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Created February 14, 2019 22:06
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MH. Menu, Sidebar, ScrollButtonTODO
$(document).ready(function() {
// Open Landingpage in new tab
const menuHH = 8,
sidebarHH = 92;
// Scroll TODO
$(document).ready(function() {
let cachePosition = 0;
function st() {
return ($(window).scrollTop()-cachePosition >= 200 && cachePosition > 0)? "q": // To Back pos
($(window).scrollTop()-cachePosition >= 200)? "t": // ToTop
(cachePosition != 0)? "d": false; // To down or hide
// $(window).scroll(onScroll);
$(window).bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', onScroll);
function onScroll() {
if(st() == "d") cachePosition = 0;
if (st()) $(".xScrollTD").fadeIn("slow");
else $(".xScrollTD").fadeOut("slow");
$(".xScrollTD").click(function() {
let gs = st();
let scrollTop = parseInt($("#xFooter").offset().top);
scrollTop = (gs == "t")? 0: cachePosition;
cachePosition = (gs && gs != "q")? $(window).scrollTop(): 0;
$("html,body").animate({ scrollTop }, "slow");
$(document).ready(function() {
// Menu
let stateMN = 0;
let autoHeightWrapper = 0,
autoHeightSticky = 0;
let cacheH = 0;
var stickyToggle = function (sticky, stickyWrapper, scrollElement) {
var stickyHeight = sticky.outerHeight();
var stickyTop = stickyWrapper.offset().top;
if (scrollElement.scrollTop() >= stickyTop) {
if(stateMN != 1 || cacheH!=stickyHeight) {
cacheH = stickyHeight;
stateMN = 1;
else return;
stickyWrapper.css('height', autoHeightSticky);
// stickyWrapper.stop().animate({ height: stickyHeight }, 100, null, ()=> { stateMN = 1; });
sticky.stop().animate({ backgroundColor: "#03479d", height: menuHH+"vh" }, 80);
else if(scrollElement.scrollTop() <= stickyTop+autoHeightSticky) {
if(stateMN != 2) {
stateMN = 2;
else return;
stickyWrapper.css('height', 'auto');
// stickyWrapper.stop().animate({ height: 0 }, 200);
sticky.css({ height: autoHeightSticky });
sticky.stop().animate({ backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", /*height: autoHeightSticky*/ }, 200);
$('[data-toggle="sticky-onscroll"]').each(function () {
var sticky = $(this);
var stickyWrapper = $('<div>').addClass('sticky-wrapper');
// autoHeightWrapper = stickyWrapper.css('height', 'auto').height();
autoHeightSticky = sticky.css('height', 'auto').height();
$(window).on('scroll.sticky-onscroll resize.sticky-onscroll', function () {
stickyToggle(sticky, stickyWrapper, $(this));
stickyToggle(sticky, stickyWrapper, $(window));
// Sidebar
let sBar = $('.sidebar-slide'),
nowPHeight = $(sBar).parent().height(),
/*autoHeight = sBar.css('height', '100vh'),*/
sbOffset = menuHH*$(window).height()/100;
let wWidth = $(window).width();
$(window).resize(()=> {
wWidth = $(window).width();
sbOffset = menuHH*$(window).height()/100;
let stateSB = 0, hideProc = false;
if (sBar && !!sBar.offset()) {
let stickyTop = sBar.offset().top /*+ 17*/;
let otherContent = $(sBar).parent().children().not('.sidebar-slide');
sBar.css({ height: ((wWidth < 1440)? "auto": sidebarHH+"vh") });
$(window).scroll(function() {
if(wWidth < 1440) return sBar.css({ height: "100vh" });
let windowTop = $(window).scrollTop();
if (stickyTop < windowTop + sbOffset) {
else {
nowPHeight = $(sBar).parent().height();
if(hideProc) {
sBar.css({ top: hideProc - $(window).scrollTop() });
function show() {
if(stateSB != 1) {
stateSB = 1;
else return;
sBar.css({ position: 'fixed', top: menuHH+"vh" });
sBar.stop().animate({ height: sidebarHH+"vh" }, 300, null, ()=> { stateSB = 1; });
function hide() {
if(stateSB != 2) {
stateSB = 2;
hideProc = sBar.offset().top;
else return;
sBar.stop().animate({ height: nowPHeight/*autoHeight*/ }, 300, ()=> {
sBar.css({ position: 'relative', top: 'initial' });
hideProc = false;
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