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Created February 20, 2024 17:21
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[JS] Sticky Scrollbar to bottom for table

Sticky Scrollbar to bottom for table

<div class="table-responsive">
    <table class="table">
        <thead class="table-primary">
                <td>Test 1</td>
                <td>Test 2</td>

// import './xtt.scroller-sticky.js';
$(() => {
function xtt_scrollerSticky(selectors = '') {
if (!selectors) return;
if (!this.styleInited) {
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = `
.xtt-scroller {
position: fixed;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
overflow-x: scroll;
display: none;
this.styleInited = true;
const $containers = document.querySelectorAll(selectors);
for (const $container of $containers) {
if ($container.getElementsByClassName('xtt-scroller').length > 0) {
const $scroller = document.createElement('div');
$scroller.className = 'xtt-scroller';
const $scrollerContent = document.createElement('div');
$ = '1px';
let needUpdate = true;
const scrollbarPositioner = () => {
const scrollTop = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop;
const wrapperTop = $container.offsetTop;
const wrapperBottom = wrapperTop + $container.offsetHeight;
const topMatch = window.innerHeight + scrollTop >= wrapperTop;
const bottomMatch = scrollTop <= wrapperBottom;
const hasHorizontalScrollbar = $container.scrollWidth > $container.clientWidth;
const hasVerticalScrollbar = $container.scrollHeight > $container.clientHeight;
if (topMatch && bottomMatch && hasHorizontalScrollbar) {
const inside =
wrapperBottom >= scrollTop &&
window.innerHeight + scrollTop <= wrapperBottom;
if (inside) {
// $ = "0px";
$ = 'block';
if (needUpdate) {
$scroller.scrollLeft = $container.scrollLeft;
needUpdate = false;
} else {
needUpdate = true;
// const offset = scrollTop + window.innerHeight - wrapperBottom;
// $ = offset + "px";
$ = 'none';
const pos = $container.getBoundingClientRect();
$ = ($container.offsetWidth - (hasVerticalScrollbar ? 17 : 0)) + "px";
$ = (pos.left /* + (pos.right - pos.width) */) + "px";
$ = ($container.scrollWidth) + "px";
} else {
$ = 'none';
// Sync scrolling
let ignoreScrollEvent = false;
let animation = null;
$scroller.addEventListener("scroll", (e) => {
if (ignoreScrollEvent) return false;
if (animation) cancelAnimationFrame(animation);
animation = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
ignoreScrollEvent = true;
$container.scrollLeft = $scroller.scrollLeft;
ignoreScrollEvent = false;
$container.addEventListener("scroll", (e) => {
if (ignoreScrollEvent) return false;
if (animation) cancelAnimationFrame(animation);
animation = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
ignoreScrollEvent = true;
$scroller.scrollLeft = $container.scrollLeft;
ignoreScrollEvent = false;
xtt_scrollerSticky.prototype.styleInited = false;
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