!"));
String pName = nbt.getString("Name");
int upgradeCount = pokemon.getEntityData().getInteger("upgradeCount"), upgradeCap;
boolean isLegendary = EnumPokemon.legendaries.contains(nbt.getString("Name"));
boolean isBaby = false;
if (pName.equals("Riolu") || pName.equals("Mime Jr.") || pName.equals("Happiny"))
isBaby = true;
if (isShiny && isLegendary)
startString = "§eThis §6shiny legendary §e";
upgradeCap = UpgradeIVs.legendaryAndShinyCap; // Legendary + shiny cap.
else if (isShiny)
startString = "§eThis §6shiny Pokémon §e";
upgradeCap = UpgradeIVs.shinyCap; // Shiny cap.
else if (isLegendary)
startString = "§eThis §6legendary Pokémon §e";
upgradeCap = UpgradeIVs.legendaryCap; // Legendary cap.
else if (isBaby)
startString = "§eThis §6baby Pokémon §e";
upgradeCap = UpgradeIVs.babyCap; // Baby cap.
startString = "§eThis §6Pokémon §e";
upgradeCap = UpgradeIVs.regularCap; // Regular cap.
if (upgradeCount != 0 && upgradeCount < upgradeCap)
src.sendMessage(Text.of(startString + "has been upgraded §6" + upgradeCount + "§e/§6" + upgradeCap + " §etimes."));
else if (upgradeCount == 0 && upgradeCount < upgradeCap)
src.sendMessage(Text.of(startString + "can be upgraded §6" + upgradeCap + "§e more times."));
src.sendMessage(Text.of(startString + "has been fully upgraded!"));
showedCapMessage = true;
// Show the wasted EVs helper message if, again, it's enabled in the config. Configs are awesome.
if (showFixEVsHelper && showEVs && !targetAcquired)
// Add a new line if we don't already have an upgrade/fusion message. Keep them together otherwise.
if (!showedCapMessage)
// Print a message if any IVs are wasted.
String warnEVs = "§5Warning: §dEVs above §5252 §ddo nothing. Try using §5/fixevs§d.";
if (HPEV < 256 && HPEV > 252 || attackEV < 256 && attackEV > 252)
else if (defenceEV < 256 && defenceEV > 252 || spAttEV < 256 && spAttEV > 252)
else if (spDefEV < 256 && spDefEV > 252 || speedEV < 256 && speedEV > 252)
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