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Created December 2, 2019 17:45
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// ==UserScript==
// @name lakomkaspb
// @description qwe
// @namespace lakomkaspb
// @version 1.1
// @include*
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
"use strict";
const getDataFromElemet = (el) => {
let $el = $(el);
const title = ($el.find(".prod_name").text() + $el.find(".manufacturer").text())
.replace(" ", " ")
// if (title.indexOf("Пирог Фортуна") !== -1) debugger
const priceHtml = $el
const priceRegexpResult = /([0-9\.,]+)\s?/gim.exec(priceHtml)
const price = priceRegexpResult ? priceRegexpResult[1] : 0
let [kg, l, g, ml] = [
].map(regexp => regexp.exec(title));
let weightFromTitle = [
...[kg, l].filter(_ => _).map(el => +el[1]),
...[g, ml].filter(_ => _).map(el => +el[1] / 1000)
if (priceHtml.indexOf('р./ кг.') !== -1 || priceHtml.indexOf('р./ кг/кор.') !== -1) {
weightFromTitle = [1];
const countRegexpResult = /([0-9\.,]+)\s?шт /gim.exec(title);
const count = countRegexpResult ? countRegexpResult[1] : 0
return { count, weightFromTitle, price, priceHtml }
const perkg = function (el) {
const { count, weightFromTitle, price, priceHtml } = getDataFromElemet(el)
if ((priceHtml.indexOf('кор.') !== -1 || priceHtml.indexOf('уп.') !== -1) && count > 0) {
return weightFromTitle.length ? price / (weightFromTitle[0] * count) : 0;
return weightFromTitle.length ? price / weightFromTitle[0] : 0;
const init = (async () => {
const goods = [];
const urlsToDownload = { [window.location.pathname]: false }
do {
let nextlink = Object.entries(urlsToDownload).find(([url, isDownloaded]) => isDownloaded === false)[0]
do {
urlsToDownload[nextlink] = true;
const rawHtml = await $.ajax(nextlink);
let virtualDom = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('virtualDom');
let jsdoc = $(rawHtml, virtualDom)
nextlink = jsdoc.find(".right_arrow_to a").attr("href");
jsdoc.find("#leftcol .box a").each((i, el) => {
const link = $(el).attr("href")
if (!urlsToDownload[link]) urlsToDownload[link] = false;
jsdoc.find(".list > div").each((i, el) => {
const { count, weightFromTitle, price } = getDataFromElemet(el)
const perkgValue = perkg(el);
$(el).find(".price_product").after($("<span>").html(Object.entries({ count, weightFromTitle, price, perkgValue }).map(([key, val]) => key + " " + val).join("<br/>")).css({ color: "green" }))
html: el,
price: perkgValue,
} while (nextlink !== undefined);
} while (Object.values(urlsToDownload).some(url => url === false))
goods.sort((a, b) => a.price - b.price);
goods.forEach((good) => {
! function (win) {
if (window != return
win.addEventListener("load", setTimeout.bind(null, init, 999), false);
}(typeof unsafeWindow == 'undefined' ? window : unsafeWindow);
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